Saw somne lives, t[DENI& EIEN< We have everything you need for the Do-It-Yourselfer and Confractor. Store Hours Monday - Friday 7:3Oam - 8:OOpm Saturday 8:OOam - 5:OOpm Sunday 1O:OOam - 4:OOpm 700 Main St. E., Milton 905-78-171 Fax: 905478-025 e Sales & Services e Software & Accessories e On-Site Service *Repair Depot sNetwork Installations *Consulting LEXM 751 Main St. E. Unit 2 8845 (Aaooss krm t6i WO Sain) 905 8845 Mon-Fri 9-5:30 -Sot: 10-2 Fax905 876-1013 4Carafe <I-ine M#akers Fn 's utimate making and igexperience! r Discover the différence ait our fully automated wlne-Makng workehop. It 'grcat ufine - made easy! i 00f f10orb til It Y,,«U( quickiy leais sfi Carfe s su polou PopltShao imeL ois puhase the fore ifs ioShed Bis. CIub oationfs Shfîbos rdy ttcing a growfSi flsi of st sfoied CofOs ooifh great fOOflOg wine af sbstil sainolgs Al products are rînondiioaloOoofostedo pleas Carif osfh is h lgst secisî of on 1,mk inoluîftdliq Viffo 051i Vida, CeIIOf l'a. En [Pimeurf. Mis wiiie ad he OSOfOffffOtlllg Celloftfoif Begins are iB oity failies 10 inutfoesIo gei staifed Carf aiflles carte of yo is frena tion rackina aid fiifsffsg Ye camebackîfin a f weekf tii fiii and cuir yo boit CIsOfiing 0011f fofifs hasffofîoiîîî,. usinq Carfes hfliuo iifOiiioiodfiiii No moif hoiid washisq b0Ilfo ifi C afo pffureshioi standadis and riii îstiy allai tfchnfiques fifOof f101 eacli fiofo is WinsBook fiild iifff ififfffifg ifnter tien ifoiiiOis mine5 descrfiOiptio s i t bao sfn soîps And, yo sb sii b5sf ai fie isseoldfac0ilitW Dons forige , ferok ouf the unfiquf gins, mine5 accesso and suppiefoiiiOhfo rIners s we Carafe es Mîffons ulial fsakisg expSf iesos' Ini Tri bute Of \ GARY VALCHUK SEPT. 27, 1958-JUNE 1, 1996 Dear Ga'1, W7ien I open my eyes in the morning, I think of vou and how you used 10 wrfap your arms around mû and tell me that you loved me. When I look oui in the backyard, I think of you and the time I came home from work only to find the message "I Love You" mowed in the back lawn. WJwn I stand ait/w kitchen sink, I think of you and I miss the way you would sneak up behind me with an unexpected hug. 14'7n I listen 10 music, I think of you and miss dancing with you while you sang Io me. W/zen I watch our babies play hockey, I think of vou looking doumn on themand howyýou must beasfrroud of them asIam. Mmze I ma/w ail t/w decisions for ourfamly, I think of vou and IE try 10 ma/w them as t/zaugh we would have made t/wm together As I watch the boys grow, I think of vou. It bringsmne jov 10 see your uwonderful qualities ini them. Derek bas yourphysique and mannerisms, Adam has Your personalitY. When I think 0f you, Ifeel sof/ortunate to have shared ai least a Part of rny liè iet/i yoni berause J i/ilWasn r y oi o, I wuinYhave 1/zese two pnfé eûtle boys. I/'/lws ou , I ivouldn be t/he si long, independeni persn t/zut I unm loda Y. M1/ think of you ûvûiy day, andnamss Yau muvre thon wfords (ansay. Subnzitted Il: Sophie Valchuk as MADD HALTON/PEEL STR(DES FOR CHANGE r ateuadt yjune 2, 2007- Erindale Park, Mississauga jktt Registration opens at 9:00 am. n- Openmng Cerernonies begin at 10:00 arn. Donit Drive impaired this holiday long weekend- and if *you seie an impaired driver, cail 911 urges MADD Canada I)on 't Let Ti/s Ilappûnet 'f)o u Please Dani't Drink & Drive M[teçAnt Drunk Dng Volunteers always needed.5 HaltonlPeel Chapter 905-844-0096 S e-mail: *AIRPOAT TRANSPORTATION *CORPORATE ACCOUNTS WELCOME *PARCEL SERVICE * RAT RATE AVAUBL TO AIRPOO *24 HR SERVICE BBq atTheI1q b.1I ;Saturday Night ,It FEATURING OUIRTALI BOY Ç ,4P:IA KgI DRINK & DRIVE A10 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 18, 2007 ~~44#4~ 100 NIPISSING ROAD * 9OS-878-2646 (former location of Hogsheacl Brew Club)