The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 - ci Go Girls! program addresses needs of young ladies CANADIAN CHAIMPION STAFF I ls 'iuedav ahterneen ai St. Peler Sehool and aî sutali pi o1p (it gilt, s as c ýgathei-ed in the g'in. Sernc iaugh and liup topc, ostit'eu',t oft te i-ie sidi q'tirtili.îilýîno le a mienter about aî probietin shes, lias tnp I. II \ of fl .Iiî scî'toUSttt's ltat I icîcti th' tGo Gtl,' I lcaltfiw Ittîtir s IcIaltihy Minîti piegruin - au itttia- m ls c lu ppîîrtlocaxl \.etltug ladies ageci 12 i 14 sxîhliihe emnotienai, se iii antd cutltural issues tttt'v tace andt promîltes ht'alths., at ivet lis tnp ie ses en-sessien prot-rani is Ictt to Icualc elligi anit uttiscrsitivueiiters,. Il blas heen ittieted l iîg Birothers B3ig Sîst'l" et I[laiton ai Si. Peter and \\W]. Dttk schoels in Miltont sinte Jantiars and stas shewcased ltuesday te let resîtlents knew about the geect lis doiug. I îhîîîk îî lielps a lt for girls eur age." said kaîste, eue et ihe (e Girls! participants. 'You gel te ask qjuestlions (ot the meutors) and gel answets. ht also fecîs good doîng active îbîngs.' Fellow (,o Girls! tîeinber Erîn shared sîmilar sentiments. -For me, ils ahout opeuing Up your heart about anything you want te talk about, tike self esieem and lriends,- she said. lis jusi reallv a lot et fun.' The program euds up beîug equalîs rewaîttiug [tir the inutors, lîke local resîtleut Betty PetroVà i ike the girls. she sait! she really enjoys the physital actîv- iiy Go Girls! bnings. 'is goodti hey're tearuing is ail about baving [ini and net se, tuch about ctîmpetitiou," sbe saîd. [he 26-year-old said she also lîkes the open and bimnesi talks sbe bas with tbe girls. "1 bey eau ask me whatever îlîey wani, and l'in gladti 1 answer questions I didu't bave anyone te ask (wben 1 was their age)." Peîrov saîd. A typical session in tbe Go Girls! programn involves a mix of diseussîng topies ou the girls' mincis, phy sica! actiîiy and a healthy snack. Aecordtng te local Go Girls! ce ordinator Kate Lockwood, the programn truly does %vork in addressing the GRAHAM PAIN[ / OANADIAN CHAMPION GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN. From left, Sammi, [rn, Alysia, Kaisie, Katie and Michelle are Go Girls! participants- needs of young ladies. "its an epperiuuity le lnierveue andl set theut on a mtîre positive road," she said. Sbe explaîneel Go Girls! offers dîfferent kînels ef coptng sîrategies te belp the girls deal wiib issues as they irise. sueh as ,vorries abeut \veigbt tir pressure te gcî invtîtved wvith dnags. Lockweed describeel tbe prograîn, as the "total package," silite il provities physical actîvtty, renîorshîp and tbe sup- port tif a çîeer group. "Young women ueed as rnuch encouragemlent and sup- port as they eau get," sbe remarked. st. Peter Sthetîl principal Elizabeth Gi.rowka said sbe tbiiiks the pregrain is important fer the girls when il cornes te tbîngs lîke self-aw-,areuess and how îhey interaci witb oîb- ers. She alsut spoke about the success of ibe programi ai ber sebeol. -l think tbe protît is in tbe putding,' she said. "Tbey keep temnîîg back week afier week." Funding for the Go Girls' pregrami in Milieu is provided by Cogeco. Melanie !-ieini'sse-y tanî lie ictelel ai mlîeîîrisseyilPniiIton- cantidiaîichaumpieîi.. oie1 1,1