The Canadiani Champion, Frîday May 18, 2007 - 31 OffcHelj Ofi elp 8 SlsHelp 8 saesIep 1PARotait Sales Itelp Yil ae ep 1HtlRsarn Hot ~~Restaran 33 ags"ests1 W îeest -j -jj" Wanted for Saturday shift, Mvnday ta Friday training periud. Must have Micro- soft tsnowiudge and goad phone etiquefte. Contact Kirby at: 905-693-9202 Manage office operations arh tire admin feam, en- suring the qualiry of al! admin aclivîfies, Be reaponsible for hiring, training and deveiopmnin and administraition of emplavea beneftfs Respond Io employee cricslions. adoise senior manage- merit on HR and union maltfer and establîso andi impiement policecs and procedures, Extunsive va- perience in administ rafiotn and HR rcquired. preferahfy in a unionized enoirnaimeof alnng wifh excellenf inferpersonal and organîzational skil10 Sf rang computer skiffs are aiso a most e~% Forward yourresumeboy40Opm Wednesday May 30f h f0 Links2Care 36a Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown, ON _7G 4R9 Affennion Sandra Melhuish, Execofise Diructor Fax: 905 873-6195 EmoîL tsdvrbiecs@luiks200areca Ode rirank ail applîcanra for thirr intrf'rva nowveur raie naose selectesi toroan ineruvi ii be contucted. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT BURLINGTON Flexible, P/T 30hr/ik Exp, te- quîred in Word, Excel. PPT. Reapovaîiiiie in- clude: Creation ot sales preseniatiaras, formation ut monfhly reporta, anatyzîng data, clerîcaltîeceptioi duliea, paper & computer fîtîng, general saltev tel tas up a ooogned. Applîcani must haee initiative, eacellent vîganîzationot okîtta, seperior computer okîlla, aelf-motivation. setf-dîscîptîned. abîlty ta multi-fask prierîttes & eageî te sorts in a tact paced evroîrmunt under lifte supervision. Pteaae resond via emait wifb resome! sage expectatiana by May 251h fai: HR@salterhousewareS.COM ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT BURLINGTON Flexible, P/T 30brtwti. Exp. ru- qtiret in Word, Eacel, PPT. Rexpeîsibit0ies rn- ctxde: Creabxon of salea preaenlatixns, formation ot montbty repxrts, analyzing data, ctericaltreception duties, paper & computer fîting, generat sates fat- low up as asaigned. Applicani must have initiative, excellent organîzatîveat stiltîs, superior computer skittîs, self-motivatixn, setf-dsciptined, abîtîty to muist prixrSiies & eager to sort in a tast paced envîrasment under biftte supemvision. Please ruspond via ornait tb resome/ wage eopecîations by May 251h fa: HR@salterhousewareS.COM Are you enriergtic, motvated, a faut luarnuer & confiedent? 5alcoý (1eard ont0) icr coor ho door to rr1rwcrinm r or! Fax: 905-b75-f1560 or Emaif: cywmiftonRftufniet-iia ((Mîlfanbeaed require SALES POSITION Commission + Bonus Send Resumes to: Fax (95) 76-725or Emaul: Advertising Represel avrii adpub yn:îî advericng ani exoorierice, yono mil br i' iganit'7x asrnd com our t-arn Oaa slI bc iii 0fatvt pe~î,,, :ii't aud wii de ir te go 0. is frid acririin siles. If or reterate cour caret, t o info©perspectioe. ww w. pers As ' Manager NOW HIRING itopdlo fEeCCelCa Corrieoenokirix Appiiurt:eris for the tetieeri0g peIsir Ass't Manager Manager Managser Trainces maiesens Cusuoneer Service Mus he avaitabl im e laely. Cali Llrisrna (E-rge C.. 416-849-0026 fAccount ntative l i tu ,1'V ý itrhinO tirt' 5dih I moarketing sarles -ir os uir cpI ionsl ourliratinn qtOuts ta, air inicqral part oI of poirt ani vstO you aretevado 10 ADVERTISING SALES REP Fer nus upscafe seniors magazine an high demand. Appt t- cant muat have gaad command et the Eng- tîsb fanguage, bu preauntable and have awn car. Very com- pulSasv commisaionl paid & flexible hauts. Fax oesume ta Sandi 1 (905) 