vn.~ 30 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday May 08, 2007 ar Trinng 111re rTini ~e Trainin Caer aer Caees 1cres 1Cm li,!k Wc I 1lIrn TRADES CAREER FOR YOU? Find out at GETI N GEAR, a 12-meek nainee programn for youth ages 17-30 that hetps pas... " Gel bands-on esposare ta a varîety ut skiled trades " Fînd oui wbat pou're good ai mmv int and aptitude assessments " Put togeiber a detaited pont- pîogram action plan for succes e Receive an incume for the entîre 12 weeks Nexi program staris lune 4. dalleus toriînformation session limes ai 905-333-3499, ext. 182 or visit US ai mmm Fvnded by the uoeeîeeîent of anadit ,,!',The Centre ýý kls0eo - & 7'ink.g PET.S$ART f you have a passion for pet are a ratait manager thon MEET YOU NEW BOSS Our ropidly expanding bu (900 stores and growing) perfect place ta combine passion for Pets withi odvoncîng career os ao MANAGEMENT PROFESS For job descriptions and ta PLEASE VISIT US WWW.MONSTER.CA a the keyword "PetSmart' ta ap s and R tinoss is the your oin IONAL. appty, ad enter ply today. [ -LL an ATTM ostosaeas ", arer At H-aiton, we value aur emptoyees, es itla snly thraugh their efforts that we are able Io meet the evotving needs of our custamners. Be recognized for yaur contribution tai Hatton 's successes. hroviding services in public health, social and communily services, and planning and public works, Halton Region is a dynamic arganization in an ever-changing and growing communiy, tacated in the western Greater Toronto Area, MANAGER, WASTEWATER OPERATIONS Yaîîr brcus on besi practîces and contînuous improvement wtt! drive pour sur.cess en maeaging the- Rrilîrns wastewater treaiment operatîons, înctudîng the management of bîosotîds. Wîth a track record of sucress in business management wîthîn the municipal wastemater treaiment field, pou are adepi ai aîîaiyzînij ipc-ratioiial anti financial data. and preparîng annual operatîng budgets. Your expertise is bacined by 1 0 plus pr-ais it riaiiagr-ria nuperience in a municipal envîroement, and registration as a Protessionat Engîneer or Lt-vil IV Mtnistry rot tht Envîrosment Wastewater Certification, A workîng knomledge oi applicable regutations, legîstatîn anti giitlini-5 s necessary, as is experience te biosolîds management. Yoa are a proven leader and team builder w,th exerllernt organîzatton, tarilitation and communication skîlls. This position requires a valîd driver's licence-and a-c(rvs to a retiable vehicte. Please tormard pour current cover mitter and resume, quotîng Competition #PP-177-07, by May 25, 2007, to Human Resource Services. Applîcants wîtt be consîdered based on the information provîded. We thank ail candidates for their inlereal. However, only those selected for ait interview wtt! be contacted g. t . *I 'I mitona.a1a Iamio(, to s, mn a mi KDUK IVUMU'JUVIEIIl I PROGRAM ASSISTANT WVti h ofiof th AO, pou wil perte w a wide range ni supportive dulies, trom gateig iialcim inormation ta maintaining rsk management files, daims databases and incident trackîng spstems. Tbis contract, ta June 25, 2008, wtt! une you applyîng your esceptional communication, organîzationat and data-entry skîlls, as pou scbedule appoîniments and meetings, assînt te establisbîng budgets, prepare letters and dlaims management torms, and process requesîs for insurance certificates, grant applications and A/P and A/R documents. A 2-year dîploma en Business Administration supports your 3v years of office experience, preterabtp in a municipal or legal settîng. A workîng knowledqe of Windows XP, MS Word and Excel, and SAP would be an asset Please tormard pour current cover letter and resame, guotîng Competition # CAO-173-07, bp May 11, 2007, ta Homan Resource Services. Applîcants wtt! be consîdered based on the information provîded We thavit aIl candidates for thiter islerevt. Hswever. se/p gose selecled for a interviev wIl be csslacled. Building Technician 8 aDriers j :DderII Ensure unînlerrupted tenant service in Stoney Creek by assumîng respunnîblity for building B O NS Â *eeu operatîons maintenance and repsîts. Along IR O " FUELS