The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 1, 2007 - ci SAVIS lobbies government to tackle abuse of women SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION The Province of Onitario iieeds tir Step it Up! to end vio- lence against women. [hei Sexuai Assauli & Violence Inteeention Services of lialton (SAVIS) clelivered thai message to Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn recently calling for better, laster governmen action onl a nunuber of fronts. Flynn was front row centre ai a May 3 press conlerence a SAVIS' i lopedale Mail office wbere SAVIS - backed by near ly a dozen other local organizations, and not just wornens groups - sat across the table frorn Flynn and tbe audienc to oniline a 10-point lîsi on bosv to do it. The 10 points include: * understanding that violence against women is an equal- ity rigbts issue. *reeognizing tbat maie power is upheld by rape and sex- J 7 ual harassment. " sîopping racisn'ioppression; make Ontario accessible.4 " ending poverty now. " creating and maintaîn bousing, non-profit ebîldeare, training now. - providing fair access to justice for women. - holding violent men accounitable for ibeir actions. î * stopping tbe crnmnalization and psycbiatrizaiion o>fp women. 7.îj1~ " demanding secure lunding for womens organîzations. *. " lisîcîsîng tir surs ivors and womcn's advocaîes, ibex arecO< tbe experts. Sîep hi Up! kîcked off May as Sexual Awareness Montb. 1i didn'î feel lîke i was being pickcd on," saîd Flynn, wbo expressed dis.ippointmicnit othier i lailton goverrnent officiais ' were not prescrnt. - 1bis message is [r Big C governiment of ail lcvcls wbo base ignoreci ibis issue.' SAVIS attd mnany of the associatcd groups ai the cooler ence rccogntzed Flynn as a supporter for thecir cause. oIEEK WOOi LAM ISPICIAL TO THE CHAMPION Thbe press confcrence was preceded by a breakfast sup- CHEQUE ff OUT. Lorraine Waugh of WHAM presents a cheque to Jaquelîne Benn-John of SAVIS and Ruth Sheridan of Canadians *see SOCIALIZATION on page C9 in Support of Afghan Women (C SAW). WHAM raised $20,000 of wvhich $1 0,000 was each donated to SAVIS and C SAWý Water Heaters 1High-Efficieney Fuesaces !Air Condîtioners Comnfort Protection Plans 1Heating and Couling Consultation LAir Quaiity F,îratiig 1Home Secur;ty Systi.'s Vou've known us as Union Energy. Noue we've changed oue name to Reliance Home Comfort' in order to gîve you a clearer sense of who sve are, whatwe do, and what we can do for you. We're st the samne great companry you've counîed on for years. And uee've sill got ail the right ,ýrducts, people snd services. Nove, we've got a name that's jusi right ton. VWus ai reiancelomrecomrfortcam or cati 1-866-Reliance (1-166-135-42>2. (Re1 iaf"l ce home comfort' A division of' Union Energy ;,, a' .1 *Prla - " -rr .ýj er,- red a'n" f, Her' aS','.', , 1 'l'" al"' eOI ur"rr M n Y 'ira'r"rT l 1S5OO a[ w,i 120 C." rlic 3*,lF1,-r" SSr 30Tî'HE'..I r , 31. 00? ;!'