The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 5. 2007 -A9 fllW 3U I 1flVU REPvxun ROAD AHEAj Next Course:/N JuIy 3,4,5,6 4 days 9:30 arn to 4:15 pn YOUNG JuIy 23,24,25,26 4 days 9:30 arn to 4:15 prn@ DRIVER 905.875.0480 uMTilt ututtuý1 uîntuu '6MUSTANG MESSENG3ER"9 Mega'n Cheema Harbi Naît Caurtney Coutombe MILTON DISTRICT H10H SCHGOL Tings have hecît prctty crut/y fhns past sveek ai MD! Sticents tvere alarme] unhen the fire uttuirm suent oh ut 9:20 oin Mtîiday. May 2Sih. Assnmîng il svas ut drill. students carrîed tint the noirmal process. Il uvasn'î utl 5 fîre trucks, 2 cîîp eues and t ant a hall hours later tilal Mi. lJttes uuiîiiuiceui there liai] bect ut lire in lte hoy s!? athruotti. Stuidenîs sucre tîily alliîuecl haek itt the schltt lot valuahies t suchli us car key t etc.) uni] svere totti tilt tut disîtirl aîîythîng as the sclîtt uvas tîtis a crime scene. Schottl tvus cancetted lot flicteist ol flite day utnde tîrtnnately uit onte suas hurt. Tîtere are lots ut allernate actîs lies to sputnk up fle heutin n .t The S.A.A. lias heen h litr]ut wutrk plaînning Spots aîîd Spirit sueek frot lutte 4îli li 7th. Gaites sucli as intrtrnural football uutd caîpture the lIuîg ticha ecî iilatinecî lot the lunch pet udt. Tue tucek utiiicl svdîîh Funî lias on lune 7itî uhictil b ol h ftii lie sîde field. Actîsîties incinde hnngee hoxing, huîîgce ruipe tni] ycîîr chance tii ]uink sîîîîeîînc ii the i]unk tankt A BBQ tutili e heu] i]uriîîg Fun Duiy svherc pritceei]s gît straîglit hack tii MD athietes. The annual Sports Banqutet suili bie heu] that esenîtng (Rtune 7th). Il yîîu tuas cii aireuîiy honght yîur ticket. yiin inîpht lie iii trotuble '?250 tickets hase already heen soi] the hest turnîtut yct'. May 2ltth suas the tutti i]uy foi senior sîuîdents lui tcccpt their oflers into univcrsily tot tutil 21(17. As the sveeks svhî/ b>, seniors aic su'îrkiîîg han] lii kccp ilîcîr mîarks np uis they tan] the test of' tlie settooti ,hcad intul titeir hast hîg-h uchîttl cxams EVERI Wîth prîîtî cîîtnng up on Jîîîî 27tl. te prtitî cîîtntîîittcc is suîîrkîîîg liard tii aite tiiîis t'ot thist ieiriurabtc cvet The atîntuai senitîr anctitnits biheî lini titi ute t ',îl svhcre stnts frtont ait grades suiii l'ave a chance tii bus tîteir luvîuîile senioris). Studenîs cati takse tutti adu attage ofi lit,.e seeniors on lune 151th hy d]resting Ilîcîn tmp. bais tîg theni îuukc ytc tînt Icîr lunch etc. Don'.i nuitss out oit youmr chance ti nîcet thaït tentior yun'?se heen cycmng ail yearî lThe Cru] Breakfast suiii lie hld on Jnne i5t Sîi verc sen ir students suili heur frotthle 3 utîminees lot s"aiedictcîrian. These 3 students svtll i]elitvr a satnple of iheir s'aiedtctorîan speech toilosu ng hy the vuîîmng prîîccss hy ail senior students. A valedictorian suit lie chosen and the other îsuo suill introduce and conclude the upeechi for Conmmenîcementimn Octoher 2007. Gond iuck 10 ail nomineeti Thaîls it lot this sueek mustangs! Rememher; don'!t forget to hny a freezie lor $1 afler sehoot in support of tIùt yeae?s prom! Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson Ea.C. DRURY 116H SCHiOGL t'verytîîe huti liciter lie graietut. We lire iakiiie uniie oul ol our înassivety htic si. edulet in tirder io gise you abriet upi]uîe (il tuhu is gîîîng i]tiuui lîcre lit Drury aiid ii thiie eiid of sitînît chaosn. We*lt gise yutu a lieai]s uittin (lie grai]stuationiuts tii sel (rai] poil sitete receîiitly ltaiiiet oti andu esc t tile s ut tain g n th liei lireulth tî gel tlie reuits on utho \%( it ttth cre,îtie tegttte, lis "Besi BUnt'. "Moti Likeis lto lake 01er the WVirti"_ anda "i'ucîyîtîie t tcket Bay Uudi]î" We havse aîltt liantedi] tîtîtr grai] prîtiîu ti got altniiist our grauting plitltgriplit us ilt licatilitîes sucli as 'Ctet teature". "Mot Eiiiliurruîtsiug Motent". ai]" Mot Nieiitrîle MîtitenaiUoAthler tieut piece if paperut îrk oit i n lie crttuuu tappens lto lie tle nomiation itfl rtrits iîrîtur 100i7 \'.ledito uriais. People lire teliii cihool iîtîteiti sports an] tttiiiilittett Hitteerý ail tue ic li it o t ito\ itueli te upecthi s etiitg ii îitkŽ us pee