Bi 6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 Q.~~~ Wh'sie g(tlOC%, A i. Compare 5 fnsurauice compatig rates. I~UW~~èU'~ Q. Comopare s itisuratlce compaules raites wfi A. "Wbo Lares" ... wleu gou cau compare 50 Itlsuratice com paviles for the lowe4t rate oni instantly quotes 30 insurance company rates and directs you to the 3 companies offering you the best rates for your auto, home or lite insurance. Some internet sites can quote you a car insurance rate online, some even boast about being abte to quote up to 5 insurance company rates. Generatly, these sites have a vested interest in writinq your business.'s onty interest is providing you with the lowest rate. Onai Goenm n Rat - s as. If you re woriderinq what the big fuss is about in comparîng yoor car onsorance rate. took at ibis chari, he Ontario Goveromeot's website shows a $12,102 dîtterence in insorance rates for the same car and driver in the Toronto area. The goseroment"s message is to SHOF and COMPARE or pay dearty for it 4,24 dîttereot insurance rates were quoted, from 8 postai code ai cas for a 23 year oid femate. with a tiket and accident, drîoîr.g a 2003 Chevroiet Cavalier. You can try to find the towest insurance rate yourseif, I or let fiod tf for you Lee Romanov, President Companies (MKY) t K6V) (LBVI finds titisý rate for drivers! $5.000 $4,500 $3500 $3,000 $2,0 -1 $1 flt titi: 41 Dare to Compare AIl Drivers: Good drivers, young or older, drivers wvifh a ticket or accident need f0 compare to ensure fhey're not overpaying for their auto insurance. Fear: Many drivers feet that if they switch insurance companies and have an accident. somehow if woufd count more againsf them than if fhey sfayed wvifh fhe same insurance company. if doesn'f. Drivers atso fear switching in$urance companie$ because ffiey feel, thaf they w[Lf [ose some sort of 'Ioyaty discount". Your discount shoutdl mean fhat you're atready paying fhe best price, so go f0 In$ f0 ensure you are. simpty tfets you which 3 insurance comparlie$ have fhe best rates for your Auto, Home and Lite insurance. Then you can make an informed decîsion where f0 spend your money. PS. Drivers comparing fheir insurance rate fett. us fhey find savinga of $780 or more on *Note: This rate exempte taken from the Ontario Government's websîte. www.f$, is a comperison of onty 1 driver's profite. If one veriabte changes, fike ege, vehicte. po$tat code, driving record, and so forth, then attl rates change. Insurance companies thet had the [owest rates, coutdl suddenty have the highest rates. i for everyone, but there is one insurance company with the Iowest rate for you, which can be found through % 1T']~[i i 1ZS $4582 $5267 $2082 $3006 $2359 $4365 $5042 $13375 $1971 $ 1775 $2654 $4181 $1366 $3963 $3570 $3650 $2500 $3495 $3570 $4986 $21 30 $4319_ $41 9$ 83201 $3839 $9 065 $3399 $1606 $9924 $3383 $4241 $1910 $4009 $4118 $4254 $3775 $2469_ $3650 $3620 $2739_ $58.84 $3647 $6682 $3484 $4759_ $339 $3452 $3824 $5310 $4137 $6224 $4263 $4714 $18345 $3303 $2607 $4843 $6250 $4114 $1967 $180.6 $2231 $4849 $1345 $3631 $3227 $3631 $2130 $3214 $3227 $4267 $1989 $3947 $3830 $2820 $4057 $2999 $3373 $1730 $3924 $316 $3791 $1914 $3629 $4406 $3921 $3888 $2684 $3988 $3482 -$3669_ $2626 --$56-49 $3976 $7225 $4842 $ý3095 $3790 $4963 $4376 $5789 $7321 $3148 $7032 $4009 $6571 $7751 $4827 $3026 $ 2324 $4240 $6078 $2154 $5689 $5423 $6412 $2729 $4768 $5423_ $6994 $3282 $6069 $5892 $4257 $5422 $4286 $so 10 $2607 $4936 $4351 $5705 $2854 $6000 $7048 $6320 $5554 $4548 $5883 $9658 $3894 $5476 --$10075 $5912 $4750 $5054 $59983 --$84.00, $6432 $7993 (M4YI (N6AJ tN8W) (P3E) tP7K) $0680 $9506 $6764 $'3425 $611i1 $3911 $8800 $10343 $6388 $2755 $2145 $3796 $6057 $2628 $7616 $5308 $5479 $3501 $5050 $5368 $10317 $3547 $5953 $5778 $5369 $6629 $5240 $5976 $2511 $7793 $5962 $6834 $2599 $5098 $6790 $7432 $9752 $3986 $6269 $5288 $5711 -$4A323 $9329 $5533 $1_4247_ $5258 $6959 -$6091- $5054. $6706 $9023 $7388 $8702 A-9969y6n6$ H- Opl969 19901696_ P6COSaECO 6666 6090690S 1096 P091696LDirect 1 Chub1 & 56s $11096 5666,lyN61l6961-. T66161969 196696616 EtiteiFsu &c66611 $5665 $6130 $5670 $2457 $2944_ $5774 $6104 $4051 $2417 $1507 $3089 $4883 $1941 $4785 $4965 $4631 $2407 $3735 $4065 $6061 $2639 $51 21 $4973 $3805 $4390 $3537 $4070 $1941 $sî198 $3927 $5563_ $2313 -$4498 $5451 $4529 $4443 $3339 $4755 $4580 $4822 $2831551 --$7497- $7871 $4591 $5328 $3988 $3890 $5325. $9197 $4862 $6937 $5996 $2625 $59 $3667 $6795 $5951 $4871 $2526 $1832 $3620 $5427 $1982 -$5691- ý$4627 $51 93 $3065 $4826 $4627 $6440 $2646 $5136 $4985 $4273 $4974 $4409 $4365 $2414 $4907 $3963 $2397 $5092 $5899 $5395 $49-26- $4965 $5270 $5412 $3692 $8227 $4771 $114.48 $ 51 89- $6177 $4230 $4719 $4825 $7055 $5273 $7539 $4239 $4520 $5403 $2139 $49075 $9073 $5442 $5633 $5116 $2149 $3210 $0629 $1585 $3492 $3894 $4461 $2712 $3747 $3864 $5647 $2382 $4430 $4381 $3101l $4412 $3678 $4111 $2019 $5334 $3528 $3994 $2059 $4285 $4492 $5507 $4533 $3538 $3901 --$4306 $4527 $3175 $7335 $4199 $8423 ---$4117- $3714 $3672 $5074 $5690 $5599 $6703 $4441 $4783 $0122 $2272 $4284 $2971 $5270 $5439 $5088 $21 4 $2150 $3237 $5316 $1425 $393 1 $3109 $4485 $2806 $3777' $4611 $2554 $3966 $3851 $3304 $4717 $3531 $4149 $1984 $3824 $3448 $3697 $2059 $3432 $49888 $5096 $4784 $3037 $4445 $4194 --$4-525 $3313 $6843 -$-4265 $7988 -$40-49 $5582 $4189 $3382 $4458 --$5991 $5940 $6461 ffl- - 71 IIIIII