Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 2007, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 22, 2007 - 19 Jiu * * à * . * .Index: Real Estate 100-135e* Business 140-169 , eRentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-\299% Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampionCOM e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 Il HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classnied ads also appear on www.hakonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad submission by mail ar ia persan: The Canadian Champion, 555 lodustrial Drive, Side Door, 2nd Floor, Milton, ON L9T 5E1 Deadliles : Mon- il a.m. for Tues. publication, Thurs, il a.m . for Fri publication, Special Featore & Holiday deadlinen may vany. Paymnent: We accept cashi, chelque, litérae, Visa, Mastençard, American Express Ail ads placed are nen-refuedable and no credif il be issued. Business accaunits coni be opened wîtb an appnoved credif application avaîlabte tram your Sales Consultant. CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY iT RUNS ta ensure thre information is correct. Contact pour Sales Consultant withiri 24-Houns if on error uppears. An error nr a tri. publication must be nepodted no lter than Mon. il a.m. w- I i I i BIRTHDAY Genuine Article Bdlle .fIuui in s/ser. /lia claai( /ias wratherî'd te nrarn zr/il. 4.t8,000l 1mars on the clark. Lien/r in t/he uar ul bald Wxrks bran ler Io gra r. (,air slip ijnt neîtra/ o1 ai ra ion nrre'dng a pria/ e rstart. flou brrn kiîuw tx b/sa, a *1gaskro if sver/ratrd. Thr rrar ed ia eghn but /îaa. em tintra ma dr seraner noxsara GoIIy Gosh Gadd., Ha SthI HsF osFSae 1 HusF o a e HISTORICAL SINGLE FAMILV DWELLING FOR SALE BY OWNIER (PRICE $1.00) LOCATlION: 8574 Boston Churchill Road, Town ut Milton QWNER: The Ownen. Orlandu Corporation is a8feriîg the building for $t10; bupen is respan- sible for ail costalf moeîng the dwelling off site. DETAS -2 Stoney Brick houve buîtt around r878 - Swettîng has gîngenbread tram, tan ceîtîog an 1 t/2 frame kîtchea wîng -Original luthn and plaster, beams and tram intact -Contaîns 4 bedroums upstaars, ana tuft bedromr above kitchen and evîdence of a back stoîncase frum sommer hutcher anea -Reguanes nestoratuon lu original condition bp an înteresred party -Recent new roof, brîchaurk ian excellant condition ItEBJAGE S9TATU-S: rot desagnated under the Ontrio -teritage Act bur contuîred in the Town of l toscompréhensive beérage înventory. INQUES Christian Lapîs Pionner, Developmental Revaew Town ut Milton Tel. 905-878-7252 ext. 2305 Pao. 905-876-5024 Em9î Chr(stran upîs@miftxn.0a BIRTHDAY Mm Cmm.SpeciaI WORKSHOP- Country lo- caftaon, N. Baliognon suit smai business un lard- scuper. 26OOsqln, heated. 905-332-5858 JOB ut home. $487.68 Weekly. Assemble Pnvd- anis, Mail un Computer Vl Free Détilîs www.TopJobReview.com write CHRJbs 372 Ri- deau St, #916, Ottawa ON, MIN 1G7 Ref# At5 1-800-351-5120 Mrtilage, 6SS$ CONSO L IDAT E $$$ bad credit, tout mont- gage aimeais, self em- ptuyed 100%0 Murtgages, don't puy lyr Programi Ontaria Wîde Fînanciat Corporatiun 1-888-307- 7799 MILTON 3-bdrm apoi. Court St., Sr t00imtb + hydre, avoulable Aug/et Rita 416- 638-2573. $1200 math + hydre. 