ni i r etîttis So it liettet lie gitti ladiet andi] geilit Tisu it ji tia ie teii papet. ilt a ie tittit, andi t reupiltsi liitii. uit don'i take il llitii Bectus e' aeil tI etîîeîîiet il you sinliet. uit gît re trii tlie fa.e titir cr lalialia We looîk i itran lto sinte iiighly speeclies guys. Aller tue 'te gitie. thie grîdets itite np li tlie sucitl taiiet, thîtugli ai ithe rungs are irientis. and eînuîltv respeeletti We liai] otîi liraniiiieu ani] tliuiigts ttiit grai]e 9's tise t ttou tîrtîgît otitiituis nerwsiti and i]tiers. tir tîueteunlîideii Vil iE lire î.uîtiient illtit ttey'ttll t f ilî eîr place amnti ut. Thle\ u e eut artuiti li repteseiiiaies itiilietei Itîuse (tîhîtk HîLrru Potli . and tuere etullet cliance ti gel a tee (itf the tuas tîttîte uie itn here lit FC i ue lotok itîrutar tri a nî ieu gratte ltuit o letieru ant ii n îîîîîîetnîtt Noit teatt, lie gondti. Oli an eîîîîrety iîlereîîl sel juts au pcciaI tile. utrtseiotr luý (,ec catît (lite ttiîiitnsî,i ire itaeid titi lto iilSA' t iteit etani] di-cin tutu e tinitis cite i[rue toiiatke ut prîtu] on ilie fiel]dt. ogît otin uticeettsource jictui it cnrteiiiy lilt îmeetinîg titr lthe OH' SA trip tione. att tue kîîîîuu t tr sure s fill il's a teiigtiy tripi. îni]a t grunîg iunrinii ltay iti]. an] itia> le utc' Il lt yîtn corne liek. Ourfnt l unlirig nevn cu tlli at ýhle. liappent It lie flic tînt li\auttdi Lierîry Cîîflee Hîtute Whelire are lît artsy. ani] farlsy corne (ui li strn îlir sinîl. uýthler il lie singing. i]ancinlg, ptaying titI an instrumnent tue assunit. tir reaing sortie ni lie woîrk lurthIle crtîtti It is sure i lie ail eucitiig eseni fli tinspîrîng ani] crealîne sîni]enit uuîttîîg io sho lith le uscîrltihle cullee liuse) t iu ley'te gui. Su tue may ur may nol see yuu nei uteeli tiepeni]ing tit ur nttiii] reully. ani] tlie liet tif tnek lu ihtîse in cumpetinuon ut perfurmance. Be snrung grai]s. lien tîluse muscles (the linacl i tfili auyt. Only a cotuple of weeks lefI. 6 BEROALREPORT"p Erin Hetheringlon Lindsay Johosion Julia Riddeil DISHOP REDINO HIGH SCHOGL Welcome lu the finai stretch. BR! lune is here. and whîie everyone is busy ssith last- minute assigniments and exain prep, ur graduates have a siesu of' events coming up that canit be torgolten! Your Inside Sources are here to lay it ail ont tor you and keep ail the grads on tack. lirst offt. this past Eriday the graduation dinnet dance uvas hosteci hy Le Domie in Oakville. Everyone showed Up looking great lu dance the night asvay. Thanks lu ail the teacher chaperones suhu made the night sale and t'ini. Prom uvas a great sendoff for our seniors. who got t0 ceichrate their achievemnents ni style. This Thursday, lune 7th, BR xviii bc hosting thc graduation rmass in the gym. This speciai mass is a way lu svîsh our seniors iuck in their tutures and strcngth in their taith as they make their svay in the svorld. Graduates take a trip dosun memory lane on Thursday, lune 28th. as they attend the grad bruncl. svhere the slide show ut aIl the seniors' memuories wiii he presented. This spectal event is nul lu he mîssed, as the schooi award suinners suili he announced. Immneditely after the hrunch, there su iii he a rehearsai for the graduation ceremony. Grads shîîuld he asvarc that attendance ai this rehearsal is MANDATORY. Ai the concluîsiotn tif' the rehearsai. the composite photo ut' the graduating class svîll he availahle for pick-up. Novs for the main event BR! At 7:00(pin on Thursday. lune 28th. the Bishuîp Redîng graduation ceremitiy will take place. Students must he dressed is seliti-fiuînal attire in order lu receive the cap and gosun necessary lu participate. On this nighl. graduates sviil receîve their dipiomnas and award winners wiil he recognized. Refreshmients uvitl he served aller the ceremuony. su students may celebrate this momenus occasion with tamiiy and friends. Nosv's the limne îo huckle down, Bishop Reding. There's still a lot of work lu do hefore exams corne, su keep on track of everythîng, but don't forget lu celebrate this important lime in the life of ur senior students. Take BR, and have fun!