Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 2007, p. 5

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 15, 2007 -A5 SPolice zero in on road safety Region to participate in MOE area roads tbis week. Starting today, the Halton Regional Police Service will jçin ils provincial counterparis in Canada Road Safeîy Week efforts - designed bo curh al aspects of aggressive dnivîng and mînimize the damage il causes. Halton's traffie enlorcement îeams wîll be performing impaired driving and seathelt spot checks, as well as running radar in areas known for speed- ing. Tbey'll also continue a pro- gram in wlîich officers take Iii..,l lii andi î-ia , I o' allow patrons to voluntanly test their sobrieîy "This initiative has proven to be an excellent educational tool for the public," said Sergeant Chris Clarke of the lindings of officers participating in this pro- gram. "They know what they have consumed and how they feel. After checking ibeir blood alco- bol on an official police instru- ment many choose to take taxis home." Tbis may he annhiuted to the decline in impaîring dnivîng hcîwecn lasi year and 2005 which dropped 17.3 and 22.4 per cent respectively. On a less encouraging note, Transport Canadas m-ost recent statisîîcs reveal that 2,923 peo- pie were killed in collisions ýon Canadian highways in 2005, whule another 17,529 were sert- ously înjured. Canada's Road Safety Vision 2010 ais 10 bring those num- bers dlown to under 2,100 and 13,000 respectîvely with the next two-and-a-half years. The Region bas throwni is support behînd the Minîsîry of the Environmenl's (MOE) cfforts 10 improve air quality in the Clarkson Airshed area in souîh Halton. A motion t0 that effeet was approved by regional counicîl at ils meeting Wednesday in response 10 a staff report that revealed air pollution levels exceeding Canada-wide stan- dards wcre recently dctected hy moni- toring stations in Oakville. The resulîs come from the MOL's Clarkson Aîrshed Sîudy, whîcb looked ai six air monitoring stations spread throughout southeast Oakville and Mississauga. The MOE bas several tbings planned to continue monitoring the airshed, such as assessîng the conni- bution of vartous emission sources 10 the area, establishing an advisory committee and focusing on ahatement needed to reduce emissions. Council supported having the Region parlîcipate in the committee. A report regarding the Region's next steps on air monitoring is expeet- ed wo go before the planning and pub- lic works commnittee May 24. Board to hire 60 more teachers - f rom SCHOOL on page A3 Es'ery school board in Ontario must muet new PCS paramiters. B'. Septcmher, boardîs must cnscîru 90 pur cent ofl tlieir primian classes (JK to gracIe 3) base 20 stuclunts or lus'. wîîh ihe rumaining 10 pur cent oîf classes bias ing nio more ibain 23 sîicncIs. 1C '- alsut applics ui itîbur giacdes. Jcitior andl iîtici ncciatu ,gradels 4 iii 8) miusi, lia\, c an asverage ofl nio more ibmn 25 stu- dents pet cIa'.'. Education direcior \\vaNvne joudrie ha'. remîndeul trustees and bis senior staff on several occasions thai if they don't meet the mandaîed PCS class sîze ratio îbey will lose minitry fundîng for the teacher in that situation, but will stîl be required 10 offer that class and pay tbe icacher. ie boîard will bu biring arolind 60 îeacbîng staff to mci tbe PCLS requtrmunis. for s'. icl bhe wxsiI1 i cucisu Ininistu'. lioncliiig, More ibian 130 extrai c lassitîoins ssill bu nicclcd. Space is a big c'.nccrn fori boardc admiîîisîratîtrs as" a i cor- gaini ziion of classrooin lacîlittes ssiI1 bu ncussary lii acconno- dlate more claisscs wîîb fecuî sîndenîs. ITbu board sax. fiis mav rec1oire îîucup'. ng classes ibat arc currenîfs' usucl lor airt, music and core French, altbougb those programns would continue 10 be taught "within the regular classroom structure of a school". M,ýore portables will base k' bu uscd in the sbort-tcrmi I lic board bias an excess ofi potiables but mnas havc iii sbofflc Illecm wbic ncudcd. 1 lic botard isý goînig Io aiis su cxisiing si.hoiil liootîcartu' andI nia\, dec' lop altcernativ e utîlu'. loi. sepicoîber 2008 1" mnccti îc l'iLS mnandate, wbich b ay ailuc i tîptional aîîcndancc c boicuý lfii somuc stuilit. I bu board sas per manent additions ici scbools mnay bu the longer-terni solution 10 smnaller class sizes. SOL)RÇE AýTconservao Auitiorty iatnHamo Sorc Protecton(Commriiee -CHAIR flic SoreP SlciIi,' tl oi 'itte 2V I ii', , ,iîîîi to d,,î "1)iitiiiiii ic ,îî't harîî.tî in iý t ,,,.îtan ttetpress in oiiek i i t he ic iii'i ,' in'. t ill vi er ,'ton aios b pî ' nt la î nu ii ]n cuî" tl,p'ii.u it'.ii tonioi ci lAQ.À uuîtt Ken t'. 'h, i i 55i' p ,"...,.'..n puîki (i OH eui~i:ao .À , lt.5092 MILTON GOOD NEIGHBOURS COMMUNITY DAY SATURDAY MAY 5thr 2007 Many thanks to the businesses and organizations that supported a success fui good neighbours communily day. RCOMP pa,,rmalat eai n o pen fre v MILTON M*tlJý LANTIC LRING & DRIVES INC. DONALDS'L-ON, f 1N AN< 9ý1 LC ROU P [IlFriends of thue pý E:vironmnent The Roiatry Club of Milieu THE ~it Canabiau QLlampion FLOWER SHED #£«c»aoe il- The Meat Termin. 11 7163 lth L' ne Mi.tn Ontro SOT 2X Halton Regional Police Milton Hydro Distribution nc. al rvnk.The pepl ofh Annuawno Milton ar eihbur Communitv Dayo1 ura ' Mantribu2008 'MY top 1M1ý FUO #ct"o 1!ýMe. ôWe ýeWee

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