Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 54

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C2 -The Canadian Champion, Fr(day, May 16, 2007 Exproieatins Act NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND N THE MAI-TER 0F ant application bp T6e Corporation etflthe lomi r iltonr for approval te expropoiale land and a temporaro ioleresl nr lird Ireirir. legal descoiption Part ofLot il, Coocessîion 4, New Surte e1 lomIirsirrirîr lr.î1larî ro l ui r P Oi 111 in the Tovan o)f Milion, tri 16e Reriririal Mîrnor-palily of llillvi For 16e porpose et. (a) constîîîctîîrg a portion of lire stormvaei charirel aird associairýd bui tri iiilii lbifii (vii siv er vii I. I Plit a re f the Tovsnr et Milles The chaîrnel anrd assocraleil buffer aire reqitiiredirî suin lîr fine lice of ilo 4isi Survxo Secondary Plan) axA 16e siibwatersbed siudy rîndertakeir lv Ihililis f rîrîrîerîrrî 1 Ii on Ilfî <ftil Tovwi of Milton as apîuîoved by Cvvser atior Hlion, fi6e Departerent vil islierres anul 0cn vaisnul 11wi Mirrisiro et Raturai Resoucvs. and (b) a temporary easemenî, expiring Qelober 31 >2009, for enîeriig upenr andî îruurpyîrrgth lanN ot i necessaro vetircles, machîviery, equipmenlt and eraterials loi the Ptrrposes 0i C.onstrurctionI fil Glre 1ý n botter. NOTICE 15 HEREEY OIlVEN thal application bas benr marie loi approval tv expiopriale 16e landî anA a lempxrary interest en land descrrbed as tollome: Parts i through 10 inclusive on the affactied draft plan ut expropriation, eniicti are a part ut lands bearrng the legal description Part ut Loi i1, Concession 4, New Survep Towneship ut Trafalgar berng Part t, Plan 20R-1 4994 in 16e loess ut Milton, in 16e Regronai Muercrpaldp of Halton as tollome: (a) Parts 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9, as shows un 16e affached draft plan ut expropriation. Ihese lande are requrred en tee simple in urder lu ceestrocl a portion ufth1e slormmster management channel and assocrated tiotter en 16e Bristol Survep Secondarp Plan. The chaneel and assocrated butter are requrred pursuant lu 16e pulîcres ufth1e Bristol Survep Secondarp Plan and 16e Phîlîpe Studp as approved bp Conservation Hallon, 16e Department of Fisherres and Oceans and 16e Misrstry ut Natural Resources, and (b) Parts 1, S, 6, and 10 as chusse on 16e affached draft plan ut expropriation. These lands are requrred ton a temporary eaeent toc purposes ut enlerreg upon and occupprng 16e lands wath ail eecessarp vetircles, machrserp, equipmesl, and materrals for the purposes ut construclion efth1e adiacent portion of 16e cbannel and buffer. 16e lemporarp easemesl mdil expire on October 31, 2009. Aep umner ut lande in respec t mirich notice is gîven Meio deerres an rnquir inte ixether 16e takrng ut such land is tair, sound and reasoeablp eeceesarp en 16e achrevemeel ut 16e objectives efth1e enproprratieg authordpy shahl 50 nolitp 16e approvrng authordy in mrdting, (a) in the case ut a regrstered omeer, served persoeallp or bp regrelernd mail mirthin thrrtp dape affer 6e es eerved xctth 16e notice, or, Mes 6e is served bp publication, mîlttir ttirtp dupe ailler 16e tiret publication ufth1e notice, (b) ie 16e case ot an umeer miro es net a regrelered omeer, mvithin thrrtp dape after 16e tiret publication ufth1e notice. The approorng authordty is Tire Corporation et tire Tome et Milton 43 Brume Street Mftion, Ontario LST 5tH2 16e Corporation efth1e Toms ut Mîtes Trop McHarg. Tomsr Clerti Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND N THE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Towni ot Mifton for approval bo eoproprrate land and a temporarp interesî nr land berng, Parts 19 tbrough 23 inclusive on the attacbed draft plan of expropriation, wrdicb are a part ot lands bearîng the legal description Part ut Lot il, Concession 4, New Survey Townrship ut Trafalgar being Part 2, Plan 20R-9162. eocept Parti1, Plan 2ORi1i5510, in thn Town of Milton, in e Regînnal Municipalilp ut Halon. For tbe purpose et: (a) conslructrng a portion ut the stormmuter channel and associaled buffer in the Bristol Survep Secondary Plan are nI the lucre ut Milton. The channel and associated buffer are required pursuant bo the polîcies