A6 - he Canadian Châ5mplon, 1uesday, Mai, 22, 2007 Farewell Janet Milton will soon say goodbye to another long- time, beloved coach. Featured in today's sports section, seasoned Milton Springers head coach Janet Campbell will step down next month alter a 30-year tenure at the helm of the local gymnas- tics scienie. This town is blessed with an abundance of good coaches, and more than a few exceptional ones - those who not only lead a tearo each season but have a major hand in building and developing their sport of choice. Campbell is a proud member of this select group, and - as seen in today's profile - uts hard ta imagine the club without The outgoing Springers cornerstone is a prime example of a coach who teaches far more than just the technical aspects of a sport. By ail accounts shes instilled valuable life les- sons in many - if flot most - of ber students, and left a lasting mark on those under bier tutelage. There's no shortage of kind words to go around about what she means ta the club, and one former student went su far as ta describe the Sprîngers without Campbell as breathîng without axygen. Can there be any higher praise than that? Sa ta Campbell and al those who go out of their way ta make sports some- thing special for aur chul dren, we thank you. Sa long Janet, you'll bc mLssed. Readers Write E-miail yuur lettrs ta rmltoned@haltonsearch. om Concerted effort needed to stop rising pollution levels in Halton DEAR EDITOR: 1 read Melanie Hennessey's article 'Pollution levels exceed standards in south Halton' with much interest, but wasn't really shocked with the find- ings. By living here, 1 think we ahl know that air quality levels in H-lton are getting worse and that tbis repart confirms aur feelings. At tihe Regians health and social services cammittee meet- ing where tbis report was aired - nu pun intended - region- aI counicillors fromt Oakville stated the reports findings were dam night scary and that une would hape that the informa- tion contained in the repart would have an effect an how land uses are planned. Let's hope su! With ever-increasîng popu- lation growth, housing devel- opmnent ballooning into deplet- ing green spaces and the poten- tial for new highways ail being planned thraughout Haltan, what dues this say about aur future air quality? Doesn't look tua, gaad, dues it? les flot only what we can do that matters, it's what we shouldn't do that matters even mare su. We can't ket allowing uncar ta dictate aur fi Yes, we rea] conduct ibis ty~ measurement Halton proper b tantly we neet growth. If we want t wide standards tive air quality ta curb what prablem, not jt symptoins. Let'1s ensure safety a priority on the playii DEAR EDITOR: With a new seasan of sparts ready ta begin, it's important that parents be reminded of a few things. You children's coaches have a legal obligation tai provide a sale envtronment for their partici- pants ai aIl uies. Wbile the law dues nat expect him or hier ta be perfect, the coach should take ail steps reasonable ta safeguard yaur children when they are with themt. Don't assume that because thse coach is well- versed in the technical aspects of yaur child's sport that they are equally competent when it camtes ta safeguarding your children. Ask your child'.s coach questions like, "What are the risks associated with my child's participation in this sport?", "Can I see your emergi for the venues where my child practices and away games?" anc daîng ta safeguard my child wi thero?" If they can't answer these fa tians, you shauld be talking ta executive and asking why thes been pravided ta, yaur chîld's co Sparts are a beneficial part a as hie or she begins their jaumey participation and an active life needless risks with yaur child's HAYW, Bronte Park important to p building and neighbourhood îtrolled gruwth iturc. DEAR EDITOR: [ly do need ta 1 bave lived ini Miton for 50Oyears, pe of air quality during wluch tune 1 have witnessed throughuut the initially slow but now accelerated îut more impur- growth of the community. I ta say nu ta A plus lias been that the placing of somte green areas luas accompanîed o meet Canada- the growth. In a recent letter to your and have posi- newspaper, Bian Galligan expressed reports, vie have concern about the pianned pbasing 's causing the out of tihe recreational facîiies at îst report on the Bronte Meadows Park. This parle is surrounided by a resi- BOB BEVETTE dential. area with a lot of children of MILTON ail ages. Thse proposed plan of action roem conveysth ie message that these faciites will lie considereti superflu- ngfil cuvs"n ous once new facilities are buit along rncy action plan Santa Maria Boulevard. plays, încluding When this liappens, my concern is il 'What are yuu that this park wlll become a target for ien yuu are wîth developers to builti more houses, cre- ating a high-densîty resideritial ares. ndamental ques- Please permit some public iniput if the spart clubs any sucli thouglits cross the mmnds of e tuaIs bave not Town planners. Perhaps my fears are sach. groundless, but I have misgivings f yur chld'slue wben developers set their sights an ftuwar ds fleg igreen' areas. style Dun tkeln Wby flot enlarge the parking lot safty-Dnttk and revitalize this area? safety.D. AIKENHEAD MIKE MILLER MILTON IRD CRESCENT GLUS 4â. MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE UNITED WAY 0 OFMITNT UIO THN TS h ', W Showcase iîlion a GAI-5 ljEb caimattin QEampion Milton's Cornmrrunuty Newspaper Since 1860 555tIndustrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertisimg Fax: 905-878-3187 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vwww.miütoncanadianchampiol.Oom Publisher Neil Oliver Advertiaing Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mîceli Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hal Office Manager Tort Casas The Canadian Chiampion, published every Tueiday and Friday,isa divsionl of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Group Publistier tan Oliver Adelsn s au.opted on then condition that. 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