The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2007 - Ail Regional council must decide on taçjline for plan cosdes tel imne By Mieanie Hennessey Wh akvilI st yo k I Burton anti plan lotni- expling eneigy-iroii n debig o ro CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Burlington Councillor Peter Thoem vouched for waste options and developing updated adetsnsoerr Fogal's idea, Burlington Councillor Pick Craven Transportation Master Plan pohicies to address later finds itself Is Halton 'Naturally the Best' or 'Naturally had some doubts. walking and cyciing. immune to business." Inspired?' 1I fear its too fitnie, ton lare," hie said. Melanie Hennessey can bc reached at mhen- Derby Brown That was the question of the hour this week for He noted that counecil members had finally nessey the Regions three committees of counicil as they reached a "fragile consensus"I on 'Halton - considered a tagînie assotiateti with the 2007- Naturally the Best', so changing it 00W could cre- 2010 Siraiegic Plan. ate a prolonged debate at counicil that might jusi t Whiie the trio supported thetihemnes and goals Iead everyone hack tw where they started. ,,ct oui in tht docutmeni and the 2008 atinon plans l-ogal eontended thai tliere is lime t0 tlehat l(1- tat h ol thie Coillinitlecs, tîtere was sorte tîthate the issue, silice Il won't lie going belote couneilE aroindt the Plans, visioîn stateineni thaït starts with tintil nexi ss'etk 1 laltmn -Natirally tht' Best.' - he phrase woultl Bu nonc of the cominittees endetl up takîng a al'o ht ttsttl ini t (itinction with a new Haltin stantd on the vision statenlent, so it'il now he top to t{cgton logo. regionai tonei ai lis meeting Wetlnesday. Pe'opie sate l tsoutnds atrrogant," satd i lon i hi Su ategie Plan iliys ot where couneil I lilis f otiilot laie I ogai. Wants to go in ils ternu of uffite. Amrongst the goals Aiihoughi tht 'nattîraily' relerente is elesîgniet in the plan arc to eselop and imiplement a 'made Ilite titî I laitons enstroninent antI lattitaI lier- ti I hltoti plant to tonteul andt maniage growth, na~ge, I ugai sattl is eloesn'i euîivey tbai. "Il usi stretîgthiin tht' transportation sysit'tfl proteet SUIntS like WtC roste [o the top.- gre'en spate and pîrs ide atcessihle, alfordahît' Slie wvct onito piropose 'Natiraliy inspree' as pubice heaiîh antI sotctai serv ites. a st,Ili tIIi hal1e lic goaiis aitc suppotie i» hyîe an nnut toto - , I îîgai s toi , it o n Iiiilie ttilit r aitî o iti nd 1 m lie plants ithat cotîtain spc lui ationts loi staff. financt t'tolitiilt i i s itixcul titocglîts ou I lic' 2008 at ions îîu lute tsisîîgtht Regiotîs heri pirupuosition1 pestie tic sirtategys tretng a les ise i ttînnt Report on EFW comingiJunel13 from PROVINCIAL on page AI Joho Taylor înlormed thost tri attendance that 'i lionî (iai tits Ia t i tîly- to Ic t ktg ai the f FW report n the EVV lt ilîty sti l hoef rt tht con Make your shopping Iîtîlity optîon n îtlng thît cithanced rt 'utiîng mit i tsjuoe 13 meeting. experience easier and wîll tîke the Rtgî ns lîtîdîill flfe ot t 2031. A Hte explaîned that tht report wîll deai wtth more finformed by pouint eluiser to that date wouiti hc more appropri- wlîether tht Regîoo should move forward with a using the camera, aie for eîîîsîderîîîg EF'W, (an' saîd. puhhic consultation process on tht EFW, not if tht mattress, and television "Tht teclînoieîgy gels hetter every year that you aetual faeihity shouid he approx'ed. selectors today watt," he said. Melanie Hennesse -y can lcie îched at miteti- L! Comimttiet Chair and Burlington Councîllor nessey@miiro)nc anadiane hamnpion.e ulm. CetefrCîd~Included in your Proceeds to KfidaAbility registration fe: Developmenl, serving T a chileiren %!th physicalT a developmental and r p is comunicationî disabilhties anid other sI Draw Prizes Rotary Charitîes Looking for relief from the heat? The Direct Energy Team is giving you Run T-Shirts a wurry-fret' year uf coul, cumrfurtable temperatures -for une low ~'(fit 500) price. WVith this plan, you'll receive the following benefits: ~~Jiiv B u c lUE A tuoe-up on your air conditioner iI~~C'I' iThorough inspection of your equipment, ensuring ,îll components are operating efficiently SUNDAT MWAT 27ths, 2007 JHîghly-trainedi, liccnsed technicians Registration 9:OOam DICKSON ARENA (P-khw Rd,) Pre-registration: Saturday, May 26th fromn 11.00 a.m. to 2:OOp.rn. at.. (Maitennce lanCambridge Centre Mail, in front of Sport Chek or or visit the O n ly $ 5 ,9 9 egula pric: %10.99) Cambridge Times office pnorbtorace day9:00 am. to 600 pm. ,Moidato Friday. Mi-Direct Energyv H l"\ _ NataexScotiabank s i,êCH-IE[DEL,