Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 56

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C4 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 7 Milton District High School once looked lîke this. MDHS hosting big reunion Callîng ail former students of Milton District High School (MDHS) and what was Milton Htgh Scbool. Are you looking to re-connect witb old friends and reminîsce about days gone by? September 7 to 9, an all-years high irchool reunion will take place at MDHS, 396 Williams Ave., and you're invited. Tbis is the [irst reunion for the schools in more than 20 years and organizers are expecting a great turnout. i he theme of the event is ' orne on Home'. The reunion will kick off Fniday, Sept. 7 at MDHS, wvith tours of the school and a vievv into tbe past decades. Guests will thcn bead downtown whec some of the local bars are bost- ing the different decades - tbe perfect place to find tbat old friend. Bryden's is bosting tbe 2000s, Tbe Olde Dickens the 1990s, the lvy Arms is taking tbe'80s and Tbe Post Office is taking on tbe '70s. Tbe '60s and earlier will meet at tbe legion on Chartes Street. Saturday, Sept. 8, reunion-goers wiIl bead back to MDHS for an afternoon of fun and sports. Basketball, soccer, vol- leyball and a barbecue are just some of the scheduled events. For tbe non-sports-mtnded gradu- ates, Martin Street Scbool (tbe former Milton Higb Scbool) xviii be open for touring. That nigbt wtll feature a barbe- cue dinner followed by a dance on tbe football field bosted by tbe Kinsmen and the Kinettes. Sunday, Sept. 9 tbe reunion will end witb a bruncb at MDHS. Alumni can register on-line now at wwwgeocitiescom/mdbs-reunion/tnd cx.btml or duning thec Milton Fanners Market at tbe lvy Amis. Registration costs $10 belorejuly 1 or $15 fromJuly 2 to September i. For students cotoing fron oui of town, the local botels are offcring rooms at a discounted rate - Just men- tion tbe MDHS reunion. Ebese rooms must be booked before Augusi 7 f'or tbe discount. The reunion committee is seeking donations to help defray costs. To mnake a donation, contact Cbris and Shtrley Heath at (905) 878-3545 or visit tbe aforementioned website. The Corpoaion1 oflî,thel. [TVowî of Miloni 905-878-7252~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,.: 90*7-67-18041-44*Rcwo/uep w .itn Expropplations Act NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN TH4E MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Town of Milton for approval te, exproprias tand and a temporary interest in tand b.ing, Parts 1 tirrougir t inclusive on tire attacired draft plan off expropriation, wlnch are pari ot the lands bearing the legat description a part ot Part off Lot t0, Concession 4, New Survey Towniship of Trafalgar being Part 1, Plan 20R-1 1920 in tihe Towin of Milton, mn the Regionat Municipamty ot Halton. For tire purpose ot: (a) constructing a portion of tire stormmoer cirannel and associated baffer mn the Bristol Survey Secondary Plan are ot tire Tom ni Milton. The cirannel and associated buffer are reiquired pursuant to tire poticies et tire Bristol Survey Secondaiy Plan and tire subwotersired study undertaken by Piiips Engineering Ltd. on beiraf et tire Tomi of Mites as approved by Conservation Huffon, tire Ouparimeni et Fisireries and Oceans and tire Ministry et Natural Resources; and (b) a temporary nasement, eepming October 31, 2009,1eor entering upes and eccupying tire lands vir ail secessary veicles, macirinery, equipment and materials for tire pumposes et construction et tire cirannel and baffer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tirai application iras been made for apprevai te eprepriate tire land and a temporary interesti n land descrîbed as tollems: Parts 1 tireugir t inclusive on tire attacired draft plan et exprepriation, vMicir are part et tire lands beurîng tire legal description a part et Part et Lot 10, Concession 4, New Survey Tossniship et Tratalgar beîng Part 1, Plan 20R-1 1920 in tire Toua et Milesn, in tire Regienai Municipamty et Haffen us toliorvo. (a) Parts 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 usd 8 as shows on tire uffacired draft plan et expropriation. Tirese lands are required in tee simple in erder te constmuct a portion et tire stemmvvotnî management cirannel and asseciuted buffer in tire Bristel Sumvey Snconidury Plan. Tire cirannel and assecîated buffer ure rnquîred pursuant te tire pelîcîns et tire Bristol Survey Secendary Plun and tire Pilîpo Study as appreved by Conservation Huttes, the Oepartment et Fîsies and Oceuns and tire Misîstry et Natorai Resources; and (b) Parts 1 and 5 as sirervi