Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 2007, p. 9

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The Carfadiân Ç*iavPqpi, Tuîwsdajs May 2P, 2007 -i9F icil .4-.- '6MUSTANG MErSSclENGR Megan Cheema Harbi Nall Courtney Coulombe MILMITONRiICT Bie SCEGOL No0 R>eprt 7icq bVeekc Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson E.C. D.D.T Biron SCIGOLI We'l kick ibis article off wîîh somte updates on our senior boys soccer team! Afier droppîng a close match 2-I againsi Acton. the lune goal scored by STEPHEN JACKSON!!! They later played Lester B. Pearson an au intense 0-0 lie gainte. As of today. right now, May l6th, oar boys are in 1si place!!! They have au upeomîng gume ugainît aur across îown rivais Milton District. This is better ihan Degrassi, bat yon can't tape ibis one. Witb more halls iii speak of, iar rugby team recently faced Aidershot high schooi in the last regalar season match. Twice during the gaine the tram's charucter was lesird as Aldeeshot led by 10 points, but iimely scores by captaîn Jamues Marshall and veteran Dancan Mofful reduced the margin 10 5 points. Wiîh less than 40 seconds lef James Marshall plowed int the end zone Io put Drury aheud by 2 points Oar boys finish off the season wiih a record of 3 wîns, 2 losses, and i lie. They are now preparing for the playofis being heid ibis week. We can only hope thai everyone wili be sharp and reudy 10 play afier haif the teain gets shîpped off ta our annual leadership reireat. Oar sîrongesi leaders aîlended the double overnîgbter for sîuie fan and gaines and tof coturse, holing ap their leadership responsîbîlities. Teachîng the yîîunger grades bîîw iii stand ap and utake a dîfference bere ai E.C. Drury is anc ol many gîtais we aspire 10. Speukîng tif recitgîizing important peaple, Fiday. May il ssas Drury's Red Friday lto suppotoaur Canadian troops in Afghanistan. The scboo)l was aî sea of red as the students wîîre red ciîîîbîng lii shotw ibeir respect tir the aruted larces. Ail siadenis were allowed It xi ga a bage Cauadiaîî fiag; bhatis being shtiite d ii .Atgbîitii. Il ssas auîazîng hîîw toany people sapparied out t rîîîps and sbawed trac Canadian spirit. Another bîghlîgbî ai ibis pasi week was the musicai. 'Conte Wbat May', whicb was au buge saccess. The tag ite "A tragic (musical) comedy of epic proportions' îruiy did the show justice. Tbanks lii ail the casi and people wbîî belped ui plat tit ibis amazing shoiw If yoa love muisic, bai are more ready tut roc k tont, then Drary bas someîhiag for yoa wîtb aur ver oton DrurySiock! This eventi s being held iu the audittoriumi on May 241h and is sure la blow youauway. We bave incredible bauds lîke One Second Romance and, of course, the inlamous Edisoin Sunrise is sure ta put on a greut show. We will see yoa ail there! Lasi bat nal leasi we have the Bobemian Fuir beîag beld ut EC Druty on May 251h Actîvilies include face painting daacing/singîng, magie, fiee eaters. fortune îellîng, tarot card readîng and mach more. Tickets are oniy Oive dollars and are on suie now s0 don't miss oui on your opportunity la check oui Drury's fîrsi ever Bohemian Fuir! Jusi a closîng note, the annual Lierary Coffee Hanse wîll take place on Thnrsduy, May 3 1 si. This is a special invite ta ail ulumni ta come back and visit on ibis nîghl, alang wiih any proud parents, friends. fumiiy. and inîerested spectators. "THEru ROYAL REPORT"9, Ein etherînglon Lindsay inhetstan JIulia RiddeII DISDOP REDIN Die SCEGOLI The officiai countdown to the end of the year has begun, with oniy 21 school days lefi until exams! Although students and teachers cherish their time at school, it seems as though everyone il ready for a much deserved break. For our grade 12 students, this break wilI be a permanent break fromn high sehool. To celebrate ihis achievemeai there wili be the Grad Dianer Dance (Prom) on Jane 1. It wîll be held ai Le Dome an Oakville, and wilf begia promptiy ai 6pm. Tickets will be ready for pickap on May 31 ta those stadenis who have submîtied iheir $80 graduation fee. Gradnatîng sîndents shonld be aware thai the Grad Mass is on Jane 7 and the graduation ceremoay wiIl be held on Jane 28. I is a litile kîîown faci thai aIl gradaatiag studeais wîll aeed 10 be present darîag the day on Jane 28 10, do a practice rua of the ceremoay. so please spread the word 10 ail graduaies. Another mark of the new replacîng the old is the Stadent Governmeat elecîton on May 22. There are some faatastîc candidates. aad the resulîs of the elecîton will be annouaced in nent week's Royal Report. Alihoagh the school year sems ta be wîadiag dowa. there îs stili a plethora of exciîng activities soon 10 huppea. Bîshop Rediug wîiI hosi ils first Batile of the Baads on Wednesday Jane 13 ai 7pm. The oaiy reqairemeat is ihat ai leasi oae member of the baud attends one of the ihree secoudury schools an Milton. The Grand Prîze is a gig ut the Legeadary Red Roosier Vîniage Cafe ad a $1510) DVD recordiug of the baud's performaance, recorded ou a $60( 0110) souad systent. There wîll be gifi cerlilicates to aiusic stores for the fîrsi ramier up. This eveati s beîîîg orgaaized aîid rua by Studeut Goverumeai, so direct .ay quesion s la on1e oi tbe members. Auditions will be held ou Wedaesday Jane 6. aad each baud shoald play one cuver sang and oae original piece, il- possible. Beltore auditioioag, bands must regisier by e uîailîug BRbatileiithebaads6-huiuiail.coni. The whoie Milton comuuity is eacîîaraged iii attend ibis eveat. The tickets are $5 and aIl proceeds wili go ta a local charty. As maîîy people kaow. the former Redîag siadeat Ryan Ketelaars was serioasly înjared a few moaîhs ugo. There are carreaily a aamber of fandraîsers proposed 10 helpi Rya and bis fumily. bat ibey cao oaly sacceed wiîh belp from the whole Milton Commuaîty. Stadeat Govemnmeat is proposiag to have a Hags for Rya Day, where the Sîndeat Goverameut Presideai Zak Scbolie wili be spousored by basinesses and indivîduals in the conuunity to gel as muuy hngs us possible. If aayone il iaierested in donaig lu ibis fuadruiser, pieuse contact Bishop Reding. Cnrrently, the radio station 102.1 The Edge is havîng a contesi wbere the biggest gronp ou the website Facebook will receive a cash pnize. Sîndenis from Bishop Rediag have started a groap ta hopes of wiaaîng money to give to Ryau and bis famîly. Lastly. the Dance Teum will be huvîng their year end show on Moaday lune t1i ai 7pm. The Dance Teum neyer dîsappoints. so yoar luside Soarces will sec yoa ail there. Have a faniusiic week! V Çîassroom also nîght-time, collision prevention V Fleet of new model cars, flexible - . Sf fl F avaîlable weekends adwnrdvngturne seven days a week VV VI V FREE pickup from home, work or V Early Road Test arranged, IVALID FOR MILTON1 school for car lessons Gil & G2 refresher courses ILOCATION ONLY!

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