from DATELINE on page A18 A group labryinth walk begins at 7 p.m. at Boston Preshytenian C hurch, 9185 Third i me. Ai are welcome. Thursday May 31 The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites students in grades 6 to 8 to drop by between 3:30 andi 6:15 p.m. to play a gaine of pool or just hang oui. High school students are invited between 7 and 10 p.m. The Fine Arts Soeiety of Miltons Evening Group of Artists meets ftrom 7 bo 10 pin. The informai environmient provides artists wiîh an opportuînty to exercise iheir drawing skills. For more information, cal! Janis ai (905) 854-5753. The Burlington Prostate Cancer Support group meets ai 7 p.m. at the unit office ai 1251 Northside Rd. (off Mainway, between Guelph [ne and Waikers Line). Family members and friends are welcome. For more information, eall the Candian Caicer Society at (905) 332-0060. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing clinfe with a certified lactation consultant from 7 îo 9 pin. For more information or to make an appointment, cail Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Salvation ArmylKhi Community hoids its Youth Group from 6:45 10 8:45 p.m. for youths aged nine to 13 years old ai 100 N ipissing Rd., unît 3. For more information, cal! (905) 875-1022 The Fialton Wonen's C entre, suite 229 in liopedale Mail. 1515 Rehecca St. iii Oakville. hoids oLs frec (aring and Shiaring Circle Irons 1 to 3 pii i or more iinfornmation, cal! (905) 847-5520 or \,isitwwlilo onnsnic.r I riday Jrînc 1 TIse Saix'aion ArivsKhi c ominuiitys Youth Group hiosis a spaghetti dinner lundraiser for- its programns ai 7 p ns. ai 100 Nîpîssîng Rd., unît 3. Tickets arc $10 per person or $25 for tisrec people. [or miore iinformations, cail (905) 875-1022. The Deck youth centre, 200 Mains St. (rear cisirance), invites sigis school students 10 dirop hy heîxvcen 7 and 1l to play a gamne of pool or jtîst lisasg oui. Milton District Hospital lsolds a group sessions breast- feeding clînie witis a cernified lactations conssultant from 11I a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more insformations or 10 make ais appointmeîst, cal! li Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Friday lune 1 - 30 Milton Transit offers free fare from 9 a.ns. t0 3 p.m. encouragîng residents to try local transit and explore theîî community Saturday lune 2 The Salvation ArmylKhi Community hoids its Run Clul ai 8 a.m. with a one-hour mun. For meeting location anc route, call (905) 875-1 022. Homnby Nursery School, oîs Steeles Avenue near Trafaiga Road, holds its Family Fun Day and Silent Auction from i1 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church, 3097 15 Sideroad, jus east of Guelph Line, hosts a chieken barbecue from 4:30 t 7 p.m. Takeout is available. The coat is $12.50 in advanc and $15 at the door. Advance orders can be made by cailin (905) 854-1055 or (905) 876-3322. to ow r 31 o Ui A}1À4C -ihy k-L -W Zb C~auabîan Cbiampion Thank you to for providing the beautiful flowers. The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, May 29, 2007 Al A9 \&&COTAGE *CANADIAN MD Many different styles __Solid Pins Bunk B.d to choose from. Canadman made "lwin Over Double" no particle board *Choice of Stains. 2342 Lakeshore Road West Bronte Village, Oakville Tuesday-Saturday lOam-Gpm 905.469.9876 ôuifeF7 To get învolved cal E vent at Victoria Park (Town Hall) 43 Brown Street, Milton, in conjunction with the Milton Community Rîesource Centre's annual Fun Fair A special thank you to aur co-sponsors: In support of the following charities: M s k ra"M .=