The Canadian Champon, Fniday, June 8, 2007 9 of~~~~h7 7 ~ l a l~ ~ Thanks Arile Cameer Trainin Training 1 Z .ariii 'I Ii i ~ , Et~O0 ~ ~ * g gg gARCHITET RA-L Chff9lTOSITON \LAWRENCE, John P.~er Willam Peaoefuliy ah home aller a lengthy dm655s on Monday Jane 4, 2007. Loving husbaild of Ruth, and fathor 0f John andi his mite Sandra, Edmard and is mite Chnistina and Pater and hia mite Patricia. Grantfather of Metissa, Nathaniet, Timothy, Zachary, Taby, Madalina and Kathleen. Fondiy remembereci b y his nieras, naphawx and extendeci famiiy. Friands miii be receivad aI the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Mias (905) 878-2669 as Friday tramt 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. A celabration aI John's Ida miii lake place on Saturday Jane 9, 2007 ut 11:00 ara. ut MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH, 900 Nipissing Raad. In lieu ot flomars, donationa tai the ALS Society, Gidean Bible Society or Milthon Baptixt Church mouid Sa appracialtd. Condoiences andime ut w.earlyfusetai hama.cora. Cao Thariks ffoiThofianic Danaid December 3, On behalfaof tise en l teuse acci or ali you veri Our heurts have heen suddeaed, our ives our heurts me hotd strong our pasuios h dreaina chas Adrian & Andrew witI coaci fusher' 1egacy. Front the eurtiesî stages lsebos have hud ta, reatize chus: "yoo lteboshand, yoa cun oniy feel t in A speciai thak yoo 10 oor hockey Jemonstrated ta us ruly whuî heur5 p i wooid tike ta thunh the staff and stodeai who have shured sheir generous faith and p she end of the durk cloudo tise son wi For att of my colteugues. co-morkers, fric yoa are o shining example of trot friend of tht moodmorh and hecame aur pilî uneading floral trihuses, tht visirs. phi cards, donations, meula, and the genoin yoo shrerd mith os ta greaîly Wr thank youyous love remains a e/b!u plhclp.d luî îî:,L i"Y 50th a.//tîBirhday a ioyfu) occasion. 'l'e fird, muîsic and gits U ere woirderfiut. Thauaks again Ren Rewley 1 mont ta shaak aI my fant'ty and friend mho came to bel p me cetebrase my 92th bîrîhday. A speciait hank yoo ta my immediate foami[y who planned such an enjoyabte day, wbich I wiii sever forges. Vida McCarron Cosi $1500 piece Cool $1900 HOT bst p HOT w/uit meapi Sacri Wedriesday, June 6, 2GUo ai the i..ýtipCid ter Hospice in Burlington, Lily Koster ai the ugeofci 73. Loving mite of Rudy Kouter for 50 yeuru. Beioved mother of Rundy (Coileaýn) Kouter, Stasen (Jennîfer) Kouter and Briun Kouter. Cherished Oma of Mitchaf, Cathurine and James. Famiiy and friands wiii be received ut the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Street, Milton, 905-878-2669 on Friday, Juna 81h tram 6-9 PM. A Fuserai Service miii Sa hald ut ST. DAVIO-S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 132 Main Street North, Campbaivili e on Saturday, Juna 9th at il AM. Cramation te, foi 10w. As expressions of sympathy, donations ta, the Carpantar Hospice of Burlinglon would ba appraciatad by the famiiy. Oniine condaiencas may be madeaiut »Put your trust In the Lord and he wifl makis your pathi strglght" ail construcion. $7000, Ssii llîningroom il Cherry. New. $8000. Sali 905-567-4042. Tub (Spa> Covers rice, Best quality. Ail s& colouro. Cali 1i 85-0056 Tub/ Spa- Brand niew options, includiflg 2007 modal. 5h11 in per. Cout $10900., fice $5,500. Cuit 905- 77 Tub/ Spa- Brand naw options, including r2007 modal. $81l in par. Cost $10900., Sfce $5,500. Cali 905- 1777 THER! 3 paca Itallan Sofa, laveseal and r. Naw, in plastic. t $6800. Salit $2500. .304-4873. iTHER! 3 plae Italian Sala, loesaat and ir. Naw, in plastic. 1 $6900. Salit $2500. -304-4873. DL Tabla, Profassional ras, Solid Wood, laie, Ail Accessoria s. w, 5h11i Boned, CosI 200, Sali $1.850. 905- 4-9994 OL Tabla, Prolassional ries, Solid Wood, Siala, Ali Accassorins. w, 5h11i Bosad, Cool ,200, Sal $1,950. 