Milton's Community Newspaper Since 186 ) J iwouekndito Fffl dpotelPlan 7OMOSL . 841 N EW S Dufferin tries to fMI the gap S PO0R TS Novak encouraged by rookie camp ww.nitoncanadianchampion.cem A& E Choristers soon close out season Twww.karenifiowefiilop er 48o 1ouo'riert'f A erln ei ru ulcto o.18N.2 rdy Ma 25 200 64 Pae .' $1.00 e c, G GRAHAM PAFNE / CANADFAN CHAMPION "DECISIONS, DECISIONS: Lesley Fraser was ]ust one cf many eager gardeners out over the holiday weekend -the unoff icFal starS cf gardenFng season -shopping for her home. Here, she brows- es through an oasis of colour at Taylor Nursery on Fifth Line Saturday afternoon. Provincial approval of EFW flot ironclad services staff feel the new process provides the Region wath an opportumty te secure an approval for an EFW that wili meet the most current environmentai safeguards and requires studies that would've been undertaken any- way "ýAs such, the change in the ministers posi- tien dees not create undue hanriers or aîsy unforeseen requirements in the d *evelopment of an EFW altemnative for Hlions waste mani- agement system," hie said. No commîttee members commented on the information presented by Meneray. After the meeting, Regional Chaîr Gary Carr told the Championi he's glad that the mat- ter has been clarified. 1I think a lot of counicil would've wanted thts (process) anyway" hie said. le wenî on te reiterate his campaign pesi- * see REPORT on page Al1 By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Region doesn't have the irenciad approvai il thought it did frem the Province fer an energy-from-waste (EFW) faciiity Directer ef Legai Services Mark Meneray deiivered the news at tihe planning and poblic works cemmittee meeting Wednesday He expiained that Minister of Environment Laurel Brotens position has changed when it cemnes te the EFWs faciiity the Regien wants te buiid at ats iandfiii on Regionai Road 25 in Milton. While aul aiong it's heen theught that the joint hoard-, decîsion in 1989 te appreve the establishment of the iandfiii aise gave the go- ahead fer an FW\ faciiity, a ietter fremn Breten said the verdict simpiy -anticipates" the impie- mentation of EF'sV. 1i need te ciarify, based on further analysis of the joint boards decision, that impiementa- tien was net contempiated with respect te a particular energy-from-waste proposai ait he iandfill site," Brotens letter reads. "1 he.Regien can move forward with a specific proposai te estabiish an energy-from-waste faciiity through the new Waste Management Projeets Regulation." Meneray tood the cormmîttee that Regien staff haven't feit comfertahie using studies thai are aimest 25 years eid (fromt the original iandfiii precess) for the EFW. 'Staff are supportive of this (new) approach," hie remarked. He aise reported te tise cemnïîttee that legai Today's Champion OPINION A6 CL.ASSIFIED A25 DATELINE Bll REAL ESTATE B14 wwwmotoncaniadîanchamnpon cern Inserts: FULL DISTRIBUITION FIT. - OBLFOF .70 FLR0 'WFLMTT FO00 BA010F - CETIFIFO 000 EXPERTS SMART SOURCFFFLOIF'F - 000 AR PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION M& -S0 R *,FOOF.FAF IR NO FRUOFLF'FTINO FCITNC O0 .50PARK '0 CIL HAGERS -RWIIFINE FONS-t O WN00 FIFJTU.LOSOPRS RTOUG MAI *IEF Buy - ' ORU F0N0S -FFDR2R00 0F V ID i H BR I FSS SOFS - TUM ww ws. b er gsmas home dec or. co m See us at SHOWCASE June 1-3 L.ghtin, waflpaper & fabri, wlndoss treafments & colour consiltations Y ulLLs BOOK VOUR CONSULTATION TOIDAVI Serving Milton Since 1985 VISIT DUR NUS 6000 0 .1FT. lo1urfhUuiUsM Thus 7a-pm SHOWROOM Ths as, 530 194 Main St. E. Downtown 905-876-4922 Environment minister changes her position