The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 -Al 3 Looking for relief from the heat? The Direct Energy Teamn s giving you a worry-free year of cool, comfortable temperatures - for one low price. WVith this plan, youlIl receive the following benefits: ýJA tune-up on your air conditioner SThorough inspection of your equipment, ensuring aIl components are operating efficiently SHighly-trained, licensed technicians \YOUTH-FEST: Above, Kye Molnar 14, catches sorte ëi as he competes al the BMX park as part cf Saturday' Youtlh-A-Palooza al L Lons Sports Park. At eft, a group of v teenagers take part n a gamne of Twister at the esent. GRAHAM PAINE ( ANADIA CHAMPiON More Pond Myths Debunked Water in the iandscape is a tiesty e more and more people are choosng esery day. Check back eacfs week as we dispei somne of the cammos myths surrsasdisg tsis Iatest trend sn gardening. Myth 4: Posas need vaily water testisq and correctise treatrsest Fact: If the posd is sot (hersi a lIy- depesdest there's flots sg Io rost for, Motser Nature seaur tests her mater She dooso t ose any sore bought ctiem cals or po)arriaceaticals. Neisher shourd ysa for the mosr EsrtaHorne Services - JrOf Jt o'J rro A~ rj"r, The secret is out! Quality Furniture from Ieading hotels ait incredibly Iow prices Visit our showroom today and discover why our store is becoming the place toi sbop for professional decorators and home owners alike Specialists in Used Fine ilotel Furnishings Monen 1-IQUIDATIOti'S 482 South Service Road East East of Trafalgar South of the QEW 905.815.13 33 lt NO Vi 500 LAURIER AVE MILTON 8AM-10OPM 7 DAYS A WEEK