332-1874 ntmI, Wvc>rld EXCITING NEWS! THE MILTON BELL WORLD IS HIRING!! The serch es on for dediceted Inside Sales Associates that are eeeking fong ferm, fuff tîme emptoymenf in e refeif efting. Flexibility with houre, able f0 work n a team seffîng are requîrements. Please apply by email ta: Attention: Humain Resources Liv an eoki itn Store Manager Ode have an apenîng fer the position et Store Man- ager af aur Oakiîte Place location. If yo are an amhîtteo prafesarena sîfh a posifive attitude Iv drive salea, enaure cuotomer satisfaction, mer- chandrou pradvcfo and manage e dynamic atore ieam an a faof paced speciat refait eneîirovmant, se invite yev to aubsîf yaur reaume. Along wiur geur seperîi înferperaonal akîtta, you oued fa bu ftexible and team orienfed. 2-h yeais iv fhe Refait ai Service tnduatry os reguîred. Please forward resume: garfieldenterprises@cogeco-ca or via fax at (905) 873-2973 only candidates selected for an interview wili be contacted. JAS SHOES FASHION OPPORTUNITY JAS is a fabulous boutique providing high fashion shoes and accessories for style conscious women. LwWng for mothrated, enthusilli s»Ilesperson for full or part-dm work et our OeWlie LakeËg!l Location. Retail sales experlérice prelairred. If interested in joining the JAS team fax resume 511:434-3385, or email or mail to: JAS Sholes Head Office, 615 Richmond Si., London, ON.N6A 3G3 519-646-2919 H Hal, H phal, Moeical, Dent 1 mulcal, Defbl REMSTA UIRAN T &k SPORTS BAR ta touking te, fiff thu following posiions: -General Manager - Asit Ounerel Manager me P 5 r ee Mana e I Cover tier and resu Laurence Kavaeagb Irish Pub Is Growing! Now bîring for: POSITINS Cooka L5p for $1 5/ht + benebita Fax resume ta: 905-864-6797 -Prtme Help UMAIDSI s ta brîng * Pli Days M onday f0 Weesl y pay, car an assel. Please cali: 905-875-0391 CLEANER Mature puisant coupte req'd for ghi duty cleaning in Milion. 5 even- ingstwIk Appro > 2fralday. Muet bu ret abte with neat appearance. Fax resume ta: 905-637-7033 Teachlsg Oppoitunities ~IMYTI DI)VELO>MENTA SCHOOLI I l Ivking fer enthusiastic: I . E.C.E.TEACHER & -SUUPPLYTEACHERS Smalf Qakaîlle cempeny as currenfty aeetivg an et- ganîzed and defaîf erîenied îrdîeîdeaf te perlais ail aspecta ef Accountîrg, office administration aid prueide support fa sales and produciier Acceuni- îng defiet încfade A/R. A/P commisaion analyota, gomerment tesiffarcea, harts recencîllaf ian and fi nianctal îeporfîng ta Senior Management. Cavdi- dates muet have 5 yuais experlence. Individuel muet have afîong worlsing tsnewfedge af Microsot office and famîlîarîiy of MYO wilI be an assef Ask Us Ab oui*# 78-2341 " RequiredI for progressive dynamtic Seniors Retirement Organization in Burlington. Plas E ai rsu e tt: R ffe ra e . ci@outina.- - Attac m ployeesi Pla ce your ad in Qfj£ Eaîoian Qhb i wîi l Clasifieds! Jtda &$~ reee $120 DpW SpG ST job Ask boutArticles Ask babout j for sale only ceterates! ~ /aes iii .i* Pat Irý Aical toAtce orSlIn lit1 f085 Maple A ve NOW HIRING *FIT Restaurant Servers *Banquet Porters -Maintenance * F Dishwashers *Weekend Rooa Attendants Became part of a feam fhat maties yoe praedt Wu effet' cam- petltîoe compenafion package, epparfo- niîhea fer grauffi and fult benehftllf Ta apply vend revameý Holiday Inn Select 2525 Wyecroft Rd Oakville On. L6I 2P8 Email wh 720t adm@wng.con as905-847-0032 EXPERIENCED ECE SUPERVISOR Requirud for Burfînglan based childcaie centre 5 gis exp. required Email Resume: careerS@SaMMelr seto on SPe1 gîË j fil à (or$ oyjïtl-i Il, ta Available et local Daycare Centre in Georgetown. Please call 905-877-4376 Please e-mail resume with coverinq letier to: