Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jun 2007, p. 4

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A4 -tfiè Cérnadin Cfia'ript6h', Frîday, -Jiihe'1 ýOO +aiv eC4o Council turns down bid for pesticide bylaw CANADIAN CHAMPION STAF F Tbe tbird lime wasnit a cbarm for Ward 4 Councîllor Wendy Scfîau Monda>' nigbt as counicif tînce again voted down ber motioîn to bave staff bring forward a byfaw ibat woufd resîriet tfhe cosm-elie use of pesticides. lias uliiiuatc> cîcîcie to ialiiaii i lic siatus quo for Miflton wben il comnes 10 residents' abîliîy to spray pesticidfes for beautification purposes. Bel ore mlaking the decisiuîn îboogb, couniciffors fîrsi beard Iromi severaf focal resideiîis wbcî siroiigfy suort sucb a bylaw and one citizeni wbo was- \I\!EE'z JD SAVEDULte , ' ea eas- = for Mil ton gcîî the biail rcîlîîîg by asking tbe audience members if ilcy're in lavour tif banîîîng tbe ccîsiic use t pesticides, wîîb exemptions. The iîîajoriiy raîsed tiîcîr lîands. fie orged counicil 10 pass ibe sug- gesîcd bylaw and îndîcated tbe estiimai- cd $94,000 il woufd eotîs in 2008 to imipleieni tfhe hlîyaw wiiufd lie iioiey Wefl spelîl fTbis sems fiLe a sniaff aiîiounit t pay bo proîci our ciimzc's anîd tbe envi- ronmenî," bc remnarked. Localf iesidleîîs Marii Sith, C arol (-usialson andc Amy flulnici, a docîcîr frîî Mîssîssauga and Giffiaiî farte of tbe newly-Iormned M îfîoîîgreen joîned Steeves' catI foîr the pesticide rotes. And for the I irs uime, the pesticide debate brougbî otau a youtb wbcî aise, urged counicif to do sîîmeîbîng. Micbael Hajekerou, a f 2-ycar-ofd tlocal resideni, sbared an experience be bad wîîb pesticidecs whlîe living i Mîssîssacîga. [le said,be anîd is fniends were pfay- îng near a fiefd wbere pesticides lîad been sprayecf. and thie fol lowiiîg after- noon îbey aIl gui sîck. f vaiii you lu pas-. ilis b> Ito so no olie cIsc lias to scîffer," lie said. Bol local resîdeni Pbilip Vafker, wbho saif bies s\ orked wiifî pesiidces <ivel tbe pasi 35 vears, coiîîendcd thtc byfa\v s 1151 thie tii edge of tbe wedge. "Gel ready for pre-Mennonile file, because ibais wfîat we're airming for." be said. lie quesiioned ibe eiîforceabiliiv of ibe bylaw and tbe cstimaied cosîs oui- i l sii i , 10 ýd 1IC IIII Ii ihtu tht q tics like loroniiî which bucfgecd $450.000 lori us pesticide hylaw whcn il vwas implemncnied in 2004. Town (I crk Troy McHarg îold himi hc stands hy the lacis hc prescnicdi ni the report. A fengthy debate amnongsi counicil members ensued, wîîh Scbau sîarting tbîngs off wiih her motion diretiing staff to prescrit a býan-wîîb ecmpiions style cosmitic pesticide hylaw io colin- cil for 'approval at a futurc mcciing. Thc motion ss'ciî on 10 cafl f'or addiressiiîg thec fi>laws rcfatcd staffing impacts in the 2008 buman resources plan and tbe public education/social mairketing impacts in next y'ear's hudg- ei package. Schau has presenîed simîlar motions ai two previous meetings, but neither was supptirted. The Waid 4 councif for ptîînted oui ibai white new ihings are heing fearnied about pesticides, noihing seemns îo ndi- coaie ibiai pesticides are safer iban peo- ple îhink they are. "if vou believe ibat cosmeîîc pesti- cicde use bias a ilegalive Impact un the people of Milton, especîafly the chîl- dren, ihen f orge sou to vote ui favour (of h il olion I " sfic said. Bui once again, Schaus plead f.iiledl io sway tbe majoi li of bier colleagues on couioil. f bionestIv beliex c il sboulcf bc a p)rovincial bylaw,' saîd \\ard 2 cournciflor Mike Bougbîton. Wards 1 and 3 Cooncîf for Barry I ee saîd bc agrees wiîb Bougbîon, but lok bis notion one step furîber. *see COUINCILLORS on page Al13 FU RN ITURE GA LLE RI ES a i" 31211 Miee e Mooday - FddarF 10 amrn 9 Pm, Satwday-9:30tam - 6Pm, SImda 11 m - 5Pm e MMSiiUN5RTi r -[7:T.T7 OAuîVILLEiMISSISSAUGA i RAMPTO MMa owDwNE Cme, m40t~Rny by Hiiei) 5 56 9-0 04 6 -y HID e www.lazboytoronto.corn e..f* ofte To nO e o Volunteer Opportunities . Committee/Board Vacancies The Town of Milton invites you to, help make decisions and provîde input by volunteering for the following committee. Appointments to this commiftee will run concurrent with the terni of Milton Council. Oualified applicant(s) must be a resident of Milton, or an owner or tenant of land in the municipality, or the spouse of such an owner or tenant, or employee(s) of a business locafed in the municipality or student(s) attending a school Iocated in the Town of Milton and must be a minimum of eighteen years of age on the date ot appointment. MILTON TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Trails Advisory Commitfee advises on the design, development and promotion of trails in the Town of Milton, usîng the Traîls Master Plan as ifs guiding document. Members Needed. 2 citizens Contact: Karen Kettie, Commitfee Secretary 905-878-7252 ext. 2187 or karen.kettle @ mîlton.ca Application forma are avaîlable on our website www.milton.ca or from the Off ice of the Town Clerk, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, ON, L9T 5H2 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Compfeted application fora must be received at the Office oif the Town Clerk no fafer than June l5fh, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. Only quaI ified applicants will be contacfed. Troy McHarg, Town Çlerk Doorbuster speciaisil Saturciay 111 N(,)ori ir,

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