The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 - B9 Gearmg up for garden season (C-otliawîe aini garnien seu Sonuic po i s, ils Fioie 100 give seoti t<oois al tunoe, a ietoîo and oi sopieu insctances, an upgrac Rciooeiicheî, ymor iawrnoie andu gai dei loots have heen siutiîg jdte four iconths ancd niuv be i n cd oct conoie 1.(ý hetore heing put t us ie. coneie ihiese iawn- inower andi garrieî Iroot iiaienanre tips tronc 'lle Hointe iepu t Ciaaia: 1) Disconnect and change your spark- plug: l i'he piug isio't rirodied or daniageri, vou mav he able to clean and rerose'it - but it's aiways good r ustoni to ireplace îhe oid piug te keep yorîr îcoower i unning smnooth- ly. Toc rhange a sparkplug, loosen it with a plug csrenrh. 2) Change your air tilter: Orie of the inncst rouinion socurces oft lawsn- iniowei prohleîns is thte air filter. To change the filîci; sirnplv remnove tihe rrover and puîll the filter ot theui shake ori hlow ocut any drlehns. Iffthe toir titter is noticeahly dirty, c oti shooritr r oi sirler replacing ht with a new oc. 3) Ltibricate your wheels: Keep vor wtceeis ini gcod working order by tibriirating thein with automnotive gir'.rcr. Ucr' a i atcet andi sockei Ioc riove the wheel and he suore to rnuear somne grease on the axie btcoîr' ptting the wtoeet hack ini place'. 4) Sharpen ypur blade: Check coin nsowei s hiaries periocdicatlv toi- nicks and dents. If the hiarie hecones drîli, voit can sicarpen il cîorseit cc'irh a uie careful han- riling. Use su hierck of wood trc helF liochi the (tarie still. Wecar leatheî glovst' and toi tihe hiade in plact whule opraviing the noît wirlo pene lraling tlcbiiuaîot. Then. use 1 1,i , ht Io 1001 ihe hr'ietainiiog inu cooltil ocksise. Once vorî haco Flie blade ni toaid, prît on y'ecrî ccfty gtisses aind sharpen it vviti tile orî a îcrtoi grindr'r. r ~ t 2RNER, 5) Check your cable: Tep keep vosur o ahes troîin werng olit toohrio ate lioeni csith dry grasphite. (; 7e bol Ca»' ips: 1) Keep them clean: Tus keep coouî gardien tools ui top- iooîrh condition, tic aood keep thein clean and dittie .rtter each use. Lightly <cii anc iserai paris oft the toot. 2) Rust be grime: If cour gairien loocii aire rusty. siil take s(onie 'eddape)C aund sCri li îhc rust ofti. Theo dip your oocetai touts inil a uîrkel. et saicr aund oil, such "D-40) or iioor oit. tus prevecol fture i <st. 3) Oil and sharpen: To keep plant cutters sharp anod mrai- The Canadian * How-To People tuaicte, loohricinc îhct anîd issts andu~ 'har1 iotsregootai iv. 4) Coat the handies: T( woodeo teaiolus ( ai ho' staiîced or vari prectent wear andi cuoated with sprav-oo For mnore iawnmnowei den oil mraintenance iips Homne Depct hi tour corri DO YOUR Pe]rie PART l4elp keep aur community dlean utAs ccith by following Milton's local i ither recycling guidelines, shed Io and recce ibis paper wheîi lear, or you're finished readlng it! rîihber. and gai- ~iIbellanablaneampion ,visit The iniy. F ROM MAY9 TO 21 01KV ~~l7lT(lI~ lu RfR MILES ~~ WITH AN PRCHASE OF $20 OR MORE (BEFORE TAXES). Offer valid at thos store only: Castand crty ftoneseffectieftotMay 19e1 21, 10Q7ý Ie resetveethe rigOtles it the5 sentîtes sotf hittI lu onluttand toîthe Ornerai pubtic Though we go Iopra engths oooosd ettors, utîufor nflthittl ente May 0ttot le case of etîtrWPwd dunt O o n pffseet ttey the comtmet lhe ROSAie sîegosoneedometu apply Io spoliai otders isquidation sales end-ot teaoo salestorompetitottpntîî o uotîn e s wte -to r e ort detutis ISone itentmsoMa dîfl ftoteï hoto refet Io desrption Priseo do flot toîude PlT and GSI If pou ère flot satisfed mîto a produci chtou loatve pdrcsteSa ut o ONA retucoit il [fit pt upitS nd s. wll Mil teîîboeepoon thtespot. Carmonr'beîmbtefmtau noeiteet et ol viuneftte cl-ose aotstand tlîenttmil tKt t agreeents ' de fileik tIPRI Il erenstttnaiTraoding RV Used stit terse bptnputlty Mueupemeeti Gtoupoe o te.d ,ýad PONA t. Iff le isot the tîteote otf tuïr 010M an f000 hrce, 0 Te sltfittlt a ount n ot be îoribîned wo1 ecllsfeits o o0 trnr efa sil t paotîpotq st foi deloîts SolieiT te lesaidin 'ait 'eti, el appst L Ar mnimum puttlose sf 1250 belote tuoeeý ittrepotedl te ot douetage of tee lotît pou fot s montet ot py in t2 etuootaimettu nett o fe ot terett pm!û. n0 Te auo of toxes uppicable muet be potS eithle un of poîttîse e A(ir tD Desjardins ieue snp pron ts souiobîs weit tee RONA 0) Dettsitsan VIA Destarin sîle i aondsisoos nfp e teriae soîd l out neFltsellS Jetsdnoa tudlîutheee ttA rilo edetrondiai otnttî J ii s pl Doose DG- l Fo îdoteutund ii offetthe tentînoted shout teld t oerete s VI tpSA tejrdn r l e OAg Smme si tsttt eorodt oyt eo und RONA, auohsttoed usens zà Th I I E rqan nte r tesnt hpa O rt'r (37) U7et 3%)6à9 . (414) 7.31. m w2 [ xr t4w 739 (w s9.24 - (s7911.09 « îssl4.7S. V* x ili5.74 ï. îloîou7.18. te 8.61...l fouîl1A8. ton Main St. E 878-8171