ilCommunity Nwpaper Since 1860DIIU Ç UP A ' s P O R T s See what's on Marauders gain the market inside some ground in T.O. - üamilnr,'anadsanchamnion.coro A Merln MediU ru ulcto o.18N.2 usaJn 920 C () M M U N 1 T Y Students explore career options 4 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPLO #SWEET VICTORY: Driver lady lamieson lets daughter Hailey give parer Tell Ail a congratulatory pat as traîner Blair Burgess (left) looks on following their bi wîn in Saturday's $1 .5-million North Amerîca Cup at Mohawk. See coverage on page Al2. Region eyes air monitor for Milton By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A regionai program that wouid addrcss air quaiity at the commu- nîîy level îook a preliminary sîep forward recently Al ite meeting lasi Tuesday, the Region's healîh and social services committee endorsed the initiative that wouid sec a stationary air monitor set up in Milton - since îhey already exîst in soutb Haiton - and a portable monitor pur- rhased ta measure air pollution in dîfferent lucations across the com- înunity. it wouid aiso include air quali- ty modeiing, which uses sophisti- caîed computer modeis ta esti- mate the concentration of differ- eut air poilutanis and examine emîssion sources separately. impact new emission sources or for better information about a new policies would have on the quality in their arca. airshed. "By siting an air monitorii "It can bc uscd as a very pow- station in Milton that monito edful tool [or cither informning the five common air pollutar decîsions or informing educa- that have been most clearly link lion," said Kim Perrotta, a senior ta negatîve buman bicalth impa( poicy analyst witb the Region. - grouid-level ozone, fine pi A report from Halton Medical ticulate malter, carbon monoxi Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nasal suiphur dioxide and niîrog noîed that residenîs in norîb oxide - ibe Region couid pi Halton who are auxiaus about the vide residents ta norîh Hait pare of developmerît in their ram- with betier information about i rnunities have expressed the need - see MONITOR on page A4 ou 1 \ReIay for Lite huge success The Milton Fair Grounds was an înspîring scene ai friendshîp, teamwork and determination overnigbt Fîiday with the third annual Milton Relay for Lîfe. About 1,300 Milionians took part in the fundraisîng event for the Canadian Cancer Society, with more than $260.000 raised so far. Co-organizer [arab Cherwoniak said the nîght was a buge success. "Lveryone secmed to bave smiies on their faces no malter how tired they were, ' she ad The C hampion served as a media sponsor [or the reiay And reporters Melanie Hennessey and Steve LeBlanc showed their spirit by joînîng a tram. LeBianc said it was a touching expe- niencc. "Wben you see the growing ranks of the survîvor lap and hear heart-flt stonies of lost loved ontes, itfs difficuit not to get emotioa and miot,- vated to keep supporting the cause." sec photo feature on page A25. N In..side gTo)day's Champion O)PINION A6 BUSINESS A7 CHAMPION couNTRYA14 ir DATELIN A16 ig CLASSIFIED A28 rs wwwmn-, its cd cts www.miltontoyotaCOm leRAUD cl ro- f 0on R E A L E S T A T F i Committee grants initial approval r WWallace bc