k -~ tc sommunity Newspapei since 1 OAPPLE Auto Accessorles Uphostery Repaîrs Windsheld Repairs *781 MAIN ST. #1 & 2, MILTON 876-4785 N EWvS Pollution levels exceed standards SP0 HT S A&1~ Ontario silver lining Couple's workD for hockey duo fatured at ROM mwwkarenfiweO- S 5 isfrcaiadtaichampion con~ \NeYVr shale quarry close~ to approval Hanson fhick proposai suppoi4eil 6y coinmlittec By Nk1Ini~e ilefnessey CANAIPAI kHAMPION STAFF lsbecît , t:eriluthe imakîng, but 1 lanson Brtt rîp<1 for a ness sb ale quarrs ni5IIr1t hcm fifralîs reacled a point for îpt\lis' the Regtoit At ils itllt1g \Ve(-tclsas aller- noon I laltII s Flatnting anc1 public works coitt(' ii-,tiliported at, Official Plan ainenIlltt5It ai ould establtsb a nev\N area of îji1t riursource extraction on a 95 jce ti' t1o~f land on the souîb sîde of 1Nis Sýidcruad' west of Tremnaîne RtsaJ, 1so)rcertig Milton and Oakville. -[be pr0PAseO' 5 was fîrsi put forw'ard Iin 2003 aiîdl Uý 'r itîce been tbrougb rîg- orous ,tiltŽ 'c tcss 5;, negotiattons and public iliiti'-igs \\ bîle the 1i ttkNetg )olto Associattoti «ýI r fe t 1cgbt farn- iltes 's bo five î<kîthe' site -tttttial IN. opp1os',CJl Fi' IPlaît tts ,()lctttor Peîer Pîickfield t011 Itl' t tiritilce tIhe groul) n inov\ rcaJy I'i) tlrji s objectitons. GRAHAM PAINE i ANADIAN CHAMPION 1lie expl'dtîie cgroup bas eauclid WHAT A KICK: Two-year-old Adam Griffu takes a big kck ai the football wrsle beîng encouraged by Argo an5 agreeltti \issth Ilanson ibat, Blue Thunder cheereader Tanya at Mlton Mali Saturday t was part of the Toronto Argoflauts Maliltour featur- arnongst oîitbte ttrgs. commînts tbe ng an autograph session wth some of the players, as weII as a football skrils nteractive area. comipan, 'te çIo c\ itltig a pus ýate comn mctnal ss'ater aOtsŽîu 10Sers ici ibe resi- Gore's film is now a resource for sehools By Tim Whitnell SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION An Academv Assvard-winning docurnenîarv tbaî suggesis global warrming is a man -made enisis and on the tise- a declaraton ibat bas is vocal proponenisý andI deiraciors - îs beîng sboxs'ni to studenisnin 1 laton and ts available as resoirce nsiaiertal for in-cf ass instruction. LasI .vùeck about (MO grade.,s- to 12 stu- dents froins cglit puiblic and oneti.'Calii scbool nii laton atîended a scrîleiing of por- ions of former U.S. vice-president AI (îore's weIkosnfilm Xiiliii <limt'<iictit Titiî. Th Fi alion Dstrnci Sebool Bioard says the îwvo sceenîngs of thee mosie ai Central Higb Sebool iBurlingtoiî were întended to educate sti.dents on c linsate chFange - specificalîs the impact of greethioise gas emtsstoiîs lke tar- bion tîtoxîdec sa îng on the acteleratecl R"EP RSM S varustng of tbe lC0i' -'[Iciîtîf t110ht\s o Fat stuidenis can do iv îffîî't is impacts. Ai tbe screerln ol5 tt rquestotins or offe ethIei-observw' ti x re cPeter I os ,cheief conservation offilm I ýTl0 'tanio ouldool ensvi- ronnisenial ecltitalAi I'Aio'kîid' C rctse of I toNextis, a t K lt51, f ot-for-profît public inîcrest researef h11 î:liistîi n s tnt \x atfidog, Ron, Biille ill <ic. c o rdttoitol Scit .-see BUFlN&TýN on page A14 dients, that could bie affectcd by quarry- tng olîrattons.\Weil vatcr lbas heen the ses' t otit'rn foi the group- Pickfield said the associattin has no problen wih the Region approving the offictal Plan amendment- ,steve 1-uckett of lanison Brick also addressed the conmitîec. 1le said the coiptnylbas huit a strong reputation in the indusîrs as a quality manufactur- cr of the 'bufi' bnick tbat cornes from Burlington. iThis producti an he found in many of our local scbools and buildings,' he satd, 'Burlington buff brick is irufy unique." lanson's curreni supPlY of shale that produce tbe buff brick is exhIaust- cd, but tbe new site will belp i contin- ue prodlucing tbe popular produci. Luckett alst> poînted out ibat an excellent relattonsbip bas grown Fcîseen lanson and its neighbours, s ee PROVINCE on page A ILn0ji de Today's Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A26 DATELINE B20 REAL EsTATE C 'riLSae www.miltontoyota.com 3 DAYS ONLYI Vduy ma 10, Fr1. May 11. &SM.. May 12 1