Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 29

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New Eteciric is an innonatine, tant-grow inq service co ntactor epeiating multiple branches n Canada and the USA. Sinon 1970, me have been buiding on our foundatier et quick respense and qatity wurkmanship. We ara tuoking fut a dedicated profeusienat te loin us in Oak'vîtte.. Web Application Oleve1npEr As a key member et our business apptication team yuu w I take respunsibitîty fer apptication and; database design and implemenfatiun and maintenance et eut cerperat e mebsite and infranet web appticafions. tnnevativn wît h defaits and strafegio mît h the'big picfure' yea wiii eptîmîze knuwtedge of tGUt design, web usabiîy and user-centred designs te castumîze interfaces, assist with securt and reste issues. Yoar management background is cumplemented by at teast une year uf web denetupment/pregrammer eeperîence and streng time and proeet management skitls. Yuur breadth ut knemtedge encumpasses Access and MS SOL databases, MS SOL Server database, compentent eblect medt MS f S, VB Script, HTMLICSS, JavaIJSP Script, XML, ASP, and PHP 90e offer a cumpetîtîne satary and benefîts package wîth a cumfurtabte - - wurk envîronment where eneryene's input is equaity nalued - We invite pu tei appty te:____ Human Resources, 3185 Oundas Street West cr Oakviite, ON L6M 4J4 e-matil: jobs@ neweiectric.caNe Eecn fax: (905) 827-9594 N w l n PAiLýLETIVALO LLP Lainyrs & 'rradr Msib Agentis i Pallett Vain LIUP is one of Bhe largest and most respected law finims in Peel Region. We are a full service law flrmi providing butinasses with legal services in Business Law, Cormmercial Litigation, Commercial Real Estate, Construction, lnsolvency & Corporate Restructurilig. Labour and Employment Pensions, Wllls, Estates and Trusts. =it<,aiio e ga Ad iitao (Fl se 90e are seekîng as experienced Legat Administrator f0 ioin our Litigation department. Candidates must have 5 pears of titigation noperience mvith somne tien mork. Yoa shoutti have srrong techaicat andi communication skiffs, a matare mark ethic asd strong mufti-tasking skiffs. Exceffent proof reading andi grammar is expecteti. If pou are interested in appfpîng for the abone position, pIeuse senti posr resumne und coner f etter mvith satury expectations sn confidence, ta: Frances filales, General Manager Confidential Fax: (905) 897-0267 E-mai fwales@pallettvalo.com PatteSt o LP ns an equai eppertanîip employfe. No eces plase. 90 Bumhamthorpe Road W, Suite 1600, Mississauga, Ontario 158 3C3 www.pallettvalo.com MDesjardins Wâ thePersona'i CAREER OPEN HOUSE Thursadu, May 24.:00 - 8,00 pim. - Saturday, kms 2:10:00 arn. - 4:00 pm. 3 Robert Spec Pabcvayt 4tla FRoi Meet ose of the Globe and Mail's "50 Best Employers in Canada 2007". Drop by our office in the heart of Missuissauga asd leam about our many careler upportunities in the grovving field uf home asd auto insurance. Bring your resume along asd ment our experts - from our insurance sales, daims, underwtriting, legal asd other departments. You'l leurs about u curent develupment opportusities, industry-leading traising programs, flex- ible wotk hours, company-wvide corporute bonus program, and many other benefits. And parking is fren for the event. Desjardins General Insurance Group (DGIG) lu one of Canadi largent and moat successful general insurance companies. For more infonnation, dit out wbi www.career.dgig.ca. 5 0 CH P A S . CR Shipwap Staîrs Limited, a laadîsg manufacturetu saira and tailinga as saekivg a highly enrgetît, am- bitioua PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR for sur Bar- lisgtos operatios. Reportivg fo the Production Mas- ager the individual selected will be reapossibîn lot: uupemvisîsg plant emplopeta iv ail deparîmnertu, us- aîgsing woth, meeting sohedules, whîle maîvtaînîvg s tala wtrtt eseirssmrett. Qualiffications and Expertence: * Seneral yeams eap. iv Production Supervision * Thurough ktowtedge ut, and commîtmevit f0, sale- ty iv the wsrhplace * Esceptissal communication, leadership asti et- gavizatiosal akilîs * asic computer skîlls * Woodworkisg nop. Ipreferreti. but sot nulentiali * Peut secosduty educaf ion and/or equinsient nnp. we tufer a competite tatary atd banefIts, wfth an apportutity ta makle a differance. If yo feet yoo ara the persan we art tatkitg fat. please tend oa a taeer aBter and