Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 2007, p. 30

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FB2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Ditliiîi's i fic' lisIittig tif t îlîiffilg i- tiIs tîilv ("lit' t tltîtti is tiVaiilblt Ioi l(acl ctîiiitiililh ,gtltipx loi assis( in pilitiîîllltg lct f'iititt î't"tts. \i'e tati ttl tiîîî" toit' ixsigt' of stilîlît ils d os csi (o tIi' dihîî of d tIlt lu il( iti illîtgîli Itlît' tlc tis tilt' ptîssiîlî' if ulîtîiiittls lotii. Nîltc Jolfi Dcitîýlitit' shdlit (s t-ttitlt'l li ttiîîtSlclî scaii i.t tîi 1-Iii'fîîl thttîlîin is îîîîîî i t )aîî foiî liit'Silti'" t s(it lionl andit tîtllî 5X4ulîcsdttx fîîi Fidv l i' îlîitin I Diî'lîîî'ttîî tuttii actc pîtîis' lî'lî'pîîîîîî'. Wednesday May 23 TIse Milton Safety Comiiiittee Isseels aI 7 p.iii att lIe Milîton poilice statî i tn on Cilîs Drivse. lForîîî infor atioîn, cîlI lais Mcîvbhiay ai (519) 853-4492 osi e-misal Isci aI tniiiatt- intswbray.ca. The Sexual Assauli andu Vioîlece Interv entiohn Sersvices ofl lialtisî (SA\"lS) piescîsîs a (ccc spring workshop series (tic Icî-nale oti - v ii io îlensce' vilh tc secondic sessionl tot cxprcxstsg youtîcîrel tit tîtgli at i (taLkex t plce (itili li t Io pus îî S.\VIS iii 0'akx'tlIc [iccgxîattl iS ccjIticecl andF space ixIssîllteil ('ti- more16 itltît 11,11titni îîtii cegîsîci cil I Nictole ail ()05) 825-3(-22. Ac c kîtîi I Icîltîs AIlheimser "setsces lîtlts at insfocmationi sessioîn tît planinig tIi- lîîîg-ici i cal c hlîtes frot ï iii s1nimI i- tmtre iîslîisatîîîîs caIl (905) 847-9559. TIse Ilialîtît \Vo'îîscî îî ut 229 iii flotichaIc' MtII, 1515 Rehecca Si. iii t3akville. hllcs lis Abuse Stulpport Croup frotin 5ý 30 161 8 pusn Foi msîoîe inflormsation, caîl (905) 841-5520 tic vîsît. vi'vw.lsaltuiiwoiiteiiscentie.tîi g. - OME. II LX-AWD ioe sho MSRP $21695* LEASE FOR 199**3()' APRy+ FER MO. O 0MS $3,250 DOWN PAYMENT $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT ecroncStabt yConroi (ESC) acton Conrol System (TICS) Dwer windowS, loks & mios - 6aibags IN01 ADDTIO CG _ESE NON OFFERS One of the top warranties in the business, 0 ~g TOTAL CARI OWNERSHIP COVERAGE ~ a C...... t-YARi000 KM POWERTI6OIN WARRANTS eae 5-YARi1St 000 AM EXTRA CARE 9090006E ASSISTANCE NO 060160 BLE CHARGE To locale a Kia dealer near you, viRil kia.ca KIA MOTORS The Power to Surpnî Autoconnect Kia 1195 Steeles Avenue, Milton, ON (905) 876-2358 E 8 J 1 S à' à0 Miltont District Hlospital hoilds a oiic-on-one breasifeed- ing clinic xsils a 66 rtiied lactaionî consultant lroim 1:.30 Io 3 p in. I ti more1 ii1( loralioli or 10 mnaku an appoinîincol call (iili lis at 9t05) 878-238i3, cx. î6l 0 Aduli drop-ini vollcyhall tak, place lîoiii 2 ici 3 pr n ai tic Milton I cisurc C enlie on Main Stiieti lic cosi is $3.50 for the lîtîni (-lic "Salv',iioi Arniy/lxhi Coniuii holds lis Run Club i 5:30 p.ns with a 30 rninutc riiii It iniccing location and roti1e, call «905) 875-1022. (lic Momn Clubh holds ils Stroller Walk and Talk at 10 a.im..nîmetling ai the 1 -ions Sports Park on Tlionpson Roaci neain the tr ain ti acks. For more iîknfration, call (105) 929- 5535 ori c- mail hocîîmum79@hotmiail.coin. The li-ce Milton Christian Ladies Coffec Hour meets Irtîro 9.30 to11 I a.m. ai Milton Gocspel Hall, 306 Ontario Si., wiîh a special feature on Luncheon Favîsîtes and guesi speaker Denise Wilson. For more information and Irans- portlation, caîl AlIma aI (905) 878-6345. Thursday Mav 24 