The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 4, 2007 - B13 CdanadiRedCoss Unfortunately, cheaters do sometimes prosper *:nioredr1 You'rc nl che ttng yourseIf. tng the puzzle because its been tatnted. and they re not always cheattng themn causes of death nly combined !100 iv unt hc h c Tous a Red Cross' pe.bI h ici i y clgtlt.U issti>Lia Yet, sometimes cheaiers do in fact prosper. Du ring a recent NHV playofi game there was a controversy when the dlock diînt stant on time and one of the îeams nianaged to score a goal witb less than a second rernaining. Much of the discussion in tbe media chalked it up to huinan error. I hiad to laogb at that conclusion. i did the une dlock for man N'cars for' several diii erenit ktds' hockey teams wben the borne tear was responsible for scorekeeping. its an easN, process. Wben the puck drops, you start the dlock, wbien the whîstle blows you stop it. Your band is constantly on the switch, s0 its noi a dîfficuli job îo do rigbt hy any stretch of the imagination. Now my reaction urne would sorne- ârnes fluctuate rnseriously depend- îng on the score and how inuch ime was remaining in the period or the garne. fi rnghî have been only a second or a fraction of a second, and it nieyer affected the outcomne of' a gaine, but that doesnt excuse the fact that it was a forrn of cbeaîing. The rationalization. of course. ts that the other îeamis did it too, or sbouid base i tbeyv sere smart enougb or ds i- ous enougbi. TNoNv 1 ,Nouldnt cheat ai thîngs for mvy own-i bencfit - as if that makes ev erv\tfing okay. f neser cheat ai golf becaîse mv scores are so htgb it sxiuld- u t make atwy lifferecic Not ai crcs. cither Okay, once it vvas a gane of stnip poker xsbet 1 was a teenager. and 1 wanted one particular girl to lose. 1 donit 1ccl too badly about tbat. You play strip poker, you îakc yocir chances. Now real poker as an aîcult. lin not so suie if thîs is cbcatîng or taktng advantage of sorneone elses stupidty Sornetimes people like 10 wear suni- glasses to bide îbcîr eycs. -Dl ,- ~ - , So cbeaters do somnetiînes -prosper sîrîp poker. aAl loose Soinetimes those suniglasses are the mnirror type. And sometîmes their cards reflecti mto iheir glasses. Okav. andi somnctimes I sec thein, Not myý fauli. A lot oif people dont nmmd cheating a utility or satellite or cable proiders. in fact, how yott hear people ialk - it-s tbcir God-given rght. Not me, ol course, mostly because l'inflot smart enough, but some of the charges they make us pay are so ridiculous people feel iî serves them night. I dont remember ever cheating on exaîns or tests back when I was in school, but if someone bad offered mie a foolproof way not to get caugbt I would have considered f t. Just constd- ered it. Once I w'as accttsed hy a teachet of cbeaîing in high scbool wben I wasn. fie had no proof otfîci than a suspicion of plagtarin and gave nie a failing grade. Wbcn I iook it to a htgher auîhortty they fost backed the teacher. Still bitter about that. i think if soincone continuallv cheats ai sornething - except mnayhe those East i,,rnan swtniners who used to ss în ail the tne -tbey will ex entctallv gel caugbi. Bot tasnot likely 10 ober themn as mnuch as those who cheai once or just a couple urnes anid iben bave to ticaf xih feelings of gilt. 1 dont imagine îbeîes rinucb of a feeling of accornplisbmieni wlen somne- onecheliats to win soinetiig. 1 sorie- tnies loiok at the answer to a crossword or sudoku puzzle because lin dytng to know. But, wben 1 do, i dont bother finish- IiIwý rDJ 1i u&rRj4W !NmEN.IAsk us o M çTt ountryDqt *~ 4 e e 28 bronu eSt NI 1 ""m2391 This show Milton how much cmeeuns to you N\ Feature her picture on our For only $50.00 you can place a full colour photo of your mom and a Happy Mothers vDay message. Wohat s a gai Youe the les> mom in the whole Moihes Daygifi wide woud' from the hearil Love, Bobby and Sosie (max 25 words, acual Siza 2"2) 'IlleTo pace youiî ad please contact: Th. Canadian Champion, 555 Industrial Dr. 2nd Floor, Milton L9T 5E1l Phono: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905476-2364 Emali: claslfedOmltoncarndialchamplofl.COi Ail &da muai b. uceived by1 Dtoaon Thura May 10, 2007 Vour namnewdt b. antored imou a S draw for aaFREE bouqluet of flowens. j Landlctpe IIHeatth Canada