reauma. E-mail: info@thtpwayatairt.ctm. or Fax: 905-331865 DZ DRIVERS Burlîngtori Company hirivgFIpemnt positions, Mot. Fni. haativg liqoîi cargo. Loca Work. Min.3 yms driving enp. E-Mal Reaumne initOabta.ca Catt: 90"437-e33 Fat: 905-333-3589 LOCAL DRIVER Req.ti for a local company deliveting irfo GTA. Must have DZ tousnse, AZ us asset. If interested fax resume toi 905-768-2236 Attn: Heather The Canudian Champion, Friduy Muy 18, 2007 - 29 are7ra ~ Hep 8 eealHl M GnrHelp [fi GH8ra 3tHelp Battery Assïst aalbea Drivers DRAGONWOOO Required Imagine a job that fits your life."Ashwbr located un BIh lise Milton arna lot N ut Steetes Ave i.,etsi.uiiipaiiv.E of Trafalgar Rd Pteaae Cati: 1 -51"923-8555 Fuif-Time Truck Driver/Labourer Neednd. Clasn D lîcesse preterred, f0 do delînerîns and pickups in the OTA for a construction Company. Monday f0 Friay Enperi- esce preferred. Fax reaumea toi: 905-875-2661 Li Eoperienced AZ drieer seeded. Ail local msns, home af nighf i 1 open postîon: 50% AZ and 50% dump $17lhrfto stst. Bonus and besiefîfs, allet qaalifying petiod. Apply iv person befween 9ý00 amn- 190 am or 2:09 pm -4:00 pm Bring tesmme, lîcesse asnd abstruof. Take exit 299 (Hwy 6 South, off 401 seat Guelph) let ut second set of ltghf s N of1401 -MeLeani Rd. Turtn let onfo Kerr Ctescent ot eaui 519-763-1037 x223 lot more information. To servireeng adepafClt commnand of English Approx. 1O-l2hours/ week. $8./hr. Ca Sylvia- Mon. 8:3012:30pm only 1-800-387-5614 ext 4491 Not ail calls wiIl receive a response. ort-drsesaper delivery yo îts asa and Frîdays. Reliable nehtie (the larger the beOnri At least 6 aeaîlable Cours, betwen 6AM-6PM, us delivery days Otrosg sense ut commîlment and responsibility. We ifer As masp routes as pou cas handîn. AIli requireti delinerp materiats. Training and on-goîng communications support. lis seaking an energoiitionirieny entinn PRODUCT CONSULTANT Tis is a peimanent position avaliabe iminediaiaiv. The sun,,ess.îi candtote's pîîmaîv ivspvvsibiiities ciii vind pvicine oneieiai cusioeoiservice, Ight administratie ork and epaningand clsing du ,e Litin is requioi and kneaiaige oio p np aiatien is an assot. meokone uni nookeigli hfsare paît of the package Preneus Roiaii nennîr Pineasa bring a rosace and appie en penson ta: 21f GuelphtStreet, Geretown r There are many reusons why a lob ut Tîm Hortons cas work for you. Like heafth benefits anti flexibl e heurt that fit your t ifestyte. Be part of our new tlocation ut Bort oak anti Mainway in Burtington. We're hirîng for att positions. part-tîme asti faif-time. Apply totiay ut www.timhortons.com or emuit us ut timhortons5ti00-maînway@yahoo.com. Youtl fose being on the other sîde off the coarer. Apply now. OuI Biîinmten Ciiourotoc Mand lai pino Duri îîoîîr cr1 i'y/a rc nfinýli îr lt opairin a(si cîtiaios Ti aph picaii otat AathKoli r.deiîctr oare e-mat hanurkc@ nmeheaithco f a: 95) 394, 16 MaineacDPro TyeoSok otrngo snsee cerieniadresosbti For eMiltosm n- ruesas acn bodies. Ail rirev etery matetals Training and en-gutng communications; and support. Toepm SatBba 95 3-75 SHIPPER & ANTR HEAITHY'S REE VERIRE Nutrition Stores Req'd for OUALIFtED rqîe uVuttm Mf g plnt. RESiDENTiAL Supplement Cf.pat AILNDYR Aîlior Fax resumne: Must Hast Own FarouefDa 905-336-0272 Tnot&Sitae 905-913-1008 (OTERll Advisor (Okil Ara 905-379-4132 ivlo@healtbyu ou lEperecel a asset. S Pieuse oeill CASTING KIOS AND AOULTS stafft agen an aIl ethnsioties lot TV Comn/ Sertes Music Vides Prînt and Film. Free tegistrtaion. Top Agescy Cati Now... 416-221-3829 www.kaftamataieni TECHNICANU required byl UGrouti URestoraonl We will train. Please Cali: 905-693-0900 Full Time Kennel IIelp Must have omn transportation. 7am-2pm. 2pm-7pm Mo-Pi 1Oam 6pm Sat & Sun. Caif: 905-257-5927. Reqired 2-3I Days/WeekI Clang tefCilg Milton Leave message O905-876-3319 Sommer Studeiits Welcome Av g $20+/hr Wentdplypiecewsrk compensation Enumerahion type cott NO EXP NEEDED $500 Pald training To book as interview cati 905-525-5948 GENERAL LABOURERS required lut tîgbt packîvg asnd quulity inspection ut plastics mavufacturîng Iscilfli (Milton/Campbellvill atei Sfnudy shift woîk, $900 $11 00lhr. plus bennîfts. Fax: 905-854-0813 Emtait: ewagg biedermnantca e a o a h di . IL Ir L*) iol C *iSfe GeS ES S1 1 510 ; ' 5,10E PARTý-,'T1ME MERCHANDISERS MtRC To explore. contact Bob at (905) 637-8795

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