Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2007, p. 12

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Al12 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2007 frHumanity~ Halton Habitat for Humanity Halton will be building in Georgetown this summer and is now accepting applications for families. INFORMATION SESSIONS for those interested in finding oui about the Home Ownership program wilI be held in: MILTON Ihursday May 249 2007 at 7:00 pmn Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton Call (866) 314-4344 to register! You must attend an information session to get an application form. Nurses in demand: speaker t. tî1aîiii sý liic î'î l stlî ail iltii itltg li ii i i I-a liisas oîîîî iii tIfli 'sg' deux eec ly ReiitclNuises Atssoiciatîion ofl t.Ontaio pi esiclent Mary I 'ergutsoit l',îî- t'ast i icay alternotin Io tire nursinîg staff ai the Maplehurst ( îîrrecîîîîîîal C iitplex antd Vauîeî C entre foîr Wini. Fergcîsîn-Pare stcipped hy Miltonî ti mark Ntursing Week andc recognize lthe ufteu-iîvei- ltîîked wcîrk nurses in cîîrrec- tionial facilities do. lu her îalk entiîled 'Mmnd the G~ap', she tîitk a lcook ai the future oîf thse ntursing proifessîion antI what slîîîtlc ldecîe xoii l rernains strtîng as miaux of the prvnc', ccx exîtrieticecl nurses ireire. Shne said previtisly, nursing jobhs wtiuld draw experieuced applîcatîts antI înly îhîîse wbtî've put in ibeir lime wcîuld gel ici wurk in areas like criticaf care. "Nul auy mure though," she puîuîed ut. "We have a huge issue arud supply sud a big issue arud demaud. Obviously there is a greal ueed aud youre W c l-it, ii i1 (lities Mary Ferguson-Paré anîd pihysiciarts aud tîthers are wîîrkiug lt i aseamless way"- le*rgisiîl'are satd. 'iVe neecl iii thtnk fresh ahbout htîw we shîîîld lie ustug our prtofessitn- aI nursing skiffs." Shie higlîlîgbted thie ueed foîr nmire infoîrmaticon techncltîgy (Il-) supporit tu nursing, ncîtiug îny nurses are îfîeu just car- t'y îîg artînc a peu antI piece ofl paper lii wîîrk titi \Ve'ce sori tif clrmxtg aî hotrse aîîd buggy dtîwn the 401,- shne saicl -Ve dtîu'î have really strtîng informatiton suppcorts." 1-erguson-Pare weut on tî speak abotintihe gap) betweeu flie wcîrk fle qualîîy of nursing leaders sud thcir staff, puiutiug tint that cîfteu therelI be happy nursiug executîves but a belea- guered work force. "We ueed tu be sure the peu- ple in leadership positiuns are iu tuucb wîtb the peuple out prac- tising," she said. 'l o 11 1, iý a , iýII ltet xx (iciL e îtîî ses dcx utc 80 pet- ceiint he tiîue Ioi patient eare aind 20 per- cent tii prîtes,, stiîial develîîpneiit antd men- loiiiîîg tclti is -anitnittiativ e t lî,î baîs dril post iîttive iet i 'Nurîses tii pi ,i.tise îîeed tine lii scfiilit I ai i'ty, she saidi -Il ytiu mx est dtllferently, iii huvu nurses worik, it pays tiff cltown the riîad.- She i.îsî told the nutrses ihat the wttrk they do ai the ctîrrec- ttiînal cenutre ix "hiernic. 1I have abstîlute respect foîr everyîhing yîiu dci," he said. "Yîîure jusi an inspiraion." The recoignithion was 'wel- comîed hy lait Clairte, Maplehtîrst's healîhcare mnanag- er, whii said in the pasi ccirrec- tiîinal nurses wtîrkecl nr relative nnîymîity, "1lie geiteral public anîd tîther nuirse's realîx liait ttle awaieness iii the existence iii nurses iii coîrrctitons," lie sttti fClarke nîîîed hes, pleasecl ihai îîver the pasi coiuple tii years tiîgs have liappenet iti shed stîme lighî on eurreeiional centre nursing, sncb as articles in nursing journals and the' for- mation of an îuîerest group in the Regîstered Nurses Association tif Outario. Melatîie Hcnnesse y cai bc reached ait mhennessey@ýmiltîn- canadianchampion.ctm. MILTON HUGE GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 26, 2007 8am - , ýdof BOYNE COMMUNITY CENTRE Britannia Road & Hwy 25 presented by Omagh Presbyterian Church. Furniture, Bake Table, Refreshments & BBQ. No reasonable offer refuaed. Saleabie itemsi welcome Cail: 905-878-0206 ACTON GARAGE SALE & HOME FURNISHINGS BR/LR/KIT/DR Items Saturday, May 19, 2007 -~ 8am-2pm 143 Cobblehill Road Leather couch, dix ngroom set etc. CAMPBELLVILLE MOVING SALE Saturday, May 19. 2007 8am - 2pm 8541 Guelph Line (N. of 3rd Sideroad) F urnitur e. kilchen stleS. tawn boals. rugs and much more! Milton Movinci Sale 8am -1l2pm 1211 Houston Drive (Derry Rd t0 Miller Way ta Houston> Kida stuff, home decor and more.. MILTON MOVING SALE Saturday, May 19, 2007 8am - Noon 909 Cedarbrae Avenue Many household items, etc. MILTON GARAGE/MOVING SALE Saturday, May 19, 2007 8am - Noon 250 Satok Crescent, #29 Fumiture and so mscti more' MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat May 19 - 8amn 420 Pine St. (across from the libraryl Householo items, bîkes. Tiffany style pool table igh, antiques, chairs & much more. Mîlton GARAGE SALE Sat May 26 8am - Noon 334 Coxe Blvd. Rain or Shine! Milton ESTATE SALE Sat May 19, Sun May 20 & Mon May 21 9amn - 5pm 2151 Southcott Dr. Great Stuff Great Bargainat Acion GARAGE SALE Sat May 19 8amn - Noon 14 Wright Ave. (Nest toithe Legisn) Househotd & sportlng gooda & mach more. MILTON SPRING FLEA MARKET & GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 19, 2007 - am-2pm St. Clair Masonic Hall 6321 Hwy 25 Refreshments avaîlable for sale by Order of the Eastern Star MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 19, 2007 8am - Noon 830 WiIIow Avenue Children's items pool items, books, isys & more. Everything must goi MILTON MOVING SALE Saturday, May 19, 2007 8am - 2pmn 16 King Street Many household items, exercîse equipment, gardes tolis Eveiything must go! Came and see' MILTON YARD SALE Saturday, May 19, 2007 & Sunday, May 20, 2007 8am Start 581 Hayward Crescent MILTON GIANT GARAGE SALE COMMUNIT.Y LIVING NORTH HALTON Saiurday May 26, 2007 8am - l2pm 725 Main Street East For more info:(905) 878-2337 Donations accepted durîsg business hosrs. q

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