The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 8, 2007 - A23 A22 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, June 8, 2007 We recently celebrated World No Tobacco Day and the lst Annuversary of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act Let's ail celebrate Ontario's achievement of making workplaces and public places 100% smoke free. For information about: Quilting Smoking (wVith free indlivîdual counsefting at the Stop Smoking Clinic) or To rfport: sales Or suPPly of tobacco to persons under 19 years of age or smoking in problbited places Co t c a t n R g ow e l h D p r m n J.Sox run "hot and cold The Junior Red Sox's enlgmatic who speni lasi year witb Guelph's ie oîfence reared ils ugly head again ibis squad - picked up the victorx' ssîh pasi wcek. heve shutontirlnnngs ofni u it bal Jusi îwo days removed iroi an lic struck oui live vsitlng batiers e'ncouraging ho but aiiack ihai led along ihe way and left with his tearm to an 11 -7 ouidistatîcing ni ahead 7-C) G~eorgetocwn, Milton was pretiy Offensively, shortstop Sean inîuh silenced ai lhe plate Mathe led with ihree runs and againsi ihe unheaten power- ihree RBI, while recording two bouse Mississauga South West bits and îwn runs eacb were hwins 'luesday nîghî.e centre fielder Adam Auhie and "i heres ni) question our iiiî-ng lirst baseman Mati Sikorski. siill necds to improve il we're going to Now 3-3, Milton will look to, narrow chetpete agaînsi the big boys," said the gap on the seemingly unbeaîable manager Glenn lurner following the Twins iomorrow afternoon, when the 10-0 whiîtewash. two teams meet again at 4 p.m. at Brian ht was a much dilferent siory ai Best - immediately following the Brian Best Park Sunday afternoon, Senior Red Sox's game against the where the Red Sox built up an early Brampton Battlecats. cusbion on the way to îoppling the The juniors close out tbeir weekend neighbouring Eagles. home stand Sunday at 1 p.m. versus Rural Miltonian Ryan Waller - Stoney Creek. Drury'1s seniors boys give solid overali effort in OFSAA debut * Irom EARLY on page Al19 This wped out the Spartans' hopes for quarterfinal play "We actually dominated the first 10 minutes (against the Chargers), but after that they started to turn it around and bunied us in the second half," said Larry Jaroslawski, who took the reins while head coach Justin Tasev was away getting manried. "They just had more depth in ternis of highy skilled players, and wore us into the ground." Thank.s in large part to some strong play by Ronan, goalie Greg Brooks, midfielder Zhaki Luyombo and lOtb grade forward Kian Hermann, Drury managed to keep things much more respectable in their other two losses - a 2-0 defeat to the George Harvey Collegiate Hawks of Toronto and 1-0 shutout at the hands of Dundas' Parkside Panthers. This week marked the Spartans' first-ever trip to OFSAÀ soccer, and the Royals' third appearance in just seven Practical that fit your .H AV *>Decles, iiepiac <Roofir 4w Ceranr Bahr Ceiln --F à SMOKE FREE ONTARIO -iuw-, ýZ1