Milton's Community Newvspaper Since 1860 Weekend Editîon ~PPLE 71MAIN ST. #1 & 2, MILTON__ 876 4 785- N E WS Day cornes down on Halton His S POR T S Bettors Delight hall of fame bound A& E New concert band set to take stage es kfLiuosh al a www.Iarefwrspem 4s- 52551r re .A Merln Mei G u pulcto o. 14 No 24 F*dy Jn 1, 68 Pae e. ,0(nlGS' Residents irate about fairgrounds tree-cutting By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Resîdents living around the Milton Fair G'rounds were sbocked, dsae and, in sonte cases, irate \Sednesdav as tbey waicbed two cîcîsters of trees on tbe laîrgrounds properiv beîng cut down tIR inake xav l'or a ternPirarv parking lot. Tbe move carne abocut as a resuli of ant agreernent recenitix made beisseen the Halton Agiccturai Society, oAr the fair boarcd, ancl tIse iAwIR iA create a gras cI lot as a parking atrca on the nsArth end of the propertv l'or construction staff wbo wîli bc wRrking Eon tbe Towni HllI expansion projeci. "Wbat's, happening is very upset- tîng," said Sarah Street resident Kelly Abi ans, whsRse propcry back, onRA the fairgrounds. "Its pnistîne greeni spacc i an amazing part of RAId Mtltcn. Cutting tbe trees down secins contradictAry te, wbiat tbe commuîîîîî stands fEAr. Residents sign petition White the resîclcnts clitvered a îp'tt Aon As îîh tARre tIait 40 naines ancd appealed tAs iSANn cRuncil, MEnday Qwî nigbt to consicler aiternate parking i locations withitt the fatrgrounds cor sEoinewShere cisc aitsAgetheri, no mnotions were macle tEs speciiA.ailV do tbat, lnstead, coeuncîi passed a resEAlutiAn calling for staff iRA reposrt back osn the issues raîsed bs' the residenîs and one RAI tbe csRuncti inmbeis, Thc repoArtis1 aisR to include any cEAtoments sentior mani- ageîncnt înay basvc ancd tue timing RAI the cRonstuction oRf undcergrouncd patrk- ing ai the Tossîs i lall ssliich csRctic poR5 sîbly accomsmodcait, soAt5c oft the con- struction '5 crkeirs. Tbe motion ilt residenî-s with the impressin tbat the isscue wtuld be re- evalcîaied, nsaking îlsem cspeciaiiy sur- prised to bear chainsaws on Wednesdlay momning, wsth twAA smali clusiers of trees - between 30 and 40 feet tal - coming down. GRAHAM RAINE ICANADIAN CHAMPION "Its more frustraîîng than anyîbing Town contract workers trîrotirees flCdP the ones ihey eut down ai the Milton Fair Grounds Wednesday, much to because we tried to go tbrough the the dismay of matri ýocal resîdents who were trytng to save them. political sysiemi ansI t didn't WRrk," said Abrams. The original plan was to remove about five clusters of trees. The Town then looked at rnaking a smaller park- ing area thai wouldn't affect them. [own Director of Engineering Services Faul Cripps told tbe Chlampion that the municipality did meet witb reprecntatives from the fair board Iluesdla) t discuss the issue. Vve negotiated witb them and ended up taking out about 40 per cent of the trces, said ( nrpps. itlion Agniulturai Society presi- dent Lautte Palmer said the board agrecd to orily take about haîf of the trees dlown iii an effort to co-operate on the mnatter and for community relation purposes. The residents also took issue with the taut tbiey weren't notifieci or con- suitec i Kth helore decisions were made. -\Vc minantain that ibis is a special clrcunistance which warrants careful public consideranion," said Sarah Street resideni i3rian Williams al Monday nigbt's council ineeting. - see PROCESS on page A3 Inside Today's Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A26 DATELINE B12 REAL ESTATE CIO Inserts: FULL DISTRIBUTION AI -OSBR I . A ERS -PAOOD AASICS - lAMF HAWARE *AARARS - SOAA'A SIDNEY CREAS RORNIALAS OYSK PARTIAL 1STiRIBTION SARS -CANADIAN TIRA -A NOFILLS - FRRANAS * PALAND PARK - HOME OUAIAAATTRS - RILS CHOPPER THAE BRICK.- WALMARA PHARMACY - DEA AILS & CARPEr *RCSS ' RIDGEWAY HOME AUISINGSS- KI A- AS CARGO SOAPPERS ARUO MARA - THE SOUIRCE AS cIRCIf CIAO IMPIERiAL CARPEA SERAS - AOS R USO- SI AORA SHAR RABSA RAS - MICHPALO DKG Làmnn ___ J~ L' IN STOCK *Drosses *Jackets *Pants *Skirts *Tops JO'LEEN'FS I MILTON MAIL 905-87-gu44I GYLITZ 0 CASUAL .4 CLASSIC