PenningtonsI holds drive for shelter Metheirs )ay ts fast appt eaclsng. but not ltmotns wilI bu surrounded hw at le'tng famtily and ft tends. Sotee itke these atlaiton \\ oeic's P'lace, wtll bc br5svely struggltng te get tlheir fixes bacl< en traclk. Penningtens at the Mlton ( ressreads shopping centre on Steeles Avenue ts boping te tuiake the lives ef these women jusi a uite bit brgbîer, itb its upceming clorhing and sup- plies drive 1er the shehter in henour et Mothers Day. Frem next Iriday te Sunday, May 13, residents are invited te drop off new or gentlv used wornen's and children's clothing, as well as food, cleantng sup- plies, slippers, baby items, diapers, shamnposoap and craft supplies. McHappy Day Wednesday tunjoy a Mcf)enafd s rneaf whife bielptng eut a geed cause \'dnsa a the restaurant chbitu cclebrt tIcs ts attutal McHiappx Dayx l'lie event \vif sec SI f foi uthe sf et every McMufltn sandwich, H-appy Nical and Bg Mac sandwitchb dnated te Mittn Dtstrict Hospitaf and cildrens- charittes across C anada. As part et the fundraiser day. local community leaders wl bc behind the counter serving up food te customers. Beth Mlton McDonalds - one on Market Drive and the other inside Wal- Mart on Steeles Avenue - wifl be par- ticipating tn Mcllappy Day. ,,Students stage trial in contest Local students took the stand yester- day in the thtrd annual nock trial cern- petition aithte Milton courtbectse. Feur teamns from eacb et [iltons schoof boards parttcipated ti tbe regional cotnipetitttn that was pfanned by the Ilaiton Legai Public Fclucatten Coilrtntttee. The case trted tnvoived a charge of scconcf-degrec mctrclcr. xx ttbpoints awý,arded basecl on the presetîtatton et evýidence. -icbu vent vas spensorcd bv the Ilaiton Bar Assocatien ancl Ontaro jucstice f cucatteti Nctwe-rfs +Canadian Red Cross ÇAN youGIVE R ~$OMEQNE ALIFr. Reos dves ht se in efld gefftomedtcal ppoflfmmfts, od cy programs unfd ofler tvfes VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWNAYS NEEDED CALL US -ro LEAMHMOW >UCAN H"P. (905)875-1459 .5 arn s W 29,988 Bls~**4 5.55*45' *ssi * Sp~d 5*4*455555*5 33JI***~ 454 25.988* wt s20,988 w388 - 545*5*5 ***45'CD 5X44X4, 8 t o; C b. SW55' 440450* 444p 4 55* 4*505 3*555 55L54545>4 Wh ,Cube S444*i*4*ce.d15451*g 414 s 439988* white .4 *5*4*.P455 5454. MOIW00 . DAY DAY M POWERTRAIN COMPREHENSrVE EXCHAIGE7 VEIRIFIED S1IM OM UMON-THURS. 9 -9PM, FR1.9 -6PM, SAT9 -6PM SERVCEI1PARTMON.-THURS. 8 -6PM, FR1.8 -5PM 1196 STEELES AVE. EAST - MINS. FRON HVI7 401 - MILTON . ..........9 05 *»8 7 & 2 8 3 8 The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 4, 2007- B17