The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 8, 2007 - A33 HOT DEALS IN THE SUMMERTIME. Don't let thie good times pans yau Eny. Get ta yaur Mazda dealer for great offers on aur entire line inciuding the Mazda3 and Mazda6 Touring Editian sedans. On top of renowned Mazda performance, bath hove special features, inciuding moonroof, fog Iights, iPod® adapter and unique badging. Hurry ta your dealer for a test-drive taday. $17,795- MSRP AVALIREO 19 0/ PUCEFINANCINOl FOR 60 MOTMS AVN IR NAL NIEW 2007 MAZDA3 SEDANt 2007 MAZDA3 GX WIH AIR CONDITIONtNG $189,-ATr- 390AEP PER MONfl/48 MONTHS WITH $2,980 DOWN PAYMENT NO SECURMl DEPOSIf REASE PAYMENT INXWDES FREWiGT ANM P.D.E. 2007 MAZDA3 SPORT GS 2007 MAZDA MX-5 MIATA GX 2007 MAZDA RX-8 CT î WI1H AIR CONDITIONINO PERFC&A1ANCE PACKAGE«a1Z The Mazda3 Sport boosts a 156-horsepower engine, The most populor roadster of ailtime, thin classc comen Prom its unique freestyle doors to itn revolutionary, oward- W U "a pom wndwnan do ock fg ht ad poty standard with a slick-shifting manual transmission, .innng RENESIS rotary engine, RX-8 puts o new spin on - in - olly heln oud omcorha ane n h y 16 aloywhel, AS t 4wheel disc brakes and 50/50 high performance. Right nom, we're offering an incredible cg ù---* weight distribution for psre sports car exhilar otan. Alno Performance Package at no extra charge. The package Lu. anoilable with a new Power Retractable Hardtop (PRHT). includen cold air intake, stunning olloy spart wheels, a spoiler and front ond reor rotary crest. z Ch LEASE PROM EASE PROM LEASE PROM4wý- î -AT- : L AS__ /T- LEAS -A- < LESE -z 4 .e APR «Y APR -P4 APR PER MONTH/48 MONTHS PER MONTH/24 MONTHS PER MONTH/36 MONTHS o WITH $3630 DOWN PAYMENT WITH $4,025 DOWN PAYMENT WITH $7530 DOWN PAYMENT 0 - NO SECURrTY DEPOSfT NO SECURITY DEPOSIT NO SECURFTY DEPOSIT O0 LEASE PAYMENT INCWDES FREIGHT AND P.D.E. LEASE PAYMENT 04CWOES FREIGHTf AND P.O.E. LEASE PAYMENT INCWDES FREWiGHT ANOl P.D.E. -'r 35 $21,995-n MSRP $28,095- MSRP $41,395- MSRP Lu =» OYo < PURCHASE PtNANCtNG PURCHASE FtNANCING PURCHASE FtNANCING FO 0MNHtFOR 36 MONTHStt FOR 60 MONTHSttD - EXPERIENCE MtOTION IN MOTION AT TOUR LOCAL MAZDA DEALER.=L Te licite a dernier cur y,., visit www.nozdo.wi or coli 1-800-263-4680.