Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 8

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MILTON CHURCH 0F MILTON GOSPEL HALL m~~ET-A CHRIST 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 CHU.RCH 1412 Bnitannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 10:00 arn. -.The Lord's Supper Invites yon teone wekly Sabbath services ai 905-875-29391:4ar.-ndyShl Hagh Faster Hall, 43 Brown SI. Million 1:5am Sunday SchoolClss6:0pm opeSrvc Sat. 9:30 a. mn. -Sabbath Scliol Sna colCass63 .-Gse evc Sai. 1:00 ar.. Divine Service 10:00 arn Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study FREEBIBLESCIIOOL Oiv.nvei the amnatn Bible anviners iv le's perpleving questions,. Worship & CommunionSoheeeronofu For FREEnBIBLE LtSSONS, write P.o. Bnv 23012, 11:00 arnmalgv con fisl 55 Oniario Si., Miltnn, Ont. L9I 5B4 sagiecou fhiml On ihe INTENET. hitp://www.vo.cvnm and Thursday Bible Study îvww.amaningfaciv nrelibinvcboilvCwhinînin avp 7:00 pnîn od PASTOR: Ai DnCosia 519-083)1) Roas141 Formn infortin abuu sevi ce and pvigranm pieasn Cai Minister Steve Corbett Rmn 41 905-878-5664 NEW THIS YEAR... KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CITURCU sI2 Located on Derry Rd., i M m WEICOMESYO 1 U -o th i e beteen the Spot Centre BIE m.170 Main St. E., Milton 9015-878-6066 Pursuing Jesus passîonately and U l Direcior of Music Minisiries -Sustja van de Hi i connectiflg wlth our God-gîven family I Meet new friends in the café at 10:00 arn Monday JuIy M1 - Friday JuIy 131h Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.rn. Service 9 amn - Noan 9:15 ar..- Youib Sînaîl Grîsup (Grades 7 & up) Where is Your Treasure? Bi-1 rc « FtR enulitr Price $69 10:30 a.rn. -Cbildren's Worsbîp Victoria Day Celebration! -Sun, May 20 orbysndirsetngGae5orde (Ages 3 -Grade 6) & Nursery Ice Creani & Fireworks ait 8:30 pm Southside Commnunity Church "ýCA.LLED To SERVE TH LORD"I LouiS Paator JIack Nînaber/ Youtlt Panier Eric HetIiwAII 2850 Derry Rd. East, MiltonWeecarccsanîvhnrnpîsîdsnhi www.southsidemniIton -org 958856 ehrc e tteChiniaanMiaSiiay Alliance Phone 90la8564I register aI nyceand wnrshîp. Access off Mary Street. LaednDerRndbeîenteSpreCentre & the Hospital a] ycoen hiAom TUESDAYS Ladies'Coffee Break - 9:30 AM WEDNESDAYS Family Night - 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study/ Extreme Life Youth/ BG Clubs for Kids 824 Tbompson Road South, Milton ON L9T 2X5 Visit Us Online www.NewLiteMilton.com Or cali Pastor Dan Rogge aI 905-3358 Sunday May 20, 10:30 arn Guest Speaker:, Carol Hyde Supervised Nursery Care from 10:15 ar. No Church School & Gospel Unit Today Cotlee & Conversation after the servi ce Corne Worship With Us! Eve r Wonder Why You Are Carrying A Heavy Load? You lost your job. You were in a car accident. despondent. with the rest of tbe party, waiting An ant was inoving slosvly across the lace ot the learn to say. -God. 1 don't know wby you wani Your daughter ran away from borne. A loved one for the rest of them to make tl up tbe face of the rock, carryrng it. me to carry thts load. 1 can see no good in it and just died. Your spouse bas been dtagnosed wtth cliff. Brenda told me that ber father is a cartoontst. is awfully heavy. But, if you want me to carry cancer. Your best friend is getting a divorce... the Sbe looked out across range after range oif Wben she told bim tbe incredible story of the it I will." You can do it! God will bnlp you -if listis ndlss.mountains. nbinking of tbat Bible verse that says. ant. tbe prayers. and tbe contact lens, be drew a you let Him! Adversity affects us ail. None of us can avoid "Tbe eyes of tbe Lord run ttî and fro tbrougbout picture of an ant lugging tbat contact lens witb To learn more about turning your stress int a life's cballenges. Life is bard, but God is good' the wbole eartb." Sbe tbougbi. "Lord. You can the words. "Lord. 1 don't knosv wby You want sces ii oa brbti ek evc Hose we handle a heavy load set before us see aIl these mounitains. You know every stone me to carry this tbing. 