905- 4-9994 Wr wish ta bhatik our friends and family for helping as celebrace aur 5Och -ar Wedding Anniversary Specialt hanks t0o O tht Boston Church Ladies for a ib cl wai dose, lit mas a wonderfuldaY! wrap Jim and jetn Brown 71 le&Danme Horse Supplies LEA AVAILABLE -barn chai spata ciase ta Mohawk Co -cesi dapendant an 95 space required. Gsad- GUITAR LESSONS tamn-ouI, seasonai LE Private guitar lassons working areas, ideai for set. available tram amai racing barn, iay- cha experienced, ups etc. Far mare in- Cas prolessianai instractors. formation rail 905-854- 905 New location! 933. Rici (05>875400 - AVAILABLE - quuily po - boarding for rettrement, Ser VM*eAHomoa rst upy-upu, broadmarea, 1S Hoecr oang stock. Pienty of Ner STAIRLIFTS- Porth lifts, pasure, indivîduai or $6, elesalors, scooters, group lurn-Out. For 30h mheeichairs, hoapital more information cail beds, Bay/ Sal Cali Suver 905-854-9833 Cross 905-847-5504 _ PO riWj 'ices Sa MOT T .ub 2007 Pe- N'e I ~miurn mýIS ai upgrades, $6 Iozoal coca- non 30 S peustic, must sell cool I *$8,475. Sacrifice __________$3800. Cal 519722- ho POOL table, proies- S5 * aa-5s m~m sionai series milS eeery 35 - 'pgrade. 11 ulule. p800 mortS of accesso- ries. Brand sew in ao.h s adjfThanks Coul $5.000 muai sali h C d $1.500. 519 722-4077. li CUTM but 17, amnes Chnistensen Piano $500. needa 1966 -Match 27, 2007 lunîng. Tmo FranchSi provincial dressera milS c mnyself my chrn a nd mirror $50. aach. n itire ChiUltenseCf FrancS provincial dausk F dag4a fauimiuc, $35, 090. Cai 805- 9 ept our sincere thanks 876-1250 uster 5pm. did for us durng titis IFOR -Sla:20 acres f rdifficuit rime, standing Sap. Camp- t bailvilleaurea. 905-845-t 6650. 8" Rumnbas troal $0.89,i forever chunged yet in 10" $1.49, 12" $1.99 i chefs, inspirations and (min 100). Spackied & nue to tivn una their Bromn Troal. Pond if their youth my twn urealoru, Osaerbine uont hold love in your Fauntaino, Trua Bise, ourheut.Bucta-Pur. mmm.silvar ,ourheat."creakpondu.coîS 519- teara whu have 833-2559. open meaIý- art of a team mes. endsicash or chaque. s us lloly Rouury School A dining room, cherry- ussion an hetieving that ut mood, double pedeolal il shine agais for us. table, 8 chairs, bulfet, bulch, dovalail con- odu and acquatances struction. Nem stilli n ship. You cimhed out boxes. Cool $11000. .0e of srreugîhs. The Sacrifice $2600. 905- one catIs, kind mords, 567-9459. e cure and compassion AKigoOsnOrh appreciated. pdi emttru sel parc af us farever. New ivpasi iWranty Coul $ Pioo. Sacrifice Fi king $550. Oseen $295- 905-567-9459. SearhelLi remind us BED, Amazing bargain, that every uassi ng queen srlhopedic pîil r iMlop sel, nem in plus- fife leaves behind.. tic, marranlty $250 905- a bescîIpreent 567-4042 miii dalîver. FREE Estimalea GsI wobbiy chairs, lîred look- ing Wood finisSes? Fields Custom Wood Rafinîuhing and Farnilare Repaira. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 S inteesed ntTrades? AtEnRE i normaton Sessinon! Attent Rinforaio sesio Juna2 startlng aI ttpm To register cali the YMCA in Burlingtofl s905-681-1140 Funciad by the Govemmant of Ontanoj w 1tCrsfSale % Mazda 3 Spart e Sedas modal 2.3L oi n Black , Up- ded sport package t, LOADED! Baut nranly Mazda ottaru peurs or 160 km. ntf 28 km. Auking 0,900. Cati 905-875- 05 Leana message.e S8 VI Bug. Yellom b indard transmission h 129,000km. Vary ant PW, POL, Cruisa c.$7500. 905-878- 76. a* Ford Ecrt, ruen- rrg condition, needo ork. $500 obo. Cai 15-877-8269. T~lruk 0 Sale 006 Chavy Sîlverado 500 Crem Cab LT oaded, leather, bard sceau roser, 7,000Okm, aunver. 31,000. 416-471- 874, Gary. 004 0049e Durango. Utly loaded, black milS an inlariar. 5.7 Hami. 25,OOOkm. Company -ehicia. $23,500 050. 'al 905-877-2709. Suples Repair leies FIRESTONE Fîrahamk SVX liras (fll sel) P225 50 R16 with 16" poiiahad aluminumi Amarican raciiig rimas Off a Mustang but mii fit othar makea. $600 oba. 905-683-8757 Gade Supplies &eLaseplflt LANDSCAPE design. Concrela & Interlock (drivamaya, malikmayo, patios, reaining mails), Praparty Maintenance (maakiy grass cala & trima, sodding, pianting, gurdening); Baoamnln Leak Repaira. Free as- tîmales 647-588-3307 or tou free 1-888-993- 5286. ài z F/T andi P/T Perm 7Psitans. Min 2 years exp. Local P&D mark, :RIG1PWAYL TRUCKTRNNING Oftars MTM progranis by Cetiti insftmctsî for clas A,B,C,D,,FIZ <Air Bmit.> and G2 &G Tui:S0537323 495 Waltams Lina S. Unit 7 Budington rne zz Milton, workisg on a variety of commer- cial, institulional & residential projectu. We are looking for an Architectural Techoologist with minimum 3 years as- parience, who wishes 10 learo aIt au- pects of Architectura praclica. Ploaso sond Reaumie & Introductory portfolio ta: marina@grOOflprOPelIet-COm M*T-EOAKVILLE CLUB A Privata club, ceiabrating 100 Years is searching tor a quaiifiad Controller Succaustul candidates posseas: h S 'a *CGA, OMA or Bacitelar af Commerce wit mia 5-7 years of axparinnt -Hiçh "a cf accuricy and attention ta datait -Excellent intarparsonal , communication and or- ganizahaonal sill *Extensive iatswledge af Microsoft office prodacta Hihy develapad prsbiamt solvinfi, analytlicat, srlgctflinking and decision matdng ais. .The amtiý ta ait up and foaso ap the aWplPaa ochadatea and meat deadlinea *Strong leadershi'p siin *Ability 10 watts affectiely in a amaltI 1311 amiromntt Ploamo torw.rd your rosumoe by June 14, ba The OakvUte Club, 56 Wats Shoot, Oakvlle, ON LUJ 2Y3 or ornailtoi: tcron@oakvltcub.COmn No phono celt i plsse FoxPro Contractor required for six monhh Ptacement Saccesaful applicant will Se developinad dabuggisg existing and new. applicati- M contractors oan location. Ramneral a'time asd material' Sasis. Contract i Jusa 2007 and may Se reneanable. W* qualifieti upplicants, hoanevar only thoM an interview wifl Sa contuctati. " FoxPro Version 6.0 or greatar: minimumr " SOL Semver axpariance * Esparienca mith both ramote vieras and S through Exparîance with C#, ASPNET would Se bene5i- Pisuse send reunaieicunu itaiih a couaer monte, eyeta! huîiy rais and uuaiiliiiy lv etoad RESUME-SYSotVamMlll.METRLAND.COM Minta Dovelopmêflt Inc.. a fuiiy integraled ceai autate davaiopmient, constructionl, and management campanry, as seeking... You miii be responsibie for common area cieaniog, generai maintesnne datIms, and somne administrative datims inciudiog leasing. Ail positions require thal you have aupariar customer service skilia. Wa ottar a compelilive salary and beneftu aioog mvith a suite. Pieuse appiy in mriling 1one reaume par paruoni toi Att: Caties Wilson, e-mail: cwiIson@m>into.COm fax: (905) 848-2112 Milton, On. Based trucking company Ils Iooking for: OWNERIOPERATORS Make ie extra For are CanadaIUSA fleet special! Add a to take advantage of this opportunity pictuix to your Please contact Chris Gray: aismoisicement in 877-8878339 or 905-8784339 <jt~ .f kUNA, 2/3 pars. in- -me, m/c.d. player and nts. Nanas ased. Cool 2i 500, Sal $2750 905- 9-7775 L Ic AUMA, 2/3 persan. in- omne, m/.d. playar and $ 1h15. Neyer used. Cool 2 5500, Sali $2750. 905- 04-7775 2 UPER Sprîng Sala! Up 1 i40%/ aft many d aoar ibrîcal Cuahom upho- v lering- sofas tra $788. hairs from $249, dînîng Dom seuls from $19.95. riaida Furnitura & Fubrica i-9.905-632-9090 SUPER Spring Salel Up to 40%/ off many dacurator fabricai Customu upho- slaring- salas front $788, chairs front $249, dining -oomn sealu froru $19.95. Fields Furnilara & Fabrica 9-9.905-63289090 BEST Ca$SS Paîd- Art, Antiques, Colaecliblea, China, Crystal, Sucver, Figurines, Royal Doufton, Smaronaki, Glass, Pottery, Etc. Estate Spacialioha. Top Cash. Cali John! Tracy 905-331-2477 PUPS for suie.: Sî Tzu, MallaeeYorkia, Black Lab, Pomera- nias. Fîrol needies, cet-checkad, de- mormed, flaa-lreuîel. Ruffîns Pal Centra 905- 875-0475. DACHSMUNDS miniature, smoulh pop- pieu. Maies & femaies. Sholo, CKC. Oakeille 905-849-7136. :4;ýý