The Canadian Chamnpion, Tuesday, May 29, 2007 -A5 Krane honoured for mentoring, community service diHiVH,î CANADIAN CHAMPION EDITOR Lianne Krane dadn't have tan say a word as she approached tine stage as Ail-IlNA North Haltons 2007 recipi- cnt Thuruday night. Her teary eyes said it ail. The well-tiked Milton resident and businesswoman was ohviouuty over- whelmed by the honour announiced during a gala evening at Granite Ridge Golf Club. But in the cloquent styte for whicla she as known. Krane delivered a confi- dent and classy acceptance speech, birut congratulating bier four co-nonianees, Martha Gleeson and Carol McDonald of Milton, and Jane Daamanta and Carolinie Harris of Haînoîn llîs. She saîd uhe was -proud to bc among thcm." She went on to speak ofliher tove coan Milton and bier desîre to bc invoîx cd ni communaty tle. 1 just thînk Milton as a great towan 1 truly arn honoured anal 1 apprecaatc' the kind words. l'm goang t0 keep going., Owner and operator of several Subway stores in Milton, Krane was chosen as the besa fit for the ATHENA Leadership Model by the award pro- gramus Selection Commitic. T1w model centres around a philosophy 1lcaatcrstaip tioan the hicaal and hecart. A big lotus of the award is in e n t o r i il g women. Krane was nioted for mcntoring bier many young e mp y eces, bringing out their best abili- tics and encour- agnng tlain tan rech their potential. Also through bier restauarants, Kranc donates food to causes including vani ous dlean-up days Runi. She is said tan ha fannîlv and was pre Sherratt Pareînt Cou But perbapu lier munity contributin Milton junior Chai of whîcln uhe wau pr 2001. "The Jaycees han good training, or bc even bc standing uî Martha Gleeson usho ns also knosvo loi- tins work wîaln the Miltoîn layaces and raumerous othcr volunteer organizations. "My lauuband is my guiding tîght and my strength. We try 10 make Milton a better place," she said. in wrapping up. she gave sorte words of advice. -Whatever you want to do, jut go for it. Thais the way I've alwayu lîvcd live." ATHENA North H-alton Commitcee member Anne Eadae, who announced the recipient, called Krane "one of the quict ones" ia aescribing Kraîneu prel- ercncc to work behanal the scenes - instead of li the limelaght. Kraine is the third recîpiena of the Al-HENA N orthn lalton award. The gala ecnîng was supported by Carol McDonald numerous sponsors ancludîng the and tne Terry Fox (anadian Chamioan, Milton Toyota, TV Cangeco andl Homc Hardware. lance buasiness anad Aind the evcnt served as a lundraîser csident of the Sana lnr Girls Ina., whîch nravîdes girls ageal neil for a year. 5 tan 18 vears oaac Ianonc nnentoning and mout notable con- granup prangramming aîmed at înspirîng n bas been with the thcnn tan be sranng, smart and bold. nber (the Jaycees).' Kaîiat Micli caon bc îeaaced ait nriait nooot in 200 ad oed@haltennsearch.conn. ve givein me a lot of lieve me. t wouldi n here," uhe said. cIrSA KORTMANN /i SPPCIAL TO Ti-i CHAMPION CONGRATULATIONS: 2007 ATHENA recipient Lianne Krane gets a kiss on the cheek tromn commitnee member Anne fadie. 0f ail the reasons to switch to TD Canada Trust, this one is the most entertainiflg. Nansia, l'or a tîinaita'al tinne. you canogel Swith yur ain an iPena shaîttie l\; assîng EatsySwitch unilI otuoes an ge'tr accoait ta) a re Po. TI-) t aniaca i raîst Yo 't i s II ls o up-r ale taoa a a (Ili l>i nail 10or a SVisit your branch or cail 1-888-814-4753 for details or visit Offer ends August 3, 2007. Eu Canada Trust Banking aan be thmn comniortabie PaS as a trademank af Apple inc registered in the O.S. anS anhef anannaea. Apple as noi a spoasar ot, aar a parmner in, niais ptaonnaonl aller. taaySwitah 1is a trade-mank of The Canada Trant Campant. I Ný Sargent Farms Supports the CT Scanner Campaign Over the past years the Sargent Family's philanthropie support to the Milton District Hospital Foundation has been outstanding. They have been lead sponsors ot the Forindation's signature event, the Crystal Bali, and supporter! manv golt tournuments und tandraising cumpaigns. The Sargents kiraci the truce spirit ot giviirg. Their $100,000 gitt ta the CT Scanner Campaign has ennured the cammuaîty hue access ta state-at the-art mnedical cire right here in ttie Town ot Milton and it has brought as that mach clouer ta aur goal ot $3.5 million. We thunk the Sargent Family tar their generasity, and me thunk them tor carîng. Here ut the cheque presentation more, trom lett, Bob Sargent, Milton Mayar Gord Krantz, Martha Gleeson and Tom Sargent. tf you mould lke more intormation about the MDH Foundationus CT Scanner Campaign please aist mmm torthegoodotusall ca or caîl 905-876-7014. Ou anil Ou Iý)nllnii% nOurlionpiî .1