nI the Bristol Survep Secundary Plan and the subwatersbed sludy undertaken bp Phrlîps Engineering LId. on bebait ufth1e Toms ot Milton as appruved by Conservation Halton, t6e Departmenl ot Fîsties and Oceans and 16e Mîerstrp of Natural Resources, and (b) a lemporary nasument, enpîrrng October 31, 2009, for enlerîng upon and occupprng the lands wilh ail necnssary vebîcles, machrnery, equrpment and malerrale tor 16e purposes ut construction ofth1e channel and buffer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ibal application bas boe made tor approval te oupropriate the land descrrbed as tollome: Parts 19 tbrough 23 inclusive un the affached draft plan ot expropriation, miicti are a part ot lands bourre9 the legal description Part of Lot il, Concession 4, New Survey Townsbip ot Trafalgar bereg Part 2. Plan 20R-9162, oucept Part i, Plan 2OR1i551O, n the Town ut Mîffon, in 16e Regrunai Mueicipalitp ot Halton as lollome. (a) Parts 20, 2l and 22 as s6ovws un the affacbed draft plan ut expropriation. These lands are required in tee simple in order lu conetrunt a portion ofth1e elormmeter management channel and assucialed baffer in 16e Bristol Survey Secondart Plan. The ebannel and assocîated buffer are requîred pursuant lu t6e policîns ufth1e Bristol Survep Secondant Plan and 16e Philîpe Stodp as appruved by Conservation Hation, 16e Departmeet ut Fîsherîns and Oceans and 16e Minist ut Naturai Resurces, and (b) Parts 19f and 23 as showsi on the attached draft plan ut expropriation. These lande are reqaîred tor a temporant nasement tor purposes ut enterrng apun and occupping the lande miÀtb ail neceeeary vebîcles, machinent, eqarpment, and mateniale lui the purpuses ut constraction ufth1e adjacent portion ufth1e channel and butter. 16e temporant eaeement miii expire un October 31, 2009. Any omeer ut lande in respect ut eMic6 notice es groen Mo desîres an requitrel irotier 16e taking ut such land es taîr, euund and reaeunablp ecensant in 16e achievement ufth1e objectives ufth1e eepruprratrng aulhordty ebaîl sut nutitir the approorng aulhority in mrdting, (a) in 16e case ut a registered umeier, eerved persunally or by regretered mail mithin tbrrty daps affer 6e es served witb 16e notice, or, Mien 6e is served bp publicatimn, mithie thirtp dape aliter the iret publication ufth1e notice, (b) in 16e case ut an usiner Mo es nul a regîsîered umnler, mithin thirty daps affer 16e tiret publication ufth1e notice. The appruoreg aolhorilp le Thre Corporation et tire Tome et Milton 43 Brume Street Miltun, Ontario LftT 5H2 16e Corpuoration ufth1e Toms ut Mîluon j Tmpy McHarg, Tom ClertiJ i-vprviperiicris Ast NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND SN Il1 MAI1 111 iii inptrliaiiii lhp o irporialitio e frivaioniMiltonl 1 >ail, Il 12, iÀ 14 10 17 andr 18bn riiliiaiedIiriilrlIplaniofiexpropriaion,vîtirrrs a partoflands eair 11w elrniIlrr.ipiv ito1 rlrii11,lvîvo 4, NewîSrrnvev lvvashrp oftraalîar horvPart i, Planr20R- u1)i00. an liti 1 Plac 20P1 1f,,79 tri Ihe iovr ofi Militon, n. the R.pîîrîaI Mucicipailv vi oflalîvir lai vii brrr boqnqa portiofvtie stoross'aierbanovl andlassviiatpcdbcffervtilthexriollrvveScodary a axuib orIvmivl ofMiltonr Tirechancei and assvi.ialxd bufferaiecieqcxreitpursva ovine plicivs ofhbxrnsc lu ii re li!ririlary llit axid 16e siilvtirmnieihei slvîly uocrlxrakerî 6v Plî6is Enigineering LI on lîebaO of the IvmuiioriMlonriaapprnvvel bv(iociiv ilon the1leparfimevlit s6ecps adAieas andlteMvslist ofi Nairiil iiimirriesan ()i)al.tiiiirvxleserreii expirviijlviirx Il, 2009 foriiexriv ipvianidoc.ivithle lanidsvaibhall necessarp vebcbsIý oiacriri eipilniprnli a iai s fvrthe pcrpvsesvofcvvstructionvofbe canvxl and lirffer NOIC 11(l I ffR kilt iîiVlNlthaï!appiblicirniliaslrecc made fiapprvvalv xprvprrailtire lait(]and a iervporarp roteresi ti land descrrbed as toilonvs Parts il, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 anrd l8Ion 16e affacbed draft plan et expropriation, mlich us a part of lands bearng the legai description Part et LoI il, Concession 4, New burvep Township ut Trafalgar bxrng Part i, Plan 20R- 16000, save and excepl Part t, Plan 2CR- 16679, in 16e Toms et Milesn, sn 16e Regronal Moxrcrpailv et