The Canadian Champion, Friday May 18, 2007 - 27 r7 e - * e : *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 e Rentais 170-196 a Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchapiolcoml Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 et Help Wanted 500-57 Mon. ta Fri 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad submîssian bp mail or In1 persafi The Caaadiaa Chiampion, 555 laduutrîal Drive, Sîde Doot. 2n4 Fluor, Miltun, ON LgT 5E1 Deodlloos: Mua. il a m_ for Tues. publication, Thurs, il a.m. fot Fni publication. Speciol Feature & Holiday oeuolîaus map oaryp Payment: We accepi coash, chieque, lrîurac, Visa, MauterCard, Amerîcan Express. Ail ados ptaced are non-refondabie and no crédit wiii lie issued Busiaess accoants caa bu opened ailS an approued credif applicatioa avaîlable tram pour Sales Consultant CHECK YOUe AD THE FIRS0 DAY IT RUNS ta eosare the informatioa is correct. Coatact pour Sales Consultant wîthia 24-Heurs if an terroir appears. Ail error an a Fni publication must Se repoed nu later thari Mon. 11i a.m. ENGAGEMENT n ACTON i bedrxxm utîlîties îacluded. Na vV pets. tîrstttast/refei- ences Parking. j Conga tulationslnfinic J axe lt Colt 519-853-1753 au 519 853-1850 t() MILTON cosy t Sali (luit basemeat/ api. Maria Cinistina Freter Na pets/ai: Etnila Gor (Chr smoking. Parking ard Eii or Ciissy) utilities Icue a MILTONth large 8bas v Vvvv~vvvwvIy hI " "'.0CROM a Ripchens oni their enigage E ossFor Sl 11 oe For S ale~ HoueF or Sale E HISTORICAL SINGLE FAMILY P IAES DWELLING FOR SALE BY OWNER (PRICE $1.00) LOCATION; 8574 Boston Chorchill Road, Town of Milton OWNEB.: The Owner, Orlando Corporation is offernn tha baiding for $1.00; bayer is raspon- sîbie for ail rosi of moving the dweiiing off site. DETAILS; 2 Storey Brick hoase but aroond 1978 Dweliîg Sas gîngerbread trîm, fin ceîiing in i 1/2 trame kîtchen wîng Original laiS and piauler, beamo and tim intact Cantains 4 bedrooms aputaîrs. one lobt bedraom aboxe kîtchen and evîdence of a back staîrcase trom sommer kîrchen area *Requîtes restoration tu original condition Sp an înteresied parts *Recent new roof, hrickwors in excellent condit ion HEFIITAGE- -STAlES nor desîgnated ander the Ontario Herîrage Act bat coraioed or the Town ai Miltonos compreheosiur nerîrage anvent ary Christiiar Lapîs Pionner. Deuelopmenîal Reoiew Toma of Miton Tel: 905-878-7252 eot, 2305 Fao: 905-876-5024 Emaîl: Christian. lupis @ m iitorca Com. pecia -et - WORKSHOP- Coantry lu- c ation, N. Barlîngion sait smail basiness or land- * i scaper. 2600sqfB heated. 87 , 3 -908-85896l--- - Milton, 804 Frobisher Blvd. grey brick bungalow on 195 car driveway, tinished ba inground pool. Asking $365 905-875-2033 Oen Ho Bsiness JOB at home. $487.68 $$$$1 Weekip. Aosemble Fr04- $$$$ b arts. Mail or Computer gage Work. Free Details pioyed www.TopJobReview.rom don'tf write CHRJobs: 372 Ri- Ontarîl deau St, #916, Ottawa Corpor ON, KiN 1G7 Ref# Ai5 7799 1800-3515120 0 Frachises 0 *Enormeas strength -Unlimited potential *Unparalleled brand recognition T e moe st a... ment bachelor apart- ment. No pets pre- ierred. fluasmolr ~rd $65/t ail-inclasive turaî'Shed ar unfur- aîshed. 416-666-8758. nei. MILTON Trafai- -nn . garlSteeias 1 112-bdrmn api. Quiet Street, 9 $75Olmth utîlîzes ici Axaîlabie Jane 15ft. IesoFor Sale Cali 416-985-1571. $1200 metS + hydre. 3- bdrm Doantowa Milton Laboya Bergsma's Home Décor. Prefer No pets/no smoking, lt and test. Recentip reno- vated and redecorated, inciades a great deck, on the 3rd floor. P/U appication af 194 Main St. Milton. Aaailabie im- mediateiy. MILTrON 1 -Bedroom basement apartmeni, 3 bedroom, availabie îmmedîatep. deplt~ A/C, 2-appliances, n0 deplt'4 pets preferred, suit abie aement, A/C, for siagle persor 0(00 Evenîngs 905-875- 3418. $775/miS atîiîtîes incladed. MILTON large i & 2- e - bdrm aparimertu, available June 1Sf. From $880lmth + park- Mortgage, iag. Cali 416 723- Loans :ONSOLIOATE ONO Mîoa - ad credif, farc/ mort- bedroom apariment arrears, seif-em- wth loht Avaîlabia 100% Mortgages, Jue1s at 0 pa lyr Program! 878-2326. o-Wide Fînancial atior 1-888-307- MILTON aîceip déco- rated 1-bdrm racludes appi, Avaîlable Joby 151, Cal Cuarad 905 693- 0780 MILTON 1bdrrm bsrmt Aaiabe auy 1s $850mb ac Large bumi bachelor apt. Avaîlable Juae 7th. Franchises O appi 5700 in01] Parkang for b0 Please cai Jody 289 259-5855, I/as re qa red. ACTON Apartmens 1 & 2-bedrooms Franhis avaiable Jaae & auy. evaowng ares Oaclais. Preae ao dugs 519853-4374 Mitn Opea 7 daps/week Same day appruual, wmyreatstar.c MILTON 3-bdrm api. - -stre( Court St. $llOOlmth e 22hydre, aeaîlable Aag/Sept. Rita 416- FOR ran 3 are o bungalow un tO acres an the edga of George- town. 51350/mortS plus utîtities, Axaîlubte Aogost itf Col 5t9- 853-2074 Eut. #101 REDUCED RENT for a 3-bedroom, t 200sq.fI goasihasse le She counatrp, sui of En toi a retîred persun wha is handy and taxes ru dx xutsîde yard mark. Please cati 905-702- 2334 / Sf9-833-2598. Tiwehues lmFor Reol MILTON St ,450/mth + utîlîties. 3-bedroom. 2- car drîxeway + garage. 2ed taxai baieony. Min- oies ix schools, 401. 407, OEW and GO. 6-applianres. 905-299- 1335. MILTON Maiiamp 3- bedroom, tandscapad, wîde lot fowahoma. Fanced back iawn, 2-1/2 batS, 3-appli- ances. $t 300,/mfh. Annela 905-877-7473. 3-EROOM duplex, Park area Georgetown. d-appliances. Off streai parking. $1,200/montS plus ufilîties. Cari 519- 928-3365. GEORGETOWN 3 bed- room fowehoma, axailabta Aprîl t 515 $1,300/month plan utîlîties. Firshilasi/refer- tances, credif check. No smoking/pets. Mariha Summars 905-877- 5165, 1 Flt For Reot DOWNTOWN MILTON MillsideTowers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacios brighl clean 182 bedroomn units wih lauadry facility anîd social room on site Regolar resîdeat evears Open 7 ctaps & eveniegs Cati 995-876-1248 www.reaistar.Ca Gr2t Oppôrtuntt! MILTON Heights 3- bedroom aparimeni fand 600sqJfi office upace. Appliloces. parking and omaîl yard. $2,OOOlrath Fias utîlities and services, Axaîlabia May ltf 905-854- 1687. 010D part of Milton wîth yard, parking', base- ment, iaondry' Fîrst- floor of duplexo, 2-bed room. No pets p re ferred, references re- qaîred. $t.O5Olmth + otilifias, Axaîlabie im- mediateiy. 805-878- 2737. We are now arrepting applications for: 1 bedroom aptes For more information and/or f0 make an appointari.nt 1-BEDROOM George- towr $7bolmonth plus otîlities. New paint, windows, coonter. 0100e and flooring Available Nowî Adoits oaiy. No pets/smoking. Cai 905-450-8517. 1-BEOROOM saites rn hisorieî building ir Rockwood, with gas fiîreplaces srarting a $675/moit plus uiities Cail Elizabeth Doel Johlnson Asso ciates Realltor 905-077 5165ý ACTON 1-bedroon apaîrmeol Asailabr Jane 1sf. 200 Charchi Road, South No pets Caîl 519-853-0087. ACTON 1--bedroonr Available immedîateiî $750lmonth. atilities r' claded NoC pair First/iasttrelerelces re qaired. Caîl 519-853 3877, GEORGETOWN iarg 2-bedroom aparimen Avaîlable July rut. N pets. Cail 905-87 -a-661.- 1------ -- ACTION 2-bedroam aparîmeat MarcS st, $870/moars auriies an cîuded. Qaiet Building. No-pers. 192 Churchill Road Saurh Cal 519- 853-1281 ACTON 2-bedroom aparîmeal May rsr 5080/moarh utllties a- claded. Quiet Buildiagý No-pers, 192 Churchill Road Saurs Cati 519- 853-r281 ACTON 3-bedroum, S850lmoarh plus arilirias. 