Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 51

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 - B15 Notieesfor Dateline should bcec-mailed fi) tiiltoîieel@haltui score l.com. The final eleadline i o (iit Friday foi Tttesdasî' edi- lion and itoon t.)ednesday fort Fi idaY's editioni Datic itemns aient ai cptec biv teleplionie Saturday May 19 The Salvation ,Anty'/Khi (ommunity lîolds its Run Club at 8 a.m. with a oite-heîer ri. [or meetintg locationi and route, caîl (905) 875-1022. St. C lair Masînît H-aIll 6321 llssx 25, ho-ots a sprîng Olea market and garage sale I oiti Q tu 2 p.in cleltct \ill alsut Ie as ailale loi sale Moiîdav May 21 I lie Sasaioî i iitý/kîti i. oititiiiiity lilds' uis Run Club ail 5 30 piný \viîlîi a 30 nititti ri. it Ior ineetitii locationt anid moile al) (9()>ý 875-1022. -]lic I ightihoiusc tiogiairi loi tIics iiig C lutîtîteit ii Ctkville bioles it- pecr support grotip liont 0 tut 7 30 p.in iloi c hilelren andt tee-ns agct l thtc iii 18 vis o'se losi a paien coro sýihlinig loi tiore infor maion ort ii regisici- call 0)05) 337- 2333 or c-maillilhoseuiialtlttit Nîtî oit DiSîst-i ei 1 uuspi al toIds ont un-it uuî reastlced- ing clinic ix til a ccri tlîcd lac tation conutlant lîtutî 1.30 iii 3 p.it ii or moe mi nraion ot to mralc ait atpotitiicnil, tal jîlI I litks ai (Q05) 878-2383, e\i. 7010. l'lic Halton Hilîs Quilters Guild nliceis ai ilie I laltoit I ilîs C ultural C ente. 9- C hurit Si (ai Mait Sýtict), ai 7ý I p Iw 1 he gets speaker is Kini Matiis. Nev, inmers are c tomle. Ftir meure informatiomn, caîl Anti fotten, presîeet ai (Q05) 877-6038. Tuesday May 22 lic N uit hi ait h utl the Ro\ aIl (aiticiati I cgio, i2I Slaricle m, Itiuîtî a nîcat cuil au -i pýn il Ille th uhilouti. i lie Sals-attoit.rsn i Couuinuiiiiitv Iilus itls Boss llands, Creatis e %linds gi iup liories tuot ande iteu taigis is cu ): 30 to 11I a iii. ai 100 NiusIiig Rd tuti 3ý x ith craI-ý, soitgs antI a pîlay arca. Il alsu, ltî s lic tLadies Nigbit Ont Iron 7-30 îo Q: 30 p msii i a tard- stanipiiig )xoikship. Ih li' osti s SI 5, anie ieita i sretquittd LI uto nuote iitloriiîatioiî call (t)05) 81-5-1022 Help for Parents, a I laltitt paient sUppt gi up~, imeets il tlie cx ening in tîte laseiniit ol 1,t. I hlictli's C lîtti i 3 ) hrinrlcy Rd., il l3erliiitoii. Tits i ti elciioiîiiat ioual selI so1)ppuitL giotp hlps pauiitis tiI chilli-cti xx ii aie iii truble a tonme, t stîtool oi vitil Ihle l,x uit xx liii arhcsi tr i akiti) tIi cgs I1 lie gi oeil is a iniettihtii oilie ofiu iiui lai Cil Support (roeips iii O3ntario. toi mtore infourmation, call I 800-488-566) or vîsit xxww,ý,.apsgu ta. Calling New Parents, a li-ce cîroîl in pitugi am loi paret atîd hahies aged 6 mtiiths aîîd yotinger. ncts wiih a pethît lîealth nurse to dîscuss parentilg aiîd infant tare. The grou mneets at the new Ontario [arlv Years Centtre at 4 10 Bronte S fron 1:30 to, 3:30 p.m. Ftir more inleirmation, call (905) 82' 6000, ext. 7299. The Milton Al-Anon group meets at 8 p.m ai St. Paul United Church, 123 Main St. E., for famîly and frtendsi alcoholics. St. Pauf's United Church, 123 Main St. S., holds i Parent's Morning Out fromt 9:30 to 11I a.m. Ftir more info mation, call (905) 878-1286. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one hreastfeeu ing clinic with a certified lactation consultant from 9:30 11:30 a.m. For more information or to make ait appoir ment, caîl JîlI Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. CATHY< & TANVA RoYLamE ROCCA ROCCA Mw 905-335-3042- & Iff-u Wednesday May 23 The Milton Safety Committee meets at 7 p.m. ai the Milton police station on Childs Drive. For informration, cal ]an Mowhray at (519) 853-4492 or e-mail her ai îan@î Î an- mowbray.ca. The Sexual Assauît and Violence Intervention Services of Halton (SAVIS) presenits a free spring workshop series for lentale survivors of violence, with the second session oit c\presstng youi selt through ait. t takes place Irorn 0 wo 7:30 p.mn ai SAVIS in O.akviîle. Pic registratio i s icquircel and spit e îs lintitedl F or mroi e inflormnatio oroiii registet , t aIl Nicole ai «05) 8h 252 ie laitîti Iclalili ,\lzlteiîtlcl S-ci sites holels ait iformation seIssion Oit planitng lot long-ici m t ire o Iloý liini 7io L) p.n IFoî noie trilii tiîoiî cal (005) 847-9559, MIil toit lisi titi 1Ios.pîtal ltolds a oiîc-on-ote hi eastlecd- ing cîtitit ,\ tilt a tei-tilietl Iltiation Conlitait toit I 30 wo p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, catI JiOl Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Aduit drop-in volleyball takes place from 2 to 3 p.m. ai the Milton I eisure Centre on Main Street. The cosi is $3.50 for the hiour. The Salvation Army/Khi Community holds its Run Club at 5 *30 p.m. with a 30-minute un. For meeting location and route, caîl (Q05) 875-1022. fIhe Moil (lob holds uts Stroller Walk and Talk ai 10 a.imi meeting ai the I ions Sports Park on Thomnpson Road itir t1w train îracksý For nmore inlortiation, caîl (905) (99 5535 or c- mail htnm9htalcm 3 ht Ii e Milton Chbristian tladies t offc I-otir iiet Ironti 9 30 bo 11 a. mi ai M ilion G ospel H alt, 30(1 (ntii o Si. ,vith a special leatuteoi oii heon t, av i tis ande giei sieauc seiý \\ il-,onIti 01 1 moe inlormat ton an ithatîs- poitattoi tail ,\Ilma ai (90'8-0 3-h The EUH returnsl Sunda.y, May 2Oth, starting at 5:3Opm! Cornefor the first Family Fun Night of the sealson. Stay for the spectacular f ireworks show! ifs going to be a fun-filled night to enjoy with the whole farnily! *face-painting, pony rides, special $2.99ý:'7, meals and lots more for the kids' OHW live harness racing for mom and dad. Starting at 6: 15 pm. And remember, it's ail FREE! Just like the parking! So this Victoria Day Weekend, make it a Mohtawk Summer Nîght. MOHAWK RACETRACK Guelph LUne and 401 1-888-675-RACE www.TheRaoeTrack.ca SIOT HOURS - 24 /7, starting May llthMOHA K. FREE PARKING & ADMISSION M H W

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