Business park plans in works The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 5, 2007 - A3 WALLAC PONIA 1 souiheasi side ofi Milton. At lis meceting last week, iown counicil directed staff to immrediately initiale a Secondary Plan process t0 accommodate indusirial dlevel- opment on the lands souih of Hwy 40 1, between James Snow Parkway and Sixth Line. The move cornes in response to the fact that serviced empioy- ment land in Milton wili he huîlt out in five to six x'ears if il con- tinues io be used up ai the cur- reni rapid rate. phase of indusirial develop- ment," said Mayor Gord Krantz. "As resîdenîlal growth contin- ues in Milton, it is very imnpor- tant ihat ail measures arc in place for industrial deveiopmeni îo grow at a steady rate. This is the key to halanced growth in a community. The new area, whîch covers approximaiely 1,930 acres, has always been îclenîified as busi- ness park phase îwo lands in the Officiai Plan. "OfficiaI plans provide an ty maniage resîdential and indus- trial growîh in a communîty," explained Direcior of Planning and Development Mei lovio. "Secondary plans provide a more detailed giimpse of whaî the neighbourhood form and structure could be in fîve or 10 years." The Secondary Plan is expecîed îo he complete in early 2009, wiih developmeni foliow- ing subjeci îo the availability of water and wastewater services. Rural speed limits won't be lowered While some local residenis the posted speed lîmîts, a staff on Second LUne Nassagaweya wouid like to sc speed liniis report explained ihat reducing heîween No. 10 and No. 15 iowered in rural Miltôn, town îhem bas liuile overail effeci on sideroads wbere the speed limii counicil bas decided thais not drivers' operaiing speeds. was reduced from 80 kmr/h îo 70 going to happen anytime soon. The report also said ihat hy k The decîsion was made hy posting a limiî too low, ii wîll nmh counicil lasi week foilowing an resuit in a sîgnificant number of gosn10drcsmia extensive staff revîew of the drivers operaiing iilegally, place studies on Second Line issue spawned by a request from unnecessary hurdens on police Nassagaweva north of No. 15 the Nassagaweya Communiiy and lead to a lack of credibiliiy Sîderoad, Twiss Road norîh of Consultation Commîîîee to in posted speed lîmits. (ampbellviiie Road and Reid reduce speed limits i the rural Inadîo o îin h i deroad îo deienrnine how fast area. rural speed limîîs wîill reinain While the sîudy did find that unchanged, the motion passed the majoniy of vehîcles are trav- înany people are iras dling hy counici also cails for coin- eling and wheîher or noi ihey"re hetween 10 and 20 km/h over pleting updaîed speed sîudîes îust cuîîîng îhrough the area. À