3- bdrm Downtown Miltron ahove Bengsmas Home Decor Prefer No pets/no smoking, Ist and last. Recertlp telle vatad and redeconared, încisdes a great deck. on the 3nd floor. P/U applicabion ut r194 Main St. Miltron. Avoulable tm- mediately. ACTON 1 -bednoom apartment Avoulable Jane 1sf. 200 Churchill Road, South. No pets. Cl 51 9-853-0087. FasFor Reet MILTON lange 1 & 2- bdrm aparîments, avaîlable Jane lot. Prom $880/mth + park- ing. Cati 416-723- 4801. SPACîOUS immacu- lune, 2-bednuom apant- ment in new bouse in counry. Garage, ail new appt/onces includ- îng washer/dnper. Pri- votle entrance. Close ta 401. Preler no pets. Svîtabte for aduits. Refenences. Avaîtabie Jaiy r str $800/rh Fîrst/Last 519-856- 9259, (;'MatOpperàtnity! MILTON Heîgbts 3- hednoom upartment and 1600sg. office spaca. Appliarces, parking and smatl yard. $2,000/mtb plus utîtîties and services. Avaîlabie May 1t, 905-854- 1887, MILTON 1-bdnm clm Avoulable July ti $850./mth rinl Lange bsmt bachelor apt. Avoulable Jure 7tb, 4-appt. $700 1 ci, Parking fo r bath. Pieuse coul Jop 289- 259-5855, lst/tast ne- quired. DOWNTOWN George- town, large i Oednovm, S78Simonbh plus hydro anctudes appli- onces/parking. No smoking/pets crédit checki fîrsb/last/nefer- ences. Avaîtabie imme- dîately. Cati 905-877- 4427. Rails ForRent MM p!asr Re!t ACTON 1 -bedroom DOWNTOWN utîlîties încluded. No GEORGETOWN pets, larst/tast/nefer- 1-bedroom aparimeots. ences. Parking. NeI decorated. Non- Avoulable Jure ltI Cai smoker/nv pets. Fnom 5r9_853_-1753 or 519- $790/mvntb. Pieuse 853-1880ý cati 905-702-3301. We are nom acceptîsg applicarions ilr 1 bedroom apt's For morle inflormation and/or ru ma/se an appaintment, ACTON Aparimenits 1 & 2-bednoams avaîlabie June & July. Frîdge & stove, laundny facilities Pnefer nu dagu 519-853-4374. Open 7 daystweek. Same day approaal. ~wwealtar.c OOWNTOWN MILTON MillsideTowers 82 Mifiside Drive. Attracrîve quiet build- ing. Spacious bnaybt dlean t1&2 bedroom unîts wîfb laundry tacility and social nuom on site Regulan resîdent avents Open 7 deys & eveeing Cali 905-876-1249 wwwreaistar.ca t-DEDROOM George- town S750imonth plus utîtîties. New paint, windows. caunter, stove and tivvrîng. Avaîlabte Nowi Aduits Inl No pets/smoking. Cati 905-450-8517. 1-BEDROOM suites in histonr building in Rockwood, wîth gas lîreptaces starrîag ut $675imonth plus utilîieés. Cati Elizabeth Doeli. Johnson Asso- ciates Reattor 905-877- 5185ý 2-DEDROOM apari- ment for renr Aoaiable îmmedîatly. No plet s /s mok in g $900/monlh plus hydro. Fîrstitasr/references ne- guîred. No pets/smak- îng. 905-452-1888. ACTON 2-bedroom apartment March rsr. $870/moatti urtities in- ciuded Guier Building, No-pers. 192 Churchill Rouu Sourh, Cuil 519- 853-128r, ACTON 2-bedroom apartment May tsi, $880/moafh utîlîties In- ctuded. Quiet Building. Nu-pets. 182 Churchill Road South. Cati 51ru 853-1281. GEORGETOWN t, 2 and 3-hedrvum aparr- ments $825/month, $925/month and S99Simorth Avaîlabie îmmedîateip. Includes heat/hydra/cubie. Park- ing extra. Cvii 905-877- 8563. GEORGETOWN r, 2 and 3-bednvom ayant- ments 5795/morrh, S925imonth and S9bimonrh. Avaiahie Augusr r Srs Includes heatihpdroicabie, Park- ing extra. Cai 905-873- 6284 GEORGETOWN r- belno basement apanîment. Very spa- clous,' brîgbr, wîth own taundnp, parking, separ- une entrance. No smok- îng/dugs. Avaîtabte îm- medîatety. $850/month inctudes utilttis Cati Greg 416,-625-3688 GEORGETOWN lange 2-hedroom aparîment. Avaîtabte Juip tsi. No pets. Cati 905-877- 2651. