The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 12, 2007 - 29 ~Cmpter ~Cmpuer Sales Heip Saes Hetp ote Return 1 HIk Useboaut... naaPscsin aa Pmocessmng E & Agents gen/ts __________u-an sbot îîii0U DOi si/e; .AiY * commute? IT Recruiters needed. Mi/ton Office www.mbsecure.C 905-964-8585 M OfH elp OfiHelp New Home Sales off ice in Mil/on os iooking for reliabie en/ry level part- time/fuil-/ime hooteooladminiOtrative pooi/ion. Must have computer ond e-mail okillo, w/ill train. Please fax resumnes to: 905-876-4552 REAL ESTATE LAW CLERK required for Milton Law Office. Excellent salary and benefits. Fax resumne ta Sharon: 905-639-0459 or E-mail: Joanne Fabrics /nc., a /eading who/esa/e di s/ribe/or of decaratie /abric, requirea IMMEO/ATELY a FuIly Bilingual (French/English) Customer Service Representative Reoponorblities include: Answer inbound cuotomner colis - providing the higheo/ quaîi/y cootomer service by dealing ai/h opprooîma/ely 100 cus/omner inqutries dai/y *En/ering cuoromor ordero - Via ion, phone, ornait, aeb orders *Proceos con/orner re/urnS -anrk cioseiy ai/h the con/orner/to enisure the cas/omers needo are be- ng me/ ahi/e uphoiding compony policies *Speoi proîec/o - as reqaeo/ed by manager Saccesofai candidate ai/I be highiy mo/iva/ed, en- erge/îc and have pieasan/ lelephone mannerismo. Preninas ca/i cen/re saoing snd AS400 eaperience an ssse/. Aso, candidate mos/ be familiar wfth Microsoft Office software. Qoaiified candidates shnaid forwsrd resames /0 or Fax 905.491.3902 Visi/ sur aebsîte: ww.joannefabrics.conm -Cu-stomer Care & Telernarketing OPEN HOUSE 2590 Bristol Circle, #1, Oakville June 13 and 14 between 7:30 arn-10OOam or 5:00 pmn-7:OOpmn. We are seeking peroons aho ai/i serve as a Full T/me costumer care Represen/atîves and Part L T/me Teiemarke/ers. The ideal candidates ai/i pro- vide en/raurdînary service, buid rela//ontshîpa and manage customer accounis. Negotîstion iand a/es ski//s. Fsmiiiarity ai/h CRM software aind mS Excel. competi/ive aage package. En/ny level po- ad/aon widh opportaniOy for advancement. IF you cannot a/tend the OPEN HOUSE, piease email your resumne /0: or Fax 905-829-9519 Calling Collection Superstars!!!! Just a numben? No/t aiA.R.c. We uffer resu/Is- oriented TEAM pisyems an spportunity for groath m//h an enpsnding credit & collection tirm. You ai/i be reoponaibie for negstiating paymento and meeting recovery objectives. F/T positions for en/ny leset & esperienced. Great earnîng ps/en/tai: base ssisny + incentives. Prsteooîonaism. De/ermination. Socceso. Ifs no//jus/ a job, yoo're rot aust a number. I/s a career ai A.R. Cali Fatima 888-248-9615, ext 3000 Award wînnîng custom home buder and reno- vs/or, ioo/iing for ma/are, dynamic OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR for Oakvitie off/ce Great computer ski//s, Word, Excel and bustness office espen/ence. Respunsibiiies toc/ode ansmer- îng phone, fi/tng, matil, events planning, accoonto payab/e and generai office support. come s/in s great team that needo a great sdmînîs/rtori! App/yl ta Witiehat/ Homes ai Email: thialabta4you0ho/tnat/.cam AutoPark Superstore-Buriflgtofl RECEPTIONIST Hîghly organtzed, solid computer skilîs and detailed-orieflted. Previous dealership experiences an asmet- Piease e-mail resume ta RicharcLbennfet@autopark.oe os//s and supports o aide ronge o/ computei sys/emus and reqoîres an: INSIDE SALES PERSON o//!es in//dg: co-ordinate and enter Sales Or- dems, Manage