The Canadian Champion. Friday. May 25, 2007 -A15 Website provides resources, flot answers iýi aJiuOL et; payé Aï 'Àcoutple iii us oit tht ciiaiiiti base c bat tain ils rnietuhet tak- ieub is 'exS ai ICI i1 Ini liidxijgbI 55 1e nIis 1( xx,ý\iiia we wiiuld hasve clone but ai idus point aIl WC (:ait dIo s sas, Wc'soîtld have dlone this. we slîoul d bav e donc ibat,- she said. "The best thing ti do with sorne- u[i \ !iU i l cIl t1 cit' l l ilîîtg n slt i., iii ,as Io t ben [Io N u lias ea plin, aid taîls t t1icin abut it andiclf dass ibeii ont. I iis is informnationitî at we lxxts' on t bis vss ebste \\ hile ibe wehsiîe prosides restources lor people dlealing wiîh issues related tt suicide Mercer admits i l ý1 Ilui 1 , 1 1I , 1i 1 xx Iiii arc ai tîsN cly tinikiiig abi taking ieit 1155 lix cx -1lie tomte page' ti tish sbie actut allx lias a dlisclatinier niitiig xxhere peoiple ni stuch tlesperaite situations tan gel a mnucli quicker response. 'If you or anyone you know ix [eel- ing suicidai, calI 911U eo e0ý GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION IN FULL BLOOM: Shoppers take in the many perennials and hanging fiower baskets -lîke these colourful ones from Huichînson Farm - during the opening of the Farmers' Market on Main Street in the core Saturday morning. LA RN E B CO>'V U RE G AL LE R r I ES 1 Th FAIL aOO * fotSe - I 41£4. 5 fo 9 9 ai o 2 Monday -Friday: Oî0an-9pi i Saturday: 930 tn pw --- -- - -------Sunday:1 ir -5 pm Hou ss M j 8pi at ur,9r 6626 Trafalgar Road Hornby (between Britannia & Derry) e 905-8787L107 MISSISSAUGA NORTH OSAVILLEIMISSiSSALIGA 11-AMPTOIN