A24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 12, 2007 FA4i 1-î-ý GETVING IN THE SWING 0F THINGS: Roger Mason of The Olde Dickens pub has a lîitie fun as he sretch- es prior to teeig off as Hornby Glen Golf Course last week. He was taking pars in the Milton District H o sp i tai1 Foondation's golf tournament in support of the CT scanner found. Also at the tour- nament were var- ious local busi- ness owners and Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh. *AROUND TOWN. Clockwise from rîght: Miltons Under-1 6 girls select soccer team get into their work at a recent car wash at Miltowne Tire to raise money for their sommer trip to ltaly. Here Jessica Galrao (left) takes Kayla Garcia by surprise. Nine-year-old Samantha Ben shows some initial apprehnension before dîggîng in to compete in one of the donut-eatîng contests at Sam Sherratt's annual 'Bloomîn BBQ' fundraîser. The event also featured a dunk tank and face- paînting. Zellers assistant store manager Scott Weîr (left) presents a ceremonial cheque to the Milton Hospital Foundation ($1,300), Halton WomenIs Place ($500) and United Way of Milton ($2,000). Acceptîng are (from left) hospîtal foundation dîrector Michael Beaver, Halton Women'5 Place volunteer co-ordînator Chrîstina Mackay and United Way of Milton director of campaîgns Paulîna Robertson.