The Deck youth centre, 200 Matis Si. (reir entrance), nviîles sîticenîs iii girades b 10 8 o cdroîp hy heîwceis 3:30 and (15 1)11 t li c play a gamne ofI pool tii (6151 liaitg oti I lîgli s1ch(ocs -iticenîs are tnviied heivi ccii 7 ancl1 10 p.in. (lie Fine Arts Soc.iety tof Miltons Fvcning Croup of Artists Iedst-, lî om 7 iii 10 p.rm the infîîrmal cnvironmcent pros Fies- ,tlisltîs anl oppoctinity li ceci-cise ilîcir clrwig skills. iii motue informaticon, caîl ]anis ai (905) 854-5753. Miltont District Hlospital hcslds a oiic-on-one breasîfeed- ing cloie ss til a c ertil ted lactatioun coînsultant front 7 lii 9 plis. l morie inf[ormation ori Ito isake an appointiment. call _Jîillîcks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Thei Salsaton Army/Khi Cinimostit hisîcs lîs Vouth Group lions 6.45 Is 8K45 p.n.i- 61 tîtîs aged otie ils 13 ycars 6516 ai 100 Nîpisstng Rd., unit 3. h tr mcore infocmations caîl (9l05) 875-1022. The Halîtmn Wonsen's Centre, suite 229 in Hopedale Mal, 1515 Rehecca Si. in Oakville, holds is free Caring and Sharing Circle lromn 1 lii 3 p.tin. lis Spanish Womens Social Croup incdo (rom, 12:30 lu 2:30 p.m. [for Spanish speaking womnen 10 meet new fiends and leario about dîfferent pro- grains and resources i0 the cusmmunîîy For more informna- lion, t.all (905) 847-5520 or visil www.haltonwomenscen- t re.o rg. Friday May 25 The Express the Arts poetry group mcdos from 7 to 9 p.m. ai Milton Café on Ontanco Street, across from Spokes 'n SîFîpes. wsth ais open mie forcmat. Fvecyones weleome. espe- ciaîly piesb musîcians, artîsts and lîsteners. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites high sehool studenîs tus drop hy hetween 7 and 1l p.m . 10 play a game of pool or just bang out. Milton District Hospital holds a grtsup sesson breast- feeding chiei with a certîfîed lactation consultant frosi 1l a.to. lis 12:30 pin. For moîre information or tii make ais appoiniment. call jîi Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Saturday May 26 The Salvaitî Ainy'/khi C omniti holds ils Run Club ai 8 ans. wiili a usis-hcsui nîn. loi- ineling locatuin ancd rutue, caîl (905) 875-1022 Milton District Hosspital Aîîxiliary hcîlds ils giant -garage sale osf gcislly uîsed lîcîsîs (nso btooks) lromi 8 a tsi. t 12 p.ns aitihe Milîcon Fair Grounsds. Donationis eati lie crcpped off at tise laîrgîîuîsds the cIa' helcîre frtsm 10 a.m. 161 9 (lin The Fine Arts Soîciety ofI Milton (I ASM) lsclds ils Art of Papernîakîng - A Building Block fotr Mixed Media lroîm 9.30 a. to i 3.30 pus. aI Gratte Ansglicani t htrcl tit Main Stree wsitls îeac 6cr Sandcra Spaglictilo, ITle c t is $45 (or I ASt isnet es andc S5ý loi-iîî seihi Pre regîster hy calling Mîsîa t orhs ai (c)05t) 689-I 97b ori e-miraling don. ctschx4e)Syiislsai col ca. l'lic Milton Kineiles andl Milîton lire Departisseisi lolcI a fundraîser in supsport of Cy'siic h ilrosis Iroîtî 1l a.m nsli 4 1sîn li the Hcomîe Depcul packinig lot oii Maple As dictie Herhy tht. Iu Bîluig aisd Sparkvy the Dusg vil iii cîti t he lcstv'ties. whlicli incîtde xafety deinoisotiatitins ancl a harbsecue lunich. TIse Haltusî chapter tof the Order of the Fastemn Star cehe- hrates Multons h150h aiiniversacy with historical fashions and dîsplays [coin 11:30 a.m. to 1.30 pirn at St. Clair Masonie Hall, 6321 Reg Rd. 25 (south of Dercy Road). oThere'll also be a hunebeon, draw and donc prîzes. The cost is $7.

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