1 can't cat it. and tt's tie n oain aepbtbdi b profoundly impacts tbose we love. Consider: and leaf. and You know exactly svbere my awfully beavy. But if this is wbat You want me tmsadlctosaepbihdi h Breda asa yungwoan bo asinvted10 contact lens is. Please belp me." t0 do. l'Il carry it for You." Religious Directory below to belp you find a go rock climbing. Althougb sbe was scared 10 Well, tbat would be startling enougb. but you If we wonder wby we are f aced witb a beavy graplcofosip deatb. sine went witb ber group tu a tremendous kuose wby tbe climber saw il9 load of adversity. I tbînk it would be good to Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of granite cliff. In spite of ber fear, sbne put on tbe Milton's New Life Church. gear. took bold of tbe rope. and started up tbe face of that rock. qRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH Weil, sbe got to a ledge wbere she could take a breatber. As sbe was banging on tbere, thse safety . 1 03 Martin Street rope snapped against Brenda"s eye and knocked cow 905-878-1 629 Lovinq Geo. Loy) q peopir., out ber contact lens. Weil, bere sbe is on a rock Pastor Walter H. IsaakHo s ofD vdS dasa20 M in tre ledge witb bundreds of feet below ber and o s ofD vdSna t20 M in tre bundreds of feet above ber. 0f course, sbe 9:50 a.m. - Sunday School Invites you to our Sunday Service 10:00 arn Worship & Teaching looked and looked and looked. boping it bad 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 'In His Presence'Cide' rgasRnigCnurnl landed on tbe ledge. but it just wasn't tbere.Cide' rgasRnn ocuetl Here sbe was. far from borne, ber sîgbt now 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Sunday 10OAm blurry. Sbe was desperate and began to get Hldyntxrcs11:00 arn Coftee & Conversations upset. so sbe prayed to the Lord to belp ber t0 Thr1a 750 High Point Dr. Milton, ON L,9T 5G5 (esreTmHrosGfel find it. 7:00 p.m. BbeSuy& ryrWesveTmHto Cfe! Bible Study ~~Prayer Pre& Counslng: 647-999-3562 9 5 7 3 8 Wbcn she got tu tbe top, a friend es:îmined berLieAManfuLf. eye and ber clotbing for tbe lens. but tbere was 'You'Il always tind a triend at Graceway" .'ne ADfeeancefu www.Mil905 ib876-3586 C no contact lens to be found. Sbe sat dosvn, www.gracewaybaptist.org aeADfèec wwMloBbehrOc JLGRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH ~S.Gog' Clr:317 Main St.E Anglican Chtîtch S ~ cRev. D)r. Mark the Church on the Hill hui nah, enîii seri S n T a vMcDlerrnotf 905-878-2411 i 150+ Yeai frs Chi a- v 'l 'oi lc0l1'fn Rev. Dr. Renée Desjardins 150e Y h.çva iaeerstmnn Father NIrkCurtis lon us ihis ' anin i bis ihur of tFE H uR SunayMay20Services: Sunday on NEw LIFrpen CHURC (ansiand me us. we »Ullbe ers plesedto meetivan. FOR GENERATIONS TO COME 10:00 amn 8:(X) aii- Said Etîvharîsi WO.RyCnn(bdâMs 10:0X) amrn Sang Eucharit îîîc)adiagL Nly 201h. 2007 Serices' bKsSIlI rga 8:30 arn - Holy CommunionSUD SSevcTms lol)uised by coller houi00at oat rye rdtoa esc vvv.hsacuiyiloncmListen le our Sunday sermons online 1030) arn - Momîng Prayer in the Farnîly Room First Service 9:00 AM wwwtheantuaYmitO.COl~at www.gracechurchiltonl.com Nursery and Junior Sunday School (Sunday Sohool 9:30 AM) 905.257.3987 ___________ 5:00 Pmn - Evcnsong Milton Sports Centre Wheelchair ACctttlhrniigh Parking Lot 7051CGuelph Line atlki'1'yRuait (Tel) 905.l878I 1363 Second Service 10:45 AM** 605StaaMaavd.Deny R.weg of Hwy 25) www.gracechurchmniltonl.comn Vk ur web siteoieaieoeawrleo Evening Service 6:30 PM

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