Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jun 2007, p. 11

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - All CH awards recognize outstanding conservation efforts Conservatoion Ilialtiii «il ) i-cenlyi iccoginîzcd iti gici giants - inciuding Oakville MPP Kevîn Flynn - witb Conservation Awards of Excellence. The awards ceremony on May 23 saw kudos banded out to people and organizattons wbo make outstanding contri- butions t0 conservation in the Halton watersbed -across seven categoies. Tbe Citizen category încluded tbree recipienis. Flynn was selected for bis efforts to protect signilicant environmental lands in nortb (Iakvile J uno Award-winning singer/songwrtter Sarah Harmner was also selected for bier efforts to promote the Niagara Escarpmeni as a significat natural treasure. Anoîber citizen assarci was presented to Robert C urry, autbcîr of a new bocok on tbe bîrds oîf Hamiilton and sur- rounding areas. lIn the community category, tbe Nortb Halton, Soth Peel and Hamilton naturalîsts' clubs were selected for their assis- tance and voluniteer support for tbe Halton Natural lnvenitory project - a comprebiensive database of plant and animal species in Halton. In tbe Stewardsbip category, Maggîe Linton and Marius de Bruyn were seiected for tbeir leadership on tbe Dreamacres Scbool Naturalization Committee at Sunningdaie Public Scbool in Oakvîile. Anotber stewardship award was presented to Kurt aîîd Sonja Koster of Buriington for their regular dlean-up of Waiker's Line and being conservatîon-minded cîtizens wbo promote and practise sustainabilîty. In tbe Education category the award was given t0 Cbristine Femnandez, a teacher ait St. Paul's Scbool in Burlington, for promotîng conservation awareness 10 stu- dents and staff. joan Little of Burlington was placed on tbe conservation bonour role for over 20 years of service and dedication t0 conservation as a director of Conservation Haiton and the Niagara Escarpment Commission. Tbree Milton iandowners were recognized for tbeir par- ticipation in the Hamilton/Haiton Watersbed Stewardsbîp Programn for being great stewards of tbeir lands. lnciuded in tbis group were Patricia and Tom Weinstein, Graham and Siike Flint and Brian and Michelle Skinner, al from Milton. The final awards were presented 10 six participants of tbe Stream of Dreams watersbed awareness program that com- bines community art by way of a coioudful outdoor murai of wooden fisb .cut outs wbiie leamning about tbe value of local creeks. Tbe participants included: Tom Tbomson Public Scbool, Burlington; Ecoie Elementaire Catholique Saint-Philippe, Buriington; St. Mildred's-Lightbourn Scbool, Oakviile; Gladys Speers Public Scbooi, Oakviiie; Lester B. Pearson l-igh Scbooi, Burlington; and Parks andi Recreation, City of Buriington. "Residents of tbe watersbed bave inberiied a ricb natural iegacy encompassing sucb features as tbe Niagara Escarpment, abundant wetlands, streams and many environ- mentally-sensitive areas. One of the reasons tbese areas bave been preserved and maîntained is the fart tbat many groups and individuais are doing good conservation deeds," said CH Chair Brian Penman, Ovet 110 guests and dignîtanies attended tbe awards cer- emony wbicb also included a performance by students fromt JAMtS HOGGEil / SPECIAi. TO THt CHAMPION GOING GREEN: conservation Halton held ils annual Conservation Awards of Excellence ceremony recently at ils administration cen- tre in Burlington. The awards were presented to people and organîzations that made outstanding contributions ta conservation in the Halton watershed. Back row (from left). Kurt Koster, Simon Samsworth, Paul Attack, Bob Curry, Andrew Keilman, Tom Weinstein and Graham Flint. Middle row from left): Joan Littie, Sonja Koster, Audrey Oswald, Gnette Lavoie-Cantone, Marius de Bruyn, Sarah Harmer and Patricia Weinsteîn. Front row (from Ieft): Christine Fernandez, Tania Barîle (for Kevin Flynn -Oakville MPP), Joanne Riff, Linda Scott and Silke Flint. Burhington's St. Pauls Scbool. Tbe award recipients received certificates of appreciation, copies of the coffee table book Halton: Rising, Wild and Beckontng and their namnes were placed on a plaque promi- nently displayed in the lobby of Conservation Haltons administration centre. Conservation Halton is the community-based environ- mental agency tbat protects, restores and manages the natu- rai resources in its watershed. The organrizationt bas staff that includes ecologists. land 2/le ioard-flJrector-s of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton oda/ ivite yuto attendi f4nnuaCçeneraYMýeetflhj Wednesday, June 20, 2007 -7:00 pm I;iiî 'Brothiers Dt9 Sisters of 'Ha(toil office at 464 -'Morden 'Road4 Oakvtlle, <)>N Business 10 be presented t0 voting membership': Audited tînanciai statements, Board member elections. A motion t0 amend the By-Laws of the Agency may be made 10 reriace the number of directors to fitteen [151. RE., V. P. By June 131h - 905-339-2355 or United Way E-mail: info@&bbbshaliol.Ca d M-WA-,4my 'BBBSH~,lrei ale d,,ro, and I,: mroh Boemih, 119 1,: ScoirS Men,s Ct.h tOs co,uilme riii,,ineer ý.h. havr viieemrd i n exes Ol 0hou- h ,nir',nl erAp 1, 2006 t. M., il ? 007) and~~~~~n h.ae.gte eafg ,i0 use piners, engineers, foresters and educators along witb a network of volunteers wbo are guided by a board of directors compnised of municipal ly-el ec ted and appoînted citizens. Conservation Halton is recognized for its stewardsbîp, of creeks, forests and Niagara Escarpment lands througb sci- ence based programs and services. in T@day' Canadian Champion! Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E:- 905-878-6163 1~.

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