The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 - 85 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2007 1 Taylor Nursery-Your Town & Country Gardening Centre Stepping into gardening for the first ime can be daunting, but customers at Taylor Nursery can count on a knowledgeable staff that includes certified horticulturalists who can answer your questions. Employees spend their ime maintaining the thousands of plants beiween helping customers, ensuring the products are at their fullest potential when leaving Taylor Nursery to be planted on your property. It's that approach which in 2002, won Taylor Nursery Business of the Year (with 25 employees or less) by the MAilton Chamber of Commerce. Sînce establishing the garden centre in 1988 (as a division of Lawton's Landscapingl. Taylor Nursery has been the trusted name for Milton gardeners. providing a unique selection of shrubs, trees, perennials, annuals, hanging bas- kets, container gardens, and even water gardens Taylor Nursery is very much a famîly affaîr for the Lawton famîly- Phîl and Barbara, along wîth daughter Chas and son Taylor who îoîned the team seven years ago Phîl and Chas person- ally select ail the plant materials stocked by the Nursery Phîl also manages the soil. mulch and aggregates sîde of the business, as well as Lawton's Landscapîng, Barbara special izes in on-site designs for your home. Her experience and creatîvity wîll make your bouse look more appealîng. Chas has assumed management of the retaîl garden centre and gift sbop and bas added ber own creatîve flair to tbe presentation of products for sale. Taylor is specializing in turf management and garden maintenance. Aggregates, Mulches & Soil Taylor Nursery iv known for its selection of aggregates (pea gravel in 3/8" or 1 - sizes, crusbed red brick and brick sand. clear gravel, concrete sand, crusber run and screenîngsl and rocks îwaterfall, curaI, fossîl, armour, drywall, rockery and granite Stone, river rock and flagstonel, Taylor's mulches Ipîne, cedar, dyed black and redl provîde an attractive cover to your garden, retainîng moîsture and reducîng (but unfor- tunately not elîmînatîngl tbe growth of weeds. Among the choîces nf soul at Taylor Nursery is its screened triple mis, wbîcb bas been a tbree-tîme wînner of the Milton Canadian Champion's readers' cboice award for Favourîte Top Soil Soils, aggregates and muiches come bagged to take home or we'll bappily delîver to your door. Perennials, Annuals & Baskets Taylor's greenhouses abound wîth colourful perennials încludîng new varieties and inusual specîmens for the avîd gardener in addition to annual beddîng plants, annuals are arrayed in hundreds of hangîng baskets, container gardens, patio pots and whîmsical, creatîve non-tradîtional contain- ers that wîll become focal points in your yard, For sun or shade, for front entrances or back decks, there are vibrant flowers for every corner of your garden, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the selection, don't hesîtate to ask for advicel' Shrubs & Trees if you bave moved into one of Milton's newly-built homes, youlIl be eager to plant your fîrst foundation sbrîîbs and trees, More mature yards obten need to be 'refresbed' witb new trees and sbrubs as nId ones die off or get overgrown. At Taylor Nursery, the staff can advise you on how 10 plan and choose the rîght trees and shrubs for your yard and offer suggestions about evergreen, deciduous, floweriîîg and ornamental plants and how 10 plant tbemn so they wîll tbrîve. When you vîsît Taylor Nursery aI 7429 Fifth Lîne, aI the east end of Main Sîreet--soutb of Steeles Avenue, north of Derry, make sure you see that 'bloomîn' bug," a 1999 Volkswagon Beetle coated witb a truly original garden-tbemed aîrbrush- ing by Burlîngton artîst Ron Gibbs. Like Milton's population, the înventory aI Taylor Nursery continues 10 grow. See the unique items and gardenîng accessories at the Taylor Nursery gîft sbop. You'll be amazed bv ail the gardening ideas you will fînd. Annualsi For sun, for s"od, for wet or dry locahions, in the gardon or in baSkei. patio... every corner of your ~Uas yard... with ga rdien plants, S. kL4 .,rf*nâo nlrP5 i HWY5 i I i i i ýI-ýap etC untry, A ( L.an5cape OtaM 7429 Fifth Line, Milton- Lawl n dscadping btd. eeý0 L Il z e o f i e re n Ri h he~ e s en f Mi- t U A , - at: 9-7 - le 1 -