Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 5

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 - A5 NQuarry opposition holds strong as crowd packs hall .aj ý, - ý I jdi WPECIAL TO FHE CHAMPION i ut the thtrd y'tat ni a t isa cipatis'ty mvo, \ci f lled a i Iamhoroughi ret reation hall tii protes!t aproposai for a quai- rs' ncai ( atpel i -That to tue sNas a gi. (rahians Flit said foiiowtng the \Vedncsdas' ingghî mseeting organizeti lis 1ORR (1-rîcucs of Rural ( ommuitjes anti Ill l' iiustrontuieut), a grassroots til zenis gtoup thai hias iipposeci the cîuariv application froi Ilie starL Fi, who chairs FORCE1, was impresseci hy the show ut the application), peuple's resoise rematins steadifasi," hc noteti. Aiso acknuwiedged was suipport comtng frum politicat quartiers. The crowti of abotîn 190 applauded the efforts tof i-iamhorough C ouicitor Margaret McC arihy. wiio has heen a strong ativotate oif FOCRCE fromn the heginning. She toid resîdents ai the ineeting thai tihe Citty ut tHamiltoîn is refiiiing horehule cuts dunc on 1l th C oncession Ruad East carlier ibis year bys the quarrv applicait, Snt. Marv's C BM. three years, il w- neiot sattstied, vs cil hill theici t epave the A puiic prîtes! anise lit ichrctar- vin resîclenîs ienrîîed tuai the aggregate totupans hiad cîrîliec 40 horehoies itt rîatts sut tountling tlle propiisec qctarrs site, tîear Miliotbnmgh iowut w'tthouct îihtatnitg the î-ecqutredc peri mission lrin tihe Cits' oif Hamiîltont and iciwit of Miltoîn. Tise tests were clouse tcî tietertîttîve thse weî-cght-hearinig charatterîs- tics ut the rcîacts as part cif St. Mary's hiatl route study. A cons- pauis spukespersois saîid "a intscoriiuntealion" had i'esuited in the dniing heiisg dlotie withoct iserissits. Milton couniciltors, in attendance Miltois countcillurs Rîck Day and ]an Mow'hray also attendeci iast week's itseeung ici show tlitir support fcîr FORCE. "We wanî Milton (counicil) to take a far more active role in thîs," Day said, addîng that he and Mowhray both ran suc- cessfui re-electon campaigns that înciuded a comînitment to iight the quarry "We're not the bost community, but thai doesnît mean we don't recugnize the dangers tu, Milton," he saîd of the quar- ry's impacts. its expected that the buik ni the deveiopments haut routes witt be atong Milton roads. 'It's nice tu see thîs broad range of poitîcai support," Flint totd the Champion after the meeting. MPP Ted McMeekîn (Ancaster-Dundas-Ftamborough- Wesîdate), white unabte tu attend the recent meeting, was tauded hy Flint [or providing "iremendous support" ici the group by providing its steering commîttee members with access to provincial guvernment ofhiciats who wilt eventual- iy be învotved in the application process. Elint specuiated that Hamilton, as the host community wilt oppoîse the applicationî fîsr an Officiai Plan amendhient and rezoîsîîg frcîm St. Marys Cemnscîs inm feeling bultîsi.he cîlc the crîîwci 'We'ti be goîîsg arm anti ari uwith the ct tt n cppcisiig tis." Bcut tise Potic . ii îtgl tie Miistry cif Natirai Rescîctces, w iii evettcaliy he askec tii grant ait aggregaiîe t C'L i icsisîher, ,tre tîîîîs tctîl thîe iioeess ssii cn tit lic Onitaiic Mcunicipal Boarcd (OMB).l itsie iseansiie Flit s,îid ils sitai blit ,srea iesietts cotiinue tii siay etîgageci "Dîîn'î iei tiss issue faau cîfithe ractar," lie sîressed. i ORCF i' metuhers hase cciisisteniiy îrgciec ilsat tise site is cinsuttahie tir a qciariy i- înany reasons, iîsclùdîîsg the ilîreat ici area water weiis, tise pittentiat ismpat toii env'iron- mentally-seissiive areas anti tîitcrai wetaîsds un the site and the eflecîs cif a quarry on qualty cof fle issues, such as quai- lm -mvdf CAVDAJI Tita cin mekes agQreatn W o i tI lm fi* .quwppd t ail pwer option 2M PONflAC8UMIL G 46oeoktm 5iapeant ka"ntammn polm Sait' ,t s ca, ic'stdeiits hoiitic tht' M1inistre of t iiioiinscst '(MOI-)I witus b5 letters oil cîlncersil oer St. Mats s appicitton lot a teîcîiiir petrmiît tcî tike w ater (PiT\\ I The cîîîsptîîs aplleci toc pet isissucît to pui 2.8 illiont gallcons cil water a day for 20 cta's tutui the site i orrt c i test a wiier rirut iatioit pilan. i iie tîîsîy ottictais) aie parais'zec with fer it satid at tise tsseetng. îîcttîg that Pi 1t\V' appicatcons rolutine- ly ctraw 'zero tcî 20 submtisstons," -seai RULING on page A14 14ý Over 50 rOQuuaality Pre-Owwnneeed To om! 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