AiO 0 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 2007 WhnThe Canadian Champion Gold Book cornes ta your________________________________________ Whe -t- ili .,,t,,t ttttti hl the fiiit rnrp (j Enter chance tc, win $500! .4d pW u u D JU 00I Th$ 1Ie lucky winner will be sellectied from valid entries by Contest for a chance to random draw which witl take place on JuIy 24, 2007. M M . Send Entries To: Gold Book Contest 400 Wellington St. N., Unit 1 Hamilton, ON L81 5Bl FIND THE MENU CONTEST Official Entry Form For The Canadien Champion Gold Book Cootest NAME: AGI_______________________ 6 ADDRESS _______________________________ PHONE NCMBER:__________________________ CONTEST RULES & REIGULATIONS $500 Ti wdl be ira (l f winner drawn 1 Barrir, Th ,d tol a de Th Tý lIa. P. ,.cOss.ry te -0 Gold Book l aolla1t, The of art 10 the ýooddsd colsclades _oar _f corle te 400 Walingt- Steel N ard aOIaIIýý accepta, e of the Corfou Ille, ard the lac ulhýr'ohahi 0'ta", 0 P"", te i hala thorit athoed and ,,pos et th. Coollest hirgo s the ,a l' o.-ýoop, c,,, roi clair, the prim .dho ý0 da^ý , la dl.,*. 11, rien ý.eo1 ýi1-ao-o Plaisa c-atact 2 SponsoI The Contest sporsof ,I.ItOd by -col, dl « ýd, hp _ t. et Canad- ChanýpiI, Gold Book, a pübllcatlol Of ,I,,td -111 or la.11 1 0 l.o1ý1e1l.1p11r1ýhpýý.1v1fý Me,,.I.rd Mtolo Graip t Id , ,, Th, Carad- Ch..P,.,, G.1 C a a BOek dl oh, mai ci coler p es ard s wl Ohla- soif the - hl C 3 ElgblIl Th, Cart- , opO 1. ail ,,pOO,,biO f., chclalohad o-a thiee'd, wah-, le 'l la, Il ci jh. y ca'! est 0, ra', vii p,-, the hile -di holle All f ,Od anloho 1 -9 ýiIh ahy lfrdovee ai hl Il rZ Od . "Ow II alid photo iD a, waldicl. ,co 11, Il , lý, ý" f-, a, . ho eh a'iLd.11 .1 eliqibilIy ard ploo,, --alh 0 Io 1.1 Th. f aoc i tr'o, "Ill lo, si of ail lablidy ý,yIIIfil lzýb1t1IilIl -11, Pl ce, porsa, IllegIbIl elt-Il b1hie cllop Dits 'Ort- 0 .'Th th, allô a piz, af cci ,fhe,ý fa-.ahs ta, rite, te Ihý as, of h., si he, ,aile ard -cet a, Il art 1 .1 h hogaph fathcl -p,ý 'Il 1 'i a", a ýu ' 1 lot hl ,,cptcd a,,, ohbacty a-ed hi il the Ila"'da of adld,,,hg adi al "q l'perd r hs. Sphosoll 4 Conte si ThO Cortest hoqils ai ohidolghl or 7 P,,ýay Wo OhI pc,,.".l c- It A oO hoira, dl ý,ab& j crie 3 2007. ard Ords a, ,Id-19 y orps, d ga .1 d bo ch-I, te "'I' ý:"OOnertion fflth dits 200ý The ýhIoIod oltelllid w h ' 1 Or J'ily 23 eh 1, ", od 1111I Ira, eligibic il fil Iando """' ' pii ara _ III ctiolph Olo ý'th hOý technical taliufùSý thi - or J'd' ""a G-t' il 'd' ' -tw 2007 a, 9 a - The salolted ce col .1 od, pi-cy polcy 'oi la., a ' "' ý ' ' "' Z' .,t.,tad il t.lcphOOe by Ille Of clos, Io ji.p. d...ý= b" 11, ldý1.1dI ,si poil ihin 48 1 Io ce. rahoiho jý fi Idy Io .,ciel 1. ta, atolble te oe. the soie c hall contestahil OcIt lO,,Olly soswor a or, thamatic al skill testanq :i TOffiiai g Elsigl Rllswt Rn ElFINSOt Reatriou o n o ulhoneI MI Ys MnarcdU mfiEf IFon fom PaagoSC re&m g antfilln e ____ ___ ___ ___ __ L xunchal sponsor,__ ___ Iatsosr H pno M54e7-Me Sk.oarofl-&mmoc CashDonfioflsg g Contactdakfl uO0 - 905--5M464 .ooa@YU d go g piuecrbdeto rtneamCl1tMg L----------------