Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 May 2007, p. 47

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2007 - Bll i)aIelit is a jîee listing of (omitn, c15titis mtil S Tli E oliniti avaiiîbic Io lotcal ttitittEittv gioups Io asstsit npeonîotittg theit fùuate sets Oiy chbatitable op iotatpoful t onmn ot gltips ni uise îhis service. We tan oîtiY guaiantee one issue if Pullî ty i losest to the date oj te occur- renc e aithougît more insertions are possible if demand is iaw Dateline submissions wiii nlo( be taken over the phone. Saturday May 26 RCSCC Chaudiere holds its 20th annual ceremnoniai revjew for sea cadets at 6:30 p.m. at Memorial Arena. The Salvation Army/Khi Community holds its Run Club at 8 a.m. wtb a one-hour mun. For meeting location and route, caîl (905) 875-1022. Msilton District Hlospital Auxiiiary holds tts giant garage sale of genîiy used items (no books) from 8 arn. to 12 p.m. ai ihe Milton Fair Grounds. Donations cao bc dropped off at tlie fatirgrounds the day before lrorn 10 a.rn. to 9 p.m. Omnago Preshytertaît (lurco hoîrîs a garage sale f rom 8 ar.. to noon ai Boyne Community Centre ai Bnitannia Road and Hwyj 2 5. lThe Fine Arts Society of Milton (FASM) bolds its Art of Papermaking - A Building Block for Mixed Media [rom r-):30 a.tii to 3:30 p.iii ai Gtare Anglicanî ( bohrclh oit Main Street vtth icaritet Sandîra Spagnctolo 1lite crîsi is $45 for i ASM mero- bers andr $53 loi- nion-toembers. Pre-register loy caling Mena Corloy ai (905) 089-1976 otr e- in a i i 1 i n don.corby@sympaticcrca. T he Milton Kineties and Milton Fire Departinent htld a fundraiser in support of Cystîr Fibrosis [rom 1l a.m. to 4 pi. in the Home Depot parking lot on Maple Avenue. Herby the Luv Bug and Sparky the Dog will join in the festivities, which include safeîy demonsîrations and a barbecue lunch. The Halton chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star cele- braies Miltons 150th anniver- sary with historical fashions and dispiays [ro il .1:30 a. n. to 1:30 p.m. ai St. Clair Masonîr Hall, 6321 Regional Rd. (souilo of Derry Road. There'li also be a lurncheon, clras aîtd door prizes. i he cosi is $7. Sunday May 27 Tise Tow n rtf Miltont itnvites the public to itsJunc Recreation and Parka Month Kick-off lroin 11:30 arn. to 2:30 p.m. at ibons Sports Park. The event inclurles a iraîl walk wit Mayor Gotrd Krainz and Mîlly the Milîstone, as well as childrens activities, games and a barbecue. The Halion-Peel brando of t 6e Ontario (Genealogical Soéctv tricets aI the Ci.hngttaroctsy Braticl i tlrary dlosser lesel), 150 .Cntral Patrk Dr iii Brampton at 2 pro. with Gary Schrorler speakîng on genealogy researrch tn Quebec. Visitors are svelcome. Foîr more information, rail Ann L ogan at (905) 845-7755 or Susan Ramsay at (905) 846-0408. Monday May 28 The Salvation Army/Khi Community bolds its Run Club ai 5.30 p.m. witlo a 30-minute mun. For meeting location and route, cati (905) 875-1022. The I ighthouse Program for Grieving Children in Oakville holds its peer support group [rom 6 to 7:30 p.m. for cloildren and teens aged three trI 18 who've losi a parent otr sibling. F-or more inflormation or to reg- itit caii (905) 337-2335 Eor e mail ighîloouseprogram@beii- net c a. Milton Disttrt Hospital hlods a one-on -one hreastfeed- ing clinie ssîth a cerîified larta- tioni consultant from i1.30 to 3 p.to. Focr more information or ta miake an appoîntmenî, catl i uI icks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. I-aiton His Quilters Guild nieets ai ihe Haiton Huis C ultural Centre, 9 Churco St. (at Main Street) [rom 7:15 p.m. wtith guesi speaker Kim Maîîciw. .see more DATELINE on page B12 We believe... in helping. AFFORDABLE HOMES IN YOUR PRICE RANGE & AREA Anyon. Anyhere.Visit: www.haltonbestbuys.çom LAoE. Anywere 905_875-102 y. It- imat th pepl ivn loe ns. .55n or abu t..s oies os *0.Ie en PHTO OF YOU SE OS JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER! Looking for Register your team today! R ELAY FOR LIFE Survivors uts Nt ' MILTON and Volunteers! Reg T 1: 01 FAIRGROUNDS We need volunteers for the irodal. June 15 - 16 night of Relay For Lite. trom lpm ta lam Thank yau Ia aur event spansors: ____________ For more info please eali 905-332-0060 ~ t anadian à.7 À sociéte ' Rgse niea M E..n(er canadienne s. cliv du lne acrciea We dare you ta compare your insurance rates. You may be paying 4 times higher, over 300% more for the same thing. Instantiy compare what you're paying to over 30 other insurance rompany rates. InsuranceHottine.com arranges them by price. and gises you the 3 lowest. Rates between insurance comparues cao vary by 100's, even 1.000s of dottars. Jump on-line and compare. Plus your quote wii be emaited to you, nsiantly. Youii be shocked how murh savings you'ti find in iess than a few minutes. AL TOMOBIL MOTORCYCE -5 MRNE R OME L 1 FE HALH- RVE ORCA Inurn- ds eo auýcton.com COMING SOON Bld for GREAT DEALS on your favourite restaurants VISIT www. dealsonmealsa-uc-tion Coli] TO INCLUDE YOUR RESTAURANT CALL, 905-878-2341 9 00 $ 1,098-10yo-, $4,513-iy«r

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