28 - The Canadian Champion, Friday June 08, 2007 patetTownhoosos _ ith Brs sil8 Bit Flas Fr R-n Fo«r Ron FI______il_ NATURE G/VERS MILTON New 3bed r - -1 Washer/dryer iociuded, parking. Avaitabte im- mediateto. 905-756- 2137. MILTON Clean 3-bed- tuom nemi, 2-1/2 barh, t700sq.ht., 5-apptî- anses. Derry/Trudea ares. $1,400/mrh + atîtities. Cati 647-273- 7432. MILTON 3-bedroomn hoase seat ochoot. t- car garage. Anaîtabie Jase. $t,400/mth + utîtîtien. 905-875-3750. COUNTRY Bungaluw, 3-hdrm + tumity tuumi, uppliiuces, $1 ,100/mth + utitities. Immediate possession, pretet su pets. 905-658-7217. HAVE a house/toom for test ut seed a hoase/rosmt to test sn Miltron? Cati Ressers Solution 418-779-4899. STILL Restisa? $1350/mth and 50k sn- coma bsys a 250k hume wîth nro mosey dows. Free report re- veais ait. 1-800-395- 6271 04201 1. MILTON detsched bright 4-bdrm, 3-bath- room, tSoOsq.fit. 6-appt., besida park, shopping mrat $1850/mith segotiahia + stitities. Cati 416-931- 8704. MILTON Esasalive home, Btack/Mcçsaig. Navet tîned sn, 4-bed- omr nemi, 2,115 agift. 99t oeitingu, hrasd namw appliascas. Availabia i mmert d ia r ei1y $1 ,575/mth. 416-839- 0383.- MILTON 4-badroum, t,itOOsq.1. Walk ru park/uchoot, minuses trom GO/401.' $1 ,e50/mth + utîtias. Avaîtabie Juiy lut. 965- 814-8647. DOWNTOWN Miltron. Executios home, ieuse/renrui. 4-bdrm, 3-bush, main tinor saus- dry, 2-car conniectes garage. Lucateit ut quiet court $3,8OOlmrh. 905-330 9714. ACTON bungalow 3 bedroumlbunguiow mit garage. Finînhed rat roum. $1 .282/monrt pion auiies Fîrstîtu st/ratete nces Cati 519-853-0336. RURAL proparrty 8-mînures norrh c Georgerown. Large 3 bedromr Century homn os 1-acre. Bscks ont park, 20-tout sons tirs place. 8 minutes t Georgetown. $1.451 month. No pets, nor smoking. Raturasse pleus Firotlatuo Ca 415-888-0721 or 51< 833-2573. CRAIG Wansl pieur cati Ron @ 905-87. 0630 and lase yu number. MILTON towohouse hsdroom, 4-appliance garage. 51.325/ml Fîrot/Lant, pion utîlîtît Aviabie immadiate Cati Duos 905-87 5444. OAKVILLE- 2,3&4 b roomn towohos: unailabie immadial through Jsiy tut. 4 5ç anses, Hopedaie b aires. Lakeshote Mass ment 905-878-3336 Energy Star ruting (low- et utiities bils), 5-appli- anses, 1-112 bath, gar- age $t,350/mth + utiiitien. Anaîtabis Au- gant l2th. Nu pets pre- terrad, no smoking. 905-876-488 MILTON Bedroom, ows iivisgroom, nhursd kitcheslbath. S7hOlmth + 1/3 hydru. tnciods parking, digital subie, hî-npeed internet. - Close tou ait amesîtîeo, Go- Fe- maie prelerred. Anaiabis Juiy tnt. 905-299-2614. Accommodation G EORG ETOW N, shareit towshoase sit River Road/Mountais- viaw Road ares, clone ru GO station, son- n m o k e r, cabilphonelgas/hydro $hOOîmonth. Anaitabie îmmedîataly. 905-702- 9953. GEORGIAN Bay cot- tage, tisas, great nmimmisg, casue, kay- aks fitapit, gras stans weeks ut weekensn 705-733-6591. 3-ODRM custage in Saube Beach os 1/2 acre, ow ratas. 905- 878-8588 lot mure sn lormatios. 1992 Salem by Cobra 22' Front Kitchen Trait- et. Front kitchen, reur bath. Steeps 4. Micro- wave/A/C/2-_way trîdge/aimost nem tires. Inciudes hîtch, sway- bar, weîght distribution burs. Cusom finish, t- uwner , nro kr Gentiy used. $7.500 ob.o Telsphuns. (4165656-2188 (Day) ( 905)878-0474 lEvast- ingo and wsekendol M L& Found LOST tsmaie cul, white rwîth biack, answerv ru Muple. Bell Si. area. h Cal 905-878-9339. LOST - Grey Cockatîei, yeiiow tacs & rsd -cheekn. Very trîendly & altectionate. Ontario & f Woodward aras. 905- 5 93-0572. 1DAYCARE avaiabie in r- a ton, sale and creatios s iearnîng ervîronmrent. IlMon ru Fni avaîiublîty. 9-Outitoor purks close by. Chidrss uged 1 ru 6, - Meais pruvîded. Ha- rhumne Village. Derry and Trudeau ares. Mil- --to Cal, Melanîn @ je Home 905-876-3920. DAYCARE avaîlahîs iv a ovins carîng home. 3-Heaithy mesis and Ssnacks, ourdoor play. h Fuii-Tirne, Part-Tirne u nd Sommer cars uy vaîtabie. Heather . 905-854-0486. i BENNAN - Steve and Liz (ueo Green) are tht/lied loannsunace the birth ai Megau Leaune, May 9th 2007 meighiug 8tbs 6oz ai Rayai Victoria Houp/tai, Barrie ON. Megan lu meicomed by proud Grssdipsrests Larry sud Susan Green, Jîm and Ariene Bressian, Great Grand- patents, George sud Myrtie Durasse sud namerous Aunts, Unsies and Cous/us. LEE - Jeff, LeeAuu (ueo Vaîîecoccia> sud big sisters Karîeigh sud AsIstyn are thrilted ta aunounce the arrivai af BRAVDEN ANDREW bots ou Taesduy, May 22, 2007 uit 6:29pm meighing 9tbs 1 4oz. Praud grasdparents are Tony sud Janet Valecoccis sud Les and Mary Elles Lee af Mitou. A specialtIhauka ta Dr. Ru- jssiuighsm sud ail the OBS staff a Mitou District Hospital for their supporf. WILSON - Drew sud Amy (nee Byrick) sud big sister Kate are praud ta an- nausce the arrivat af their son and bruth- et, Ryau Andrew William, hors Aprît 27, 2007, weîghing 7ibs 9az. Praad grand- parents are Caral & Murray Wilson, Jas & Mike O'Grudy and B/lt and Jane Byrîck. Mo....thanko l the fastastis nursing staff ait Miltas District Hospital, especiaity 1Deciuh and ta Dr. Wilkinson. Boy? or Girl? 1e1your any fred wfth Birfh Announcernent5 èt~n~ n (ITELEV, Raymond and Taule (ueo dacDouald) of Miltas are thriited ta sunousce the birth af their f/tnt ch/id Ceagan Joeeph KIteley, bots at Miltas District Hospital May 12, 2007 uit iO:22pm, meighîng itibu 7ozs 21 inches asg. Keagas is the firnt grandchiid for Kares & Bt/au Rue sud Proud Papa Stsueiy MacDonald of Mitou sud the lte Roy sud Carat Kiteiey of Hamilton. Keagsu is meicamed by firut time Aunt Fats, aso msuy Aunts, Uncies sud sou- tins. A siscera thauku sud praise ta ait of ha Doctors sud Nurses ut MDH. A spe- c/i thauks ta Dr. Charbonneau sud Dr. Rajasiugham sud ta Nurses Leaune sud Sue for aur speciat Mothers Day preseut. College and University Graduates Our special wiII run Tuesday, lune 26th, 2006 $59.00 + GST (picture mnci.) Deadline is Friday lune 22nd ut 4pm. "No more tIssu 40 mords please" Fax: 905iS87hý23ii4 ctassitiedti, mi tnaneadiauha yipoiic) LMwJ Cosse sd Cruise wids us tOisce et s if ahe Bîie Vacation Bibls School Cldren ages 5 -12 Cont: Free juIy 23 -27t1- 9:00 t t:3Oam M/itou Gospel Hall 306 Ontsrio St. Norts (oue blocsk sourb of Sucles Avel Ptease pre-regisser b>. juIy 7th Info sud registration forms at: wwwnsiltongospellsslf.om or rail Nancy. Moon at: 905-876-0831 TIMOTHY & Denise Janicki (ne Crantord) and big sleters jossica and Sydney are pteased ta announce the sale arrivait of their son and brother Mason Edrnund on May 15, 2007 at Mil- ton District Hospital weighing 7Ibs Oozs. Spatial thanka ta Dr. Cvetic, Nurse Jackie and Renatta. tu Evomn vnt omEvon GARDINER, Ethel Gladys Peacetully, on Tuesday June 5th, 2007 ut her home in Georgetown. Ethel, in her 701h year, be- toved wite of Peter Gardiner tur the paut fitty years. Loving mother oI Cynthia and Paui Ethel wilI ho sadly missed by her sîsters Mildred Hanley, Ruth Huit and her tate bruther's aile Vuterie Brown. Pre- deceaoed by her brother Chantie Brown. Fosdty remembered hy her mnnry brotheýs-in-law and sis- ters-in-la, and her nieces and nephews. Ethel wll alsu be rememhered by the hundreds oI students, parents and educators thot she touched in her 50 year career in public educatios. FuseraI Service will be hetd ut St. John's United Church, 11 Guelph Street, Georgetuwn os Suturduy June Oth, 2007 ut 2:00 pm to be tulluwed by a receptiun ut the church. In lieu ut tluwers, tl was Ethel's requeut that u dunatiun be made tu yuur childus uchout, ur tu a uchoot in your csmmusity Fuserai arrange- mentu estrusted tu the J.S. Jones & Sus Fusera Hume, Georgetows 905-877-3631. Tu sesd ex- pressions ut sympathy visit www.jsonesansoueralhme.com lqpk,,% i = onfitEvoi COin g Evot Place'a greeteng in our classifieds. Includeyour Name & NumO5 ih tWhehmesae. Message mus be 20 words or tess fot Add apicsure for an extra $201 Your message wiO appear Friday, June 955h .yqaWUI I-o,pho,o, èaw feraaà The Canadias Champion @MIIII8D ~ Phone: 905-878-2341 ta. AmVd Fas: 905-876-2384 ciassitiedOsissircanadianchalcmiu u Anntcement 3 uecemens Board? ke SkSB1 14 -16 yeEaru'> q.q Wanna BE ON TV? vwww.projectadrenalfletv.COm Peacefuy utaTriiiium Heaith Canter on Saturday, Jane 2, 2007, Asghar Bhatti went ta his heaveniy home uurtaunded by hin ioving tamity uit the age otf 68. Beloved Hnsband 0f Teresa. Loving tather of Resu sud Aras and h/s wife Daisy. Sadiy missed by his bent friand Simbu. He wiii be loukisg fotwurd ta jais- isg ioved osles, especialy Patch. Sur- vived by hia siblingo. Asmur, Afzal, Zatina, Zesabia, Azha, Zeenal and Amjad. For- ever sn the heartsof utis many triends, es- tsnded famiiy and church familles. Asghur wiii be remembered lot his faith, senne of humour, the miochievoun tw/skie in his eye, bis courage, utamiso sud his miingueso ta heip Ihose in need. Famîiy sud friendu wiii be rsceived ut the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Street, Miltron, 905-878-2669 os Sunduy, Jase 101h tram 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Fuserai Service miii be heid ut KNOX PRESBYTERîAN CHURCH, 170 Main Street Eust, Miltoan, os Manduy, Jase t lth ait 11 AM. Interment ta toiiaw ut Mitou Evergreen Cemetery. As expressiosofu sympalhy, donations la the Georgetomn Hospital Foundatios <COPO Pragram) or the Arthriliu Society moaid be apprecîuted by the lamiiy. A very speciai thusk you ta the devated staff thut pruvided camlorl and love ut CSICU ut Triliim Houpitut Mississauga. Ositue candaiences may ha made uit www.earlyfuneralhome.com. i miii tifs ap my eyes ta the mountaîns; Fram mhence shahl my heip came? My hetp cames tram the LORD.." PSALM 121 J. SCO'TFJ<KI