Al12 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 29, 2007 _pm mj n l 1 - -firm kicks off '70 Days of Caring' at Darling Home for Kids As pari oil ils '70 Davs of C.artig tainpaigis. Msississattga empioyees ot Itaxter C (rporation (C anatda) presesteti(lie Dtarting t bisse lot Kis ii rural Mitltotn svîîi a ttîetjte lfii inoie thaîs $20,000. The donationi svit Itînt a iew s olutiteer progratit tiat wll eîbaîsce ateess ti petiatrit hsospite, palitativ e andt respite tare for cliiotit aily iI cittreti and titir fititiies ii tite tutu inutsity lThe Baxter graîin ii tise Darling Htoume lot- Kis (pte'iiits- y kiiosvt as Rose ( er o'st nte tir Ktids) was tssttet hy Baxter's piiiiatthropie arnm tire Baxter Interniationial t otidattîtit wvinch Itints intiîatives tisat lotus onit utreasîtîg ,ittess t iteatltîcrc pat tentai ly for tlie dîsadvaiitagetl atît utiet ciserveti uti atit ticai t tiîiitiis nlreBaxtet eliliipoy ces- lis e andit Wot k I- very, day ai. 13taxte- sve nork ls mnactut re p iidoîis ilsît ittpi ose anti 5,1e lises. OSur granîs and tdonations tic atiothet ssay ne tati hielp people svîtiî our t ottîiiics,- N t, .........---------- -------------------------t KIA MOTORS The Power t0 Surpriser w 4 te *. ni i I rueai 1111rizesuuu Jue mgm mie un a ez Submlt your entry to d ooth # 218 at SHOWCASE MILTON ~ 1195 STEELES AVE. SHOWROOM RIJURS: MO-HR -,FR 9-6, SAT 96 I CONTESTR9ULESý fi Age: ______u ,Contest open te S195 TEEES VE.eSidren 3 -14 years et age. Name5 EURtSAes Lîmît one entry pet chîid. Phone Auteçeenneci Kia and may not be reproduced î Phone #: 3prizs awrdedtîfrsi, second & thirui ' ~ Aila prI e tesmen ot the ludges is tinai. Alenties muet be received by Fruiay June Iut, 2007 ai 9:00 p -------------------------- ------------------- aid AtmMarie ý erter, Baixterei otnada'sdît or ot hoîn1an sotis andi 0i iIn l il i t a to - t 1.ic Darirtng Employees from Baxter's Mississauga head tom e for Kids office vvere on hand to present the cheque s flhc ont3 lacili- and provîde hands-on help to spruce up the y înt Ontario home in advance of upcomîng scheduled vis- s'tth a mandate its by children and their families. o provide famnilies Mvth a continuum of tare and support from a thild's initial cliagnosîs through respîte tare ant imto palliation and hereavemnent support. With Baxter«s funtling, the Irome wîll now bc able Io expand the solunteer programn and enhance its services," said Kritîm Horrell, manager of fundraising, administration amd developmnent for the Darling Hlome for Kids. Iliorreli explaîned that voluniteers -mill help) provide sup- port and deliver prograins that go beyond the basic medical needs of the children and iheir [amuiies, "Manly ot thic ebtîdren that we service atso have physîtal and/or dce lopinentat delays i addition to hetng medically fragile, so they need extra assistante to participate in activst lies, she said. t tas îng tartng soltinteers on site altows these children tii î,îke pari i attîsits lîke recreattottal ant i usit ttîcrapys sto- ryhook readtng, haktng ttîokies or plis tng tcompoter gaines. Thrcy can go on a nature svalk. tIo arts anti traits oi 1h5 liasve somcotte 10 al, t0.- 'Votunteers will also help maîntato thtc 7,300 sqtiiire-teet homne, svhich sots on 77 acres of woodiands. Itfs one of several community volunteenismr activities Baxter Canada employees are engagiîîg in during the compa- nsnational '70 Days of Caring' campatgn. irle ctpaîgit supports tiaxters, international coniniunt cotnmîtmenlts while also celebrating Baxter Canadas 70 years of service. Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario The titîloitînîg estabttshmiettt lias, appt ted tii the Alcioil antd Cf itît Ciommission tiIOtartio l'or a lîqucîr litcenice unlet tIse iqu or Lic ene' Ac t. Application for a Sales Licence ANGELS DINER 65~ ONTARIO STRI±1 SOUTH. UNITi t MILTON (tîîdîîîr areal Any resîdent of the muuîcipaltiy may make a wrîtien subrniss.on as to svheiber the issuance oil the licenîce is in tbe public interesi baving regard tii ttse îîeeds and svîshes tif the residents. Sîîbmissîîîns must he received noi tater than June 22, 2007. Please inctude yîtur tianse, address and tetephîtue number. If petiîiîîn is submitted Ioi the Commirissioin, please idetttý tire desîgnated ctntact person. Note: The AGCO gîves tîte aptulteaut copies of' any oîbjectioîns. Aniinytriius tobjections are tut cîtusîderetl The persîtual informatîion gaîhered is cctltected under the authîtrity of tbe Liquor ,icencte Ait. The principat purpîsse ofthIe colltectionî s Ioi assess etîgîbitity foîr the issuatice of a tiqutir sales licente. Coitpes ofi att oîbjectioîns are gîven to the appîteatt The intformationt may alsîs be dîsetîîscd pursuant tii the Iieeditî oflIfrmttiont antd Proitiettiont îîPrii'cv Ait. Questionts about tbis ecolleetioîn sbîsîîtd be dîreeted ti tlie Matiager, titeising and Registrationu, Ateilt aiid Gatintg (Commissioni oft Onitario at the ,iddress., teîeplsîîîî îiîînhers tir e-tiait address tisted hetîtîs Subtiissiontisi be setnt tic Licensiiîg and Registration. .Xlcohol and (iaiing Coiinîutssiiui ofl Ontario, 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 210), îTronto, ON M12N 0A4. Tel: 416-326-8700> OR Tll-Irce in Ointario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: