A14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2007 Long weekend sees break-mns in rural and urban Milton ~LeIýj tI Ioi gatiti iitIti at i tire botrnc and kei estttnatc waitt asail- esidetîts, parttîîiiariy irs to keep an eyc ton iii( nnhclsilc it -olnîcson \'hcclitian Way andtt Nlcadosvlanîi wrcontsc 10 an 10s:20c pritci Saud The hi-cal-in on \Viceiita 'A as oc-i iirt'd soinctiic A scuond Ihoo wilitoss was smnashe hcîween lasi i ridas- andi unîtay tlîc innktoss nsnsct which i lit' stispt-ts qtickly r ansackc garicd curry ky foi ctng oîpen th li rotui coot. liotc tiri alari iiit spotisc. (Ince insidie. tire isicir htdroîîiî wvas i atsat kic andi Ahouît $ 150 was stolcti. A tiainage approximtnaîly $10,000 in cash, Rtoyal Datîtou figuintis, a ahle ai piress tilen. Squire guitar and mens and wotticti5s jcwelty was stoicti. laitont poclice arc cncouraging r A flat screen TV and computer systcmn wcrc daiagcti tlit tiîisc itn tire rural arca, t0 ask neighhot ing the incident on Meadowiand Crt sîciii, whiclî happencti lien buse il ithcy'rc goiîîg ici hc away. -u M <or 8r 1: 0 orge & 5B-i E BI U BB B - b lr'I-'s tm One of the top warranties in the business. 1500 OTLCAPE OWNERSHIP COVERAGE rd TloaeaK elr YEA5 100 r OO ýCRY FSEL CMPREHENSI.0 ..OlRO5T' Grd TloaeaKaear r 0000 t C OiTA 50ROT Rebate> near you, cîsit kia.ca IMtf>t 5 YEARi10CO 0 M EXTRA CAREB- Ron IDEASSISTANCEB NO 000CTL tCHA-rRGE Autoconnect Kia 1195 Steeles Avenue, Milton, ON (905) 876-2358 PIOsOIIIS:- Knox Presbytenian Church UU 170 Main Stree, ]Bella Mlo Sounia van de Hee Guest artists: N KW ~ ~ Arcady, under the direction of Ronald Beckett Accofpllnst. flCk01U~Nomian Relntamm Aduit: $20 Senlorfatludeft: $15 ChiId: $10 New famlly package (2 adults & up 10 4 chiâren): $50 MIItn-Mifton Photo (Mitton Mai) or' Mcçuaig Insurance (208 Main St.) OakvNIIo Leslie Music (198 Speers Road) Onine. Purcluase tickets ai www.miltonchoristers.com More Pond Myths Debunked Myth 5: ol keti rýh wae gày (Iýiu ý ý Fact: Tm) i ihe fee (Je Ty , c r r!efIMn l npondS. J I îw o-fe dep w (u ý (i1 ,M1i iîeed ho kep o brerin i ili qypîl le f Lîsten to £M90 cunr for more Là 15UO"0 N u s' A $60 Mole scooter wtth a cilse cIlramc was sttulen froin oîtc îcesidcntces uîîlockcd garage ai ahonî 12:30 arn. while nothîng was takcnl dnirîng an aîîcttiptcd hrcak-în ai anoîhcr Lariic houlc latci ibis nigbt. lii thc secontd incident a patît sci-cen was topen, but a I cked glass dor îhwarîed enti> ,Hummer stolen fromn Boston Church Rd. liaiton Regionai Police arc lookîng to the public toEn f help îdentîfy the person qju w * rcsponsihic for stcalîng a W7" m Iluminer0 atn01 At 7:30 a.m. May 1, a lhtnmcowncir on Boston (hurch Road awoke to find hic 2007 Humnmer 112 bau been stoien tont tof' hic drtveway sontetime durîng the ntght. The stolen vehicle is white with a s'anîty plate ibat rcads HYSI-IM. The tottal ltnss is $90,000. Il yu liavec an> inormaîtin ilîti lcads iii ait arrcsî ini tIis oriafîî.s outher mnatici- vot oas hc clîgîlîle foit a c alh rcss ai O titi ssiI icsc liase t' o gis c panti iiiini o - ils iii coiurt. im oe Sttnppcrs of 1 laiton tlucs nui shscibnt iio caIl tlisjlas. CaIl I-8002 22 II S487e) oi uc 55 aiîti i iiicitu