A16 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 8, 2007 Braceleats for sale at school next week Tanner to speak deIC-,gllcL It ' h) po ILc ý:IIeoý10 0ý who have a parent fighting overseas. "My dad has neyer been a soldier, but 1 know when hes away on trips 1 feel wornied he might get hurt,' said Dods. "They're (the soldiers) always in danger and so far away from their chiu- dren." The students have been setting up a vending table twice a week in the school lobby for the past while and Dods reports that sales have been going very well, with more than $600 raised so far. "They've been quite popular," she said. "Some people have bought a I he kids'teachier, 'icrena Ycrsh, saîd she's very proud of what bier students have accomplished. I think they're proud of what they've donc as weUl," she said. "its a really exciting projeci." Beads 4 Hope is being offered through the Learning Partncrship - a not-for-profit organîzation ihat brings together business, education and the communiiy The local Bank of Montreal branch- es have heen supporting the projeci, along with Loomîs Craft Store, whîch supplied some beads. cati do s0 by sioppîng by thc Hlawthorne Village 'ichool lobby Wednesday, june 13 or Thursday, lune 14 beîwecn Il and 11:45 arn. or 1:30 and 2:05 p.m. Those who boy the bracelets will also get a chance to enter a rafle for Clanadas Wondcrland pass- es. The sehool is located at 850 Bennett Blvd. Melanie Heniîcsse y cati be rcachcd ai mhcnncessey@miltoncanadiUilchwlpi- oîi.com. speaker ai ibis years anîiual mneeting of Halton F-amily Services. Tanner, olFElayne'Vanner and Associates Inc., will speak on 'The Cbanging Face of our Community' on Monday ai 7:30 p.m. at Oakville Central Lihrary, 120 Navy St. The public is invited. Tanner, who bas a Masters degree ini social work and is a board mcm- changes in the conrmnoity and the impact on boih service necds and donor cxpectaiions. She'l also touch on the fîndîngs of the Cornmunity Matters report and the concept of commu- nîîy capaciîy building. Halion l-amîly Services is a United Way agency thai bas provîdcd prolessional noi-lor-profit counselling t0 lialton residents since 1954.