on tire affacired draft plan et exprepriation. Tirese lands are rnquired tor a tempeîary ousement for purposes et eiterisg upeni and occupying tire tends uwitir ail secessary veiîcies, macinery, equîpment, and materials tor tire purposes et constructien et tire adjacent perties et the cirannel and buffer. lire temperary nasement vviii expire os October 31, 2009. Any evarer et lands in respect et micir notice is gîven mlio desmes an isquire into urietier tire taiing vt such lund s fair, sound and reasonairly nncessary in tire acirievement et tire objectives et tire eopreprîatîsg aotirvrity sirail se setity tire upprevîsg autireriy in vîrmting, (a) sn tire case et a mgîstered emer, served persoeully er by rngîstnred mail mitin thîrty days aBter ire is served murh tire notice, or, mein ire is served bp publication, vîrtiin tirrty days aBter tire irrst publication et tire notice, (b) in the case et an omumer Mis net a regîstered emrier. mîtirin tirty days alter tire tîrsi publication et tire notice. Tire upproving autirrrim Tire Corporation off the Toms of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontario (-5T 5H2 Tire Cerporation et tire Touwn et Milton Troy McHarg, Towai Clerk ExpropriationsAc NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER 0F an application by Tire Corporation ut the Tomn of Milton for approvat te expropriate land and a Iemporary interestin sland being, Parts 9, 10 il and 12 on tire uffacired draft plan et epropriatien, micir are a part et tire lands beurisg tire legul description Part et Lot 10, Concession 5, New Survey Temsiip et Trafalgar being Part 2, Plan 20R-91 62 mn tire Toms et Miltes, mn tire Regienai Munmcipaiity et Hairon. For tire purpose et: (a) cosstrucig a portion et tire sternrmulter cirannel and ussociated buffer mn tire Bristol Survey Secondary Plan are et tire Tom et Milton. Tire cirannel and associated buffer are required pursoant te tire poiomes et tire Bristol Survep Secondary Plan and tire subvîutersired study usdertaren by Pirilips Engineering Ltd. on miraIf et tire Toms et Milton us approved by Conservation Haltes, tire Oepartment et Fisireries and Oceans and tire Minmstmy et Natural Resources, and (b) a tempenury nasement, enpmrîng Ociober 31, 2009 tor entermng upen and occupying tire lands vairh ail necessury veicles, mucinery. equmpment und matermais for tire purposes oflconstructien et tire cirunnel and buffer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tirai application iras been made tor approva te nopropriate tire lasd and a temperary interest mn lasd descrmbed as teiioms: Parts 9, 10, 11 and t12 on tire uffacired diaft plan et expropriation, Micir are u part et tire lands beaieg tire legal description Part et Lot 10, Concession 5, New Survey Towshiip et Trafalgar being Part 2, Plan 20R-9162 mn tire Toua et Miutes, mn tire Regmonul Muncmpulmty et Haltes as toiloîs: (u) Purin 10, il und t12 us siroai on tire altacired draft plus et eoprpriation. Thnse lands aie iequired me tee simple mn ordem te construci a portion et tire stormwater management cirunnel and associated buffer in tire Bristol Survey Secosdary Plan. Tire cirassel and assocrated buffer are requmred pumsuant toithe polîcres et tire Bristol Sorvep Secondary Plas and tire Pimips Study as approved iry Conservution Haltes, tire Oxpartienit of Fîssemies und Oceass and tire Minstrp et Nutuma Resourcesi and (b) Pari 9 as sirovîn on tire uffucired draft plus et expropriation. Tirese lunds are meqummed tom a temporarr nasement toi porposes et entering upon and occupying tire lands vvitir ail necessury veiricies, mnacinemy, equmpment, andi materminl tom tire pumposen et constructionm et tire adjacent portion et the cirunvel andi buffer. rire temporary easement miii eopire on October 31, 2009, Anp omumer of lands mn respect et vvinrcir notice is gîven sir desmes an inqumry iro Mvetirer tire taing ut surS lusd s tair, sousd and reasonablp necessarp in tire acirievement ut tire objectives ot tire eopmopmatisg autrormty sirail sO notmty tire approving autirorrip mn mniiing, ma n tire case et a regmstered oamer, served pernonaly or by registered mail sotin liirtp daps alter ire is served mitir tire notice, or, Mmes ire is served bp publication, sotris tirtp daps aBter tire tirsi pubicationof ethtie notice, (b) mn tire case ut us ovaier Mito msnsot a regmstnmed amrer, soutin tirty days aiter thre tîrsi publication of tire notice. Tire approving auiirvrity i The Corporation off the Toms ot Miltos 43 Brouis Street Miltes, Ontrio L5T ffH2 Tire Corporation et tire lovm et Milton Trop McHarg, Tows Cleii

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