The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 4, 2007 - A23 "The business that considers itseif immune to the necessity for adverlising sooner or lter -finds isel immune to business." GRAHAM PAINE I CANADIAN CHAMPION ON THE EDGE: Abave eft, Lndsay Mndenhall struts her stuf an the way ta thrd-place honours in the Junior Bronze 'B' Freeskate durng Sundays club campetrolon. She was alsa ane of several multî- wîinnîng skaters on the day, frnshrng frst rn bath the Junior Bronze Elements and Junior Slver Dance. Above rîght, Katîe Presner skates ta thîrd in Senîor Bronze Elements. She was also second în bath the Senior Bronze Freeskate and Senior Slver Dance.Othen multi-event wînners ncluded Thyra Anderson, Chae-Lynn Baley, Katlyn Bell, hayleîgh Bell, JulIa Cenedese, Danielle Clarke, Camîla Correia, Tabtha Glles, Jordyn Harper, Gîna McNeîll, Mackenzie Phelps and Shawn Shubatah. The Mliton Farm CRATSHOW *Over 120 îuried crafts people In the Great Gambrel Barnn r The Aberodoyle Town Halland Individual Exhibitor lents * Handmade quality Satj.a uù * Superior workmanship 4tdybSna * Great gi ideas for Mom 9am a * Country decorating atit'is best Aut 50 * Live enteriainmeni Chidren Under 12 FIEE * Beautiful Spring location P~ qFE * Food Available0 COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Call958885 1 1 Iliii i I LOCATION: Chrrs Hadfield PS. DATES: Session 1: Monday July 9 - Piday July 13 Corent Grade 5 and 6 Beys and Girls Lead lnsrscîsn Ms. Kelly Hooper Sessonte2 Moday Joty 16- Frrday July 20 Cornent Grade 7 and 8 Boys and Girls Lead Instructor Brian Schroder TIMES: FEE: Camp stato 000900 a.m. and ends 31 3:30 p.m. $20000 (Tas yeceiyrys aili Se pnovîded) " Irclodes Raw-lngs Basketball and T-Shirt and Storts " Daly and Weekly Pres " Crgagîng ard eaperienced Assistant InttsIO1 " Maaimum 20 partcipants per sessîrîl You 're REGISTRATION FORMS: Please rlewnlsad rse r nwebsite i thee"Handouts' folder Iettp:Aeenteteanz.coml/rrltoerradddawgs MAL FORMS and FEES TO: MitoseYoth Basketball 420 Maie St ElSuite #558 Milton ON L9T5G3 For eeore informeation contact Bnian Schroder: Phoet: (905) 691-1675 Emeail: achroderbj@hoteeail.csee 0 nvi Milin- you'te înviied I tîtenod Roxuls (ommurniy OpenîHouse. (Ornea, o, î ornt il obout our fiew expanîsion Ond how il wilI benefil ytoaîl coomiiuty. Roxul xecutîves will be avuiable Io oswer ail your q an n. -il- l oio ill ; iîd enjoy, Produd tiEtSIetOiû *Comphîneîotae8 {otîd nd Loverage *Milton Fru Depriment dispittys for the 'Kîds Roxul's Community Open House 551 Harrop Drive Saturdav, May 5, 2007 10:00 amn until 4:00 pm naL n 41--. -- a àýý MIUON YOUTH BASKETRALL "MADD DAWGS" http -//www. ete a mz. co m/m i Iton m ad d dawg s 7 Costly Home Seller Mistakes Free Report Visit: 13 Sices Or Teni Lyn Rlson, Renax Real Estate Centre, 905-878-7777 1236 hmekDr., Teri Lyrr Hson, Rema Real Erate Centre, 905-878-7777 3%6 RalyelveCee, $47908 Jack MoCruddn, Reman Real Bsatae Centre, 905-878-7777 14 pn ,814 Cabot Tri Ryan Crane, Rernax eaty Speciaists, 905-827-3434 3800 Mcabb Cres, $330,900 Vils Cosertîro, Venture Park Rea Estate, 416-822-0148 1.4er, 5m MUWO yw, $419,900 Moika Wattr, Hosel Reponse 416-721-4408 1416 aCmeeCe Mike Saracni. Rernae Reahly Spec.- 805-828-3434 1599 RameaseCes, $384M0 Gosha Traski, Net More Real Estateý 416-559-706 lUNaY AY6-24P 258 Caves Court 859,000 Lloyd Moore. Remax Real Boate Cetre 905-787777 116 8eeder Lam, 939,89 Barb Krg, Renta Rerl! tte Centre, 905878-7777 1902 Steves Ave, Wi, $749,900 Canole Bdwothfi Royal Lepage Meadowtowre, 905-878-8101 46 Ane Bled Kim Sort Royal Lepage Meadoowre, 805-878-8101 53 W4ile Dr. Brt Crowe. Royal Lepage Meadotture 905-878-8101 788 Secerd Cr $5280 Bars Laleche, Royal Lepage Madowtssre, 905878-8108 595 CaveelrlCes, 935290 Jodi Les Royal Lepage Meracl auone, 905-878-8101 11126 Dblb Le, ABooe $MX0 Kmn Coahter Royal Lepage Meadovtowre, 905-878-8101 4110 Coeeesbe 11,$599»700 Beaeriy Froch, emxReley!tte Cetre 905-878-7777 300 ValeyviveCes, $49,900 Jack McCrudder. erner Real Este Centre, 905878-777 1028 EageeRd, $M,« Terry Kochanowsnki, Rerner Real Bsaatertre, 905-878-7777 923 Feruson Cone Proro Royal Lepage Meadotowre, 905878-8181 788 Secerd Cg, 8351900 BrioLalecre Rayai Lepaga Medoatonr 905-878-8101 380 mc9aaitCes, 936,900 7,10 osaliro, Vnure ParRer! Btate, 416-822-0148 8 MaecB Ces, Guelph, $276,9N0 Mirela Marsmai Royal Lepage Meadoa7owre, 905-878-8001 r-9pin, 5889 849er Way, $419,9N0 Monka Walc o hoie lfe Rerporse 416-721-4408 12-2pr, 1416 Crzier Ces M e Smaini Perao Really So9075-828-3434 1599 amsaveCreea, 93,900 Oseur T-aan 5 ptMoe Real Eoîalee 416-559-'(04