wîth a hîgh schssl dîploma and cumpletion ut a -A ,, specialized technîcat course, psu have une ta lhree pears oI construction, building system op- D R V RS N E E t on or ainenane e-erincea Station- ZD IE S N E E arp Glass lit licence, ni a provincial licence as a carpenter, sheet metal wniiiei. paînter or equivstent. You map be requîred tu paus a securîty clearance. Please apply anlime, quating Ref. # R81 0086, eit sJc is an 'equai vporn ii evîilvvvir *Shift wvork -Average 50 hours/week -Uniform provîded -Benefîts aller 3 manths -Own retiable transportation ta and tram mark a MUST Fax resume with drivers abstract Attn: Ron 905-875-0259 or E-mail: dispatch@brownsfuels.cai No Phono CatIs Please VEHICLE CLERK Duties ta include: *Sales and claim reporting DetOal processing I nventory contrai *Program/rebate administration *5 Star pracesa *Bank cantraci payments *Working directly wîith Management *Reynolds ERA System, MS Excel, Extensive computer skilis *Automatise dealership experience an asset We otter competitîve wages & benetits. Reply in confidence to Phil Ciantar E-mail: sales@ miltonch rysler.comn Fax: 905-878-6553 K;: MIDAS Auto ~puDAS Service Experts Part Time Counter Aute Sers e Exertsn Person Opportunity for selt-motivated, skîlled indivîdual wvith automotive experience, computer literate snd enjoys workîng with the public. We aller an excellent starting sslary, group benefit package and ongoing trsinîng avaîlable. Willing ta train s-tal candidýate. Resumnes can be dropped off at: 420 Steeles Ave. E., Milton, ON., L9T 1Y4 Attention: Steve PARTS/COUINTER PERSON/DRIVER GM esperience preterred. Must have valîd drivers lîcense wîith dlean drîvîng histor. This position allers a great career opportunîty with excellent compensation plan and benefits. Phone, tas or email Brent or Morley Richardson for an inter- viewy appaintment. Richardson Chevrolet Milton Phone: 905-878-2393 Fax: 905-878-4443 Email: FC0*t~ ton YOUTH CARRIERS WANTED Earn Extra $$$ and win cool prizes! If you are înterested in joînîng aur carrier team, please contact Adam. apepler@mî Stvn . eou c .1 ui FORKLIFT OPERATORS - OFFICE -> ~ ,- Ait Shifts A vallabIe -8t . "Local temp ta perm -..Çpositionrs to begin immedlatelyt' 225 ~ Mai St .tut 1958878 ~M letrHolI PERMANENT Fart-Turne Property Maintenance lnleir cîvavnn ut5 Suitable for semi retîred persun. Mon-Fni flam -8:3Oam. Must hase clas 0G' Lîcense. lnterested persans please cati Lucilie 0 519-740-3317 or Fax: 519-740-6663 HORSE FARM MANAGER requîred tai rue 1 00-acre horse farm, Salsrp plus Free Accommoda- tion avaîtable loi esperîenced, bard- work/ng, honeut and competent indîvidual. 416-537-4264 -Experienced FIT Detaiters Drivers Required A.S.A.P. Fax: (905) 875-3741 Cati: Tracy or Tyler (905) 875-0660 Start Immediately Must Fi11 25 Positions $25/hr, Pîecc moîk guaranteed by contraci. Fan lob. Great tPap No Experience Required 416.849.0026 Sheridan Summer Jobs Service Student JOB FAIR Date: Thursday May 101th 2007 Time: 3:00pm-6:3Opm Location: Sheridan Cottage STC, 407 Iroquost Short Rad, Oakvitte For mort information cati: 905-55-9438, est. 8160 ATTENTION Sommer Studento Welcome Avg $20ê-Ihr Weeklpy pîecewsrk compensat ion Enumeratîse type wsrk NO EXP NEEDED $500 Paid training Student scholship omrorms Available for Setember 207 Tu book se interview caI 905-525-5948 *5 S Ouir Milton Clients are so busp. Sak lmmedîatetpl Psy Starts @ $11.50 General Labour -Certified Fork Liit _-GLience D5rivers -Variaus Shitu rm rinm TiWainu 1«A *W gue reezz CaZZr r"-teý where teamwork succeeds At Haiton. we value our employees, as il is only throtigt) theit efforIs thal we are able te, meet the evolving needs of our customers, Be recognized foi votir contubution Io Haflon's successes. Providing services in public heilth, social and cornnunity services, and planning and publie works, Haition Region is a dynarnic organization in an ever- changing and growinq community, located in the western Greater Toronto Area. cail 905-634-4445 m to place '-ýi) adi (ail 905.878.2341 Djt ý!ý21I1p1vi M i Generai Help Garerai lielp i