1 -bedroam $SOOlmarrb plus atîlîtres. Georgetowa 1- bedraum, $700lmaath plus hydra Cal 519- 853-5080 / 519 853- 5352ý ACTON Lakesîde area. 1 -bedroom in quiet lo- cation. 8750/morts er- cludes utîlîties. Frîdge / stoue, parkiag. Non- umokero. Cai 905-703- 0f168/519-853-8423 DOWNT'OWN GEORGETOWN 1-bedroom apurtiments. Newly decoratad. Non- smoker/no pets. From 8790/montS. Flease rail 905-702-3301. DOWNTOWN George- town, large 1-bedroom. $85/montS plas hydro includes appli- ances/parkîag. No smoking/pets crédit check first/last/refer- ences. Araîlable Imme- dîateip. Carli 905-877- 4427. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apart- ments $795/month, SO25lmorth ard 8995/mont. Asaîlable August 15th. IrcIaOea heaf/Sydrolcubla. Park îng extra. Cai 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN 1, and 3-bedruum apart mants $79Slmaath $925lmanfth anc: S95moath. Auailablt îmmediatelp. Include: t heatîhydru/cable. Park îag entra. Cail 905-877 r6563. GEORGETOWN 1 bedraom basemer apartmeat. Verp spa ciaus. brîghl. milS ow e laundrp. parking, sepul aie eatraace, Nu smol îrg/dogs, Avoulable îmr medîatelp. S850lmanit ancladas utîlîties Ca Y.Oreg 416_625-3668. GEORGETOW Bacbelur Basemer apartmeat. ceramic: Excelleat candîtiol - Cleaa, quiet naîghbau e haad. Separate ai t. trarce. Parkîr o axaîlabla. i 7-pets/smoking. 905 e8T . .. @Ju,.6 ..--..- M.lats For Reel GEREON newly rerouated 2-bedruam bright basemeat upart- ment. Applîaacas. laur- drp, parkriag, separate ertrare SObOlmanth plus utîlîries. No smalr angîpets Saitable tir siagle. 905-877-8658. MILTON maia iloor 3- bdrm bungalow close ta m.i Dîck, $1400/mtS inc atîlies & parkiag. Prefer au pets/smokiag. 905-878-9888. MILTON Axaîlabla n0 4-badrsam datche 1-112 bath, fumîlp-roum. Freshlp paîrted, nea Srxadiaoom. 9rs 854- 1023, 95854-2357. MILTON Exerutîve huma,' Black/MrCuaig. Neyer liîed tr, 4-bed- room semi, 2rl15 sqbft 99t rai/ings. braad new appliancas. Avaîlable i m me d ia t elp $1,650/mtb. 416-839- 0383. MILTON 4-bedruom bouse, applianres rn rludad. Near schools. nu pets preferred. $1,450/mth + utilîfies Axaîlable îmmedîatelp. Cuit 647-280-1678. NOTICE: Lueury Home RENTERS Reat ihîs huge home axer $30k in upgrades fixe like a King.> Rent more for les For more info cai 24-hr. tree rerorded msg. 1-866-456-1109 ent#3202. Woalt tant long. Cati aowii RENTERS Whp reof whea pou car xwn? Free list o humas axaîtable wîtf au moaey dxwn unde $1.300. Free recordai message 1-888-634 8406 ID# 2051. Rîgh at Home Reatp t MILTON Trail gar/Steetes trg 4-bdrm quiet Street, $1400 J ici utîtîties. Axaîtab Jofp lst. Cai 416-985 f571, MILTON detacha brîght 4-bdrm, 3-batS roum. t900sq f 6 appt- besîde paîr tshoppiag ma StkSOtmth aegolîabte riutîltbas Cai 416-931 MILTON J bedraoî Sasse aeaî schoolt cor garage. Axaîtab May. St.dOStmtS ahurliies 905-875-3750 N ADULT Style Lîiai it 00-e+ brar s. aew 2-bedroom bu i. gataw. Perfect for Em r- tp Nester's. Watk 1- shopping and medirc tg Na maîntenanc lu $ 5t80 0t/moIn til 3- Axaîlable Jane 1sf. C ... 09-7021-76Q .-.. JAMES Snow Pkwp, frashtp puînted. 2000 rsq.ft.- fînîshed base- ciment, rrownmoutdirg, 3-beidrooms, 20-baths. St 700/mth e uftities. tDoris 905-854-0888. OAKVILLE- 2.3&4 bad- i raum tawnhxuses i axaîtabte îmmedîatetp e throsgh Jstp tstý 4 appr- - onces, Hapadale Malt area, Lakeshuru Manage- CIment 905-876-3336 TOWNHOUSE for rani a.i beautfut Barber Stan kI In Georgetown Gar- gxous 1-bedroom toma- + hume clase tr ait amenîties. Adoît com- monîtp lioirg ontp SPIease eait îbooth4l @cugecoca te or cati 416-791-8716 + Axaîtable Julp tst, id n- MILTON room far rani p- in naw tomahouse, ta shared kîtchar. separ- alt ara bath, park- e. inglufîlîfies înrtuded. t Prufessionais on/p. aIl ABter Spmin 905-699- . - .7&888. --- -----