Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 May 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 4, 2007 OPINION Documentary too convenient? ti'-'eiîc oîragiiîg t bati laltîott(Icltsare lîettig tatigbtt10 ctrettllv coîn-,IdII er tc eus t ri ntii v.bic h tbe\,lise anîd \\1.1ittlIn iice t\it tfile leiictit lîuîlliltllieslets e belliîd. \Vlile lohl w ari ltgi51tng i-,scts, e cer s erva-c 5, litonand a i tpid dc. I niivarions 5speî tes o il xilîle have heen topics ii of icositrt iilassiomliii toicastil ite hype os erthue flmtin AtIttîîîîîîîtî îttali basedcars studcenis and parett s t etlly t lktngab thttie condition iiotti great planet. Foirmîer t.S.r vice ut estîlett AI Gintelias teeti ln a whirl- wtind public relations totir ptcbtng is cscar-sxiiîing titck. Thbe politîctati tcîirrtecl- etîstrontiiental ac tivisi 55as nii liii it Sattcrclas wbleti lie piniticed lin Cttawxs ctiniati cbainge stîattcgs desci rbtng il as a "total ltaiîd. tts ý,alWavsiasv 10 sit nittbe rtics seat (lete(1ite-C110W linds htnsell) 0 55ile i,,t em-arks malse loii goic ce, one wonclers svlis thîs lformer scnc-îs .e tlmain n tbe i. M'v.as flot as svocal v initifi îce 01w totisîs inpressec withthue message liti (ore's dcec inceitarc ,ltons tîsx o sebool botrds are gtvtng teachrers i (,rades'7 to t12 stcdents tbe ippirttnitt tii tlze Dl)s id Ant Itt itiiettnt i thît.ancl tbe îc coitparsiîg book v.rîttiti bs (.ore. nituthetî clatssroonis, t -n\,troiiiental coiinpativ SuiOpta. liîcated oun the 1I itont l-ill/Braiipîot border, donatcl 60 spectîl ecltîtîn dccs tii the boards. List v.eek 900 sttaderts Iron eîgit 1public ancl une C atboltc scbcicd attended a screenttig of poîrtions ofiibs iîtc b-talked about docutiientarv cîuresy id SunOpta. "As a cotipans tlat is strcitgls coînîîîîtted tir liealtbv atnd sustaînable lîsitg, vxseet tat educatîtîg iur smntitbin titis all-itipîirtatt ret s integral tir uur future," s 'iunCtpta Cbaîr jereînv Kendalloth te cîiinpîany s v. elîsîte SunOîrta contsîdet s tsell a large player ti tbe nattiral, organi and spectaîts loods bustness as v.ell as alternate [lcies. 1lie flîlîs vebsite bts direct links iii ettiatol liasecl el cars. Is tt any wiinder tbat itis burgeîîîîng green business is a propoient of[ An minotîvenient Tth? Ytes, il ts crtttcal lin debate cltmate cbange. 'tes, it is crtîcal tb change our ,Nasteful hiabits. Hossexer, it is just as critical tii ensure Haltînn students receive a 'global' perspective on ts tssute and not îust use Gores documnentary as a convenient I education totîl. Readers Write E- mail your letters to mitoneal@haltonsearccom. Offloading delays quite concerning DEAR EDITOR: 1 flic Chbampions, April 20aril about offloading dclay's ai our hospital and a lack l, fivaîlabli paraieit ambulances should ring alti ni bells iii every laton politictan and residetît. fitis prohlemi is a glaring stgn ot- 10 rapid regional growtb. t hc tact thiat offliîadtng delay's are creeping into Halton hospitals is evidence thai resources arc betng stnipped [romn our energency medical servces and hosppt tiI tacilities. i ith ti p of a larger hecaltliciare-prîrllem iicelerg ihiat i v.i spili oser 10 ex ery Halionlitospital. l)lfload delays arc noi uniqute by natture, onîstIoe tir altoti \Vc can no longer ignoîre or he immune tir thîs prohleni. It exists in rnany Caniadian urban centres succ as Brampton, Mississauga. Ottawa, tCalgary, Idmonton, Toronto and Vancouver. Pattents i these areas cani waittront *see TRANSFER on page A7 ~Edtrsdesk You really don't need as much stuf as you might think 11w tlioChampirioni is py roudda sPQsoor> Halon Healihcae 1 1 Well i's May and the Champions editorial department hasn't yet made it 10 our new temporary office on Industrial Drive. But were wth you in spirit. Very scion, howevcr. we will be back in town followîng late Februarys massive fire that sent our journalists to our sister news- paper, the Oakville Beover. The hold-up is recetvlng and setting up our work stations. One tbîng 1 leamed rom the ire is that there rcally are a lot of tings we keep that we really dont neeci. They may come in itandy at some point, but in a pincb, you really dont need tbemn. I thought I had lost almost everytbing due to the lire, but recently I learned that much of mny paperwork and documents bad been recovered and stored for possible re[urbish- ing. However, the cost involved in resoring tbemn from the smoke and/or water damage didnt really make sense considering 1 could regain most of the documents from the Internet, our bead office or other departments and co-workers if 1 ~ really needed them. 1 also had many books that 1 hadn't looked at in years so when it came down 10 it, they just werent worth saving. The papers/files I did decide to keep~~ mostly centred around upcoming special projects for which mucit of the work had already been donc. Speaking of witich, as the Championi isnt letting up on any projects planned prior to the ire, Id like to inform you about some upcoming features. Leading up t0 the Town's I 5th anniver- sary in june, we will be running a series fea- turing many of the people who bave helped shape this town and are still here to tell us about it. 'm not going te, give away the iden- tities of the chosen ones but l'in sure some names and faces bave alrcady come to mnd. In conjunction with the anniversary wc will also bc run- ning a special section, created in ~4 partnersitip wîîb the Milton Historical Society, celebrating k, Mtons accomplishments. And while w'e're on the topic of our town's past, miany resi- dents will be happy to know the bound book eopies of the Champion, dating back to the late i1800s, were recovercd [rom the fîre. Thanks for asking, and reading. Karen Miceli can be reached at miltoned@halîonsearch.com. UNTED WAY OF MILON TVAUCTION MI LON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYMCA ShLoweasc mittilon' SAwardî 'Rbe Qanabîan <JJam pion Mis n,,Cinri ly Sevspap,r c e1860 555 tndustnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Ectutoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-878-3187 Ctassified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vww miltoncanadtanchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Weoiy MNýýab Managing Editor Kai r ýIIceI! Production Manager 'Iti iColes Circulation Manager Cliu r-pne Hall Office Manager Tpr Casas Tthe Canadian Champion, pubtished every Tuesday and Fniday, ts a divition of Metrotand Media Group Ltd. - Group Pubtither tan Oliver. Adeti sgi s racepied ose cnite itt n t o hie eet il t tvpoqraphtiaerwoltat portieon tte tdvettîtîopace ooupied h1 thie Protemuoitem togethet t, hta reasoorîle îllowanceîfor ligna t rc i i o tî hrgelfo buttthe balance of theîdetrosemrît ii ne paulfot a! th, îîplioththfIIrate Npoilttoisher ite th ihi ategonzte idveiîoseîets or droite CCAB Audited ýocn OntrioCîmmity AO Ia Newspaperîs Assocaion C NA Cinidiai itmmuneg Neroîpaper Associatitn itohîrban Newîpîperî of Ametîca

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