A34 - The Conadian Champion, Fridoy, June 15, 2007 nc,, ,,en- ff, ...fil limin Mutch L~ 2 CU. ft. RedDevl 367-1797 Biack Beauty 367-1803 Cypress Gold 367-1804 Rustlc 367-1805 KliII c"s 5 litres.$ Bc 367-4328 Roundup 5 litres.I7 EcoSense citrolite insectiddal Sop cltronelta June 15th, i6th and 17th, Mosquito Barrier jont one spraying w il keep monquutoes ticks, fleas, black ies and geese out of your yard and away from your home, 24 hours a day for oearly a month. 1 Quart 3 9 i Gallon 9995 n 4 litres. 367-3M0 382-6022 7 97 Rubber Mat For cnwn or horsen. 4x60x3/4'. 393-7016 5497 or pa«"W, &997 Vetrap Bandage 5" x050 yd. Assorfed colours. 384-101017 2 9 Supermask Il Fly Mask Denigoed for Fit, comfort and durah Ilty. Pronîdes noperior protection frm fies, gnaîn, flying insects, dont, dirt and Sirborne debrîn. No ea s - 382-610011/2/3 21 97 PMoo Style Gl Sirt 6o% cotton/40% polyester. Assorted colours and sizes. - 1ý4~ (W te~ Relaxed Fit~4 4 W (arpente shorts Relaxed fît. Garment washed for comfort. Assorted 9 colours and sIzes. 21~ .......Use indoors or outf 18" clear lobe, 6 feeding ports. Dispenses nyier and finch seed. 00111 deter bonne floches who will not feed upside dowo. Attracts gotd & porpfe floches, redpolts and pîne siskins. 278-5034 Pro Plan 97 Dog Food 40 IL bag. Assorted flavours and varieties Nyje r Bird Seed for poppies t0 mature Highly desired by dogs. fat and forotin hig 02019516l fat0 na t y ain 01h23nw56151 content. S0 lb. 3697 4497 Bronco insecticide Chuck-it Pleasant citronelta S- ait Launcher scent. tepels and kilts ,,-Hands free pick-np. stable, borse, face, deer, -No slobber. Uses pInse n mns Ries, n d ten sie bouse anm o r ies, n tandani ze b ail goats. Also kilts fleas -Aiïk Assorted and ticks on dogs. cotors. -6 ml 271-5530 e Pro Pet Super Premlum Dog Food 37.5 lbs. Aduit 276-1 500 Lamb Meal and Rice 276-1510 37971 S-2X 745-9616