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroom. main Iloor of bouse, close ro, ail amendéis. air condition- jing, fnîdge stove, dîsh- wxsker, cabte and utîlîties înciuded. Avaîlabte Julp rst. Cati 905-702-f125. GEORGETOWN, oewly nenuvated 3-hednoom upper levet and loft. front haicony. WVsl eridîper hookup. No s mo kiIn g/ plet s, St 200/month inctudes utIîe Avaîtabie Juiy lti Cai 905-873-1174 aIrer 8:00 pm. G EORG ETO WN. Renovated bachelon, in Hîstorîc 9 plea. 5700/montS rent/buy, Oas tînepiace, decs, parking, îacuzzî, aur dry. 41k 399-7440, LARGE r Sedroom basement apanîment. Quiet area. Park- îng/utîltres înciuded. 5800/month. FIs/ls Avaîlabie îmmedîatelp. No smoking/pets, Cal 905 873-979_8 MI LTON 4-bedroom, r ,800sql Watk ta parklschooi, minutes fnom GO/4Ot. $1.650/mth +. atîtitesý Avaîlable Jutp 1s1. 908- 814-8647. Romoard Roon/or MILTON detached brîghr 4-bdrm, 3-bath- noom, l900sghft 6-appt , besîde park, shopping Mati $1 6b0imth negatiable + utilities. Cal 418 93r- 8704, ADUIT Style Living. 1,800+ sglît, brund g.e. 2 beIdnoom brun- gav eet toi Emp ty Neser Wl ta shopping yod medical. No maintenance. Avaîlable June r sr Cail 905-702-1760, REDUCED RENT ton a 3-bedrovm t ,200sg l gvesrhvuse an rhe country, south ot Crin for a netîrea person who s hanap and loves to do vursîde yard work. Pieuse cuit 905-702- 2334/519-833-258 3-BEDROOM dupl Park area Georgetown. 4-appliances. Off street parking. $1,200/month plus utîtîties. Cati 519- 928-3365. JAMES 000w Pkwy, lreshiy paînted, 2000 sq.ft., fînîshed base- ment, cruwnmouing, 3-bednoums, 20-baths. $1 ,700/mth + utilities. Doris 905-854-0888. OAKVILLE- 2,364 hed- room tuwnbouses avaîlahie îmmedîatety tbnougb Julp tst. 4 appl ances, Hopedale Malt area. Lakeshone Manage- ment 905-878-3338 TOWNHOUSE Ion rent n heautifai Barber Glen an Georgetown. Gar geous r bedroom bawn- home close to ail amenîties. Aduit com- munîtp living orly, Please emnaît bovoth4l @cogeco.ca or cuit 416-791-8716. Avaîtable Jutp rsî. Fert MILTON noom Ion rna n new townhouse, shared kîrchen. separ- are bath. p ark- îng/Iuite înciuded. Protessionais onip. Ahten Spm 905-699- 7909. MiILTON room in town- bosse. Shaned taun- trs t/t a st relene nce s No pets prelerred, non- smoker, temaie pre- terred. 905-805-2040. à e -- .1 M l -l URGENT.Y NEDEOJ Red Leaf Student Prugnam needs famîies to host a student frnm Spain in Juty. Studeebo affend classes and actînîties Moxdxy te Frîday. Remuneration is paid ta, offset coots. For more info cali Megan: 905-637-6341 Sre acr MMAcodaton RE Aaile MILTON Suitable ton FULI-TIME Chîldcane temnalle No smoking. avaîlable Monday 10 no pnts pretero Frîda. off Dieie and $52Simth utilities rn Trudeau, Fua, sale ciuded (phone au- learnîng enoîrorment cildd Wîneiess ac- for kîdsu Ages 3-5. cesu. Avoulable June 8 House bas indoor kit- 905-699-7114. ten. Colt Melanie at 647-271 -5280. HERDMAN -Sean & Angle (nee Houser), along with big brother, Luke, are pleaoed fo annoonce the birf h ouf Nathaniel James weighîng 9Ibo l2oz af Milfon District Hospital on Aprif 26f h. 2007 He is weioomed by many famîly & triendo. Speciaf thanko fo the Mil staiff Boy?. or Giri? 'feti your f ctrnuly & f riend With- Birt Annoanlceerts Rbremaîbîiau it ap ComigEEent 0 jeungEvents mke FIhih DAW Place a greeting in our classifieds. Include your Nanic & Nuihor with themssa-ge Mor essage must12 tod rls fo.r Vaw ~ ~ ~ ýd, byE ,II i.' ,h,,~r,, roi a difrgt The Canadian Champion te Phone: 905-878-2341 1lih AM Fao: 905-876-2364

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