and Proceso Purchase Orders, Co- Ordinate and Manager S/W and H/W licenses, Plus oCher reiated Ac/îvity Qualtcation5: Must he computer litera/e, Must ho tamîliar a/ the supply chois and players, Must be comfon/able in a oms/I business envîrorment Email resume: keithel As' Manager HVAC Company NOW requires HIRING Inside Sales v.,,sv .sssg Person C.5plit- nO n -ý Ml/ton area. As' Manager bigjohn3843@ Manager rho Manager Trainees y Markoeting Customer service 416-849-0026 MlRig iyDental j, CaI,8fi5 Required in the Georgefowns ses Fuil or part-time posifion for expenesnced snd reliaf/te ndividuass P/ese fao resome /0: 416-221-8850 APPLY NOWI before the dog days of summer. HEEMI Pros de non-medica - compasos/IpIf/elp- to/f/e eldely. ondependent wok flexibe, partt hous ave abe No cert/fca/uon req'd llvyNuedlfe PSWO aelcsme Cuid- a uU Home tnstead asfe Senior Cars 905-847-8948 sgt/diI/f ÉàIife Us&ff WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE AMBIT/OUS AND ENJOY WORK/NG W/TH OTHER PEOPLE. We are a growing company w/great career uppontunities we are looking for SHIFT MANAGERS Must f/e available to work day, evening and weekend shifts. Must have ows transportaion APPLY AT: LITTLE CAESARS 1500 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington, OH Fax to: (905) 319-1648 Emait: Cook Wanted Sesonal Fuli-Tîme Psiin, S/sr/ing immedîa/ely Esperience requîred. mus/ be aiiling /0 aork dayolevenîngo and aeekends. Seeking a hîghly organized, seff-mstiva/ed and fies/b/e /esm player. Please fax resume /0 905-319-5992 or emfal /0 info@crosswindagolf.Com *Fl-time Day ShIff/ Positions W M oul Salary Management P i_14ew Positions Avallebie A/t Shf/rfs - campe/i/mve mages Flexib/e houns; - Free Uni/ormo -Meat Di/aunnts Fax Heaume ta: 905493-0775 or coli: 905-93-0657 b.,een 9- 1 am & 2-4Pm to ue/up an/Interview Schedule your FREE f riendly prof essional school bus driver training now, TAIKE T0HE SUMMER OFF and start your newv school bus route in September " great steady parf/-time incarne " strong Focus on SAFETY * weekends, holidays and summers off " weII suited for retirees and the self-employed " perfect for stay-at-home moms or dads " pre-schoolers can usualîy ride along " enhanced employee discount program " respectfuî, caring and fun working environment " great selection of routes and vehicles " bonus for "B" class licence holders " unfortunately, pets must stay at home idates get a For de/a/v ca/I Gerny or Avosha IVD) Player. i-877-914-KUDS We Sots/y Carry the Nation s Future Milton GARAGE SALE Sat June 16 Barn 144 MacDonald Cres. Househa/d items, tays & mare! Mil/on GARAGE SALE Sat June 16 -8arn - Noon 222 Galbraith BIvd. Authentic Louis XV suite, office furnitare, red cedar entertainment unit, books, games, c/othing, kicls bike, pictures, household g0005 & much mars. MILTON GARAGE SALE Sait June 16 - 8amn - Noon 291 Woodlawn Cres. Bikes, computers, new go/f clubs, Thu/e canoe carrier, uprlght vacuum, new t-shirts & much much mors! caic 90587.23 1 FullPart/tme Avalable at NIGHT AUDITOR popu/ar down/own Part-time M/lton restaurant o k Positions availabte immedistely; ncluding weekend work, bene/its sre soslale s/I/esh Apply in persan ta: 161 Ch/a/ta/m Drive, aa ae Ml/ton, ON or Fax: 905-878-9701 Cl.958530 ~~~~ ~~ Fax: 905-875-3051 ca/I 905-878-e'>341___ _ __ _ __ _ 7 Ki /chen HeIpW antedt t Cooking experiencernecessory wa 905-702-1335 or 905-702-76831 C Uaf-m.e Hep Pa-flme H 1 Patie HelI P-me Help ~ e Hep