Haltox as toIleme-. (a) Parts 12, 13, 14, 16tand i8 as shows on the uffached draft plan ot expropriation. Ibese lands are requrred en tee simple in urder le cunetrunt a portion efth1e stormmoler management channel and assocraled baffer sn 16e Bristol Survep Secoedarp Plan. 16e channel and assocraled buffer are requrred pursuant te 16e polîcres of 16e Bnistol Survep Secundarp Plan and the Pbrirps Studp as approved liv Conservation Haltes, 16e Department et Fîstierres and Oceans and 16e Minislrp of Naturai Resources, and (b) Parts il and 17 as sbows ou t6e affavbed draft plant of expropriation. Ihese lands are xequrred tox a lempurary eaeemeel for purposes et eelerreg uou and occuppreg 16e lande mrth ail necessarp vehîicies, machinerp, equrpmenl, and materrals for 16e purpuses oftconstruction efth1e adiacent portion efth1e channel anA butter. T6e temporarp nasemeel mdl expire on Ocleber 31, 2009ý Aep ewser ut lande in respect et mlich notîce is gîven Mro desîres as rnqurp rno miether the takrng et sucti land us fair, sound and reasoeabip eecessarp en the achrevement ufth1e objectives of 16e eopropriatixg auttioritv shahl se eoîtp t6e approvreg authortp in mrting, (a) in 16e case nI a regrelered omerer, served persunallp or bp regrslered maril mrhis tbrrtp daps alter 6e is served mvith 16e notice, or, mires 6e le served bp publication, mithin thrrtp daps alter 16e Oirsi publication ufth1e notice; (b) in 16e case ot an owsler Mo ne nul a regrstered owser, mithie thirtp dupe affer the tirsl publication ufth1e notice. 16e approvrng authordp is Thre Corporation et the Tome ot Milton 43 Broms Street Mîhun, Ontario LST 5H2 The Corporation ufth1e Toms ut Mîtes Trop McHar , Tom Clerti Expropriations At NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND N IHE MAlTER 0F an application 6p 16e Corporation ufth1e Toms et Mîltos toi approvai lu, eoproprrale a iemporarp relereet sn land bereg, Part 24e 1n6te aOtacOed draft plan et expropriain, mixich es a part ut lande bearrvg 16e legal description Part et Loti1 i Concessiox 4, New borvep fovarebip of Trafalgar bxrsg Part i, Plan 2CR- 15820, excepi Part 4, Plan 20R- i55i10, in 10e Toms ut Milton, in 16e Regruxul Munrcrpalop utf Halton. For 10e purpose ut a lemporarp easxmevi, expîrreg October 31, 2009, lui eniexrng uou and occuppreg the lande mrih ai veceeeurp vehîcles. machieerv, equrpmenl and maierrals loi 16e purposes et coosîructiog 16e adiacent stormmaler cOaxeel and butter requîred as part ufth1e stormmsiter management svsiere mithix 10e Bristol Sursep Secuxdarp Plan area. NOTICE 18 HERFBY GIVEN ibal application bas been made for approval lu eeproprîaie a iemporarp relereel in 16e land deecrrbed as Inhumevs Part 24 on 16e affached draft plan ut expropriation, miiich us a part ofliands bearrng 16e legai description Part of Lotit1. Conceserue 4, New Survep Tomsship ut Traflgar bereg Part i, Plus 20R-15820, ercepi Part 4, Plan 20R-1551 0, en the Tom et Mion, sn the Regronai Muercrpabip ut Haluen 1he lande are requrred toi 16e purposes ut a iemporurp easemn, lu, expire on October 31, 2009, toi enerrng upon and occupprng the lande orith ail seceesant vehînles, machreerp. equrpmeet and maierrale for the purposes ut cnstructrxg 16e adjacent siormmater chaseel and buffer requrred as part ut the eiurmmnier management epeîem mirthie 16e Bristol Survep Secoedarp Plan area. Aep omeler ut lande sn respect et Miich surine is gîven Mro deerres an îxqurp rin mireiher 16e iakreg et such land is tain, eound and reasonabp eeceesarp sn 16e achrevemeel of1the objecives ufth1e euproprratreg authorilp shahl su noidp 16e approorng auhuoipy in meitieg, (a) in 16e case ut a regrslered omeer, served pereunuiip or lvp regîetered mail mîthie lhirlp dape aBter 0e us eerved enîlh 1he nuoce, or, Mes 6e es served bp pubircaion, muthin tirtp dupe affer 1he Oirsi publication ufth1e noice, (b) en 16e case of an umeer Mo es nul a regiered omeer, mithis thrrtv dupe affer the tiret publicaioe ufth1e notice. 16e appruorng auihority es Thre Corporation efth1e Tome et Milton 43 Brumel Street Miffue, Ontario LST 5H2 The Corporation ufth1e Toms of Mîluen Trop